Restricted/No-Rehire Status. Will it be lifted?


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I will start from the beginning. I did the Fall 2008 CareerStart Program and being 18, and new to the professional work field. I made mistakes. I didn't realize joking with co castmembers could get me reported for sexual harassment but it did. Never actually assaulted anyone, but I take full responsibility. I would joke with a guy, and i slapped my friends behind. I am not sure who reported me, but then I called in and got a reprimand. I worked QSFB then transferred to Merch. I worked in DTD and was very un-happy. During my program I was struck with appendicitis and decided after the being out of work for 2 weeks I would self terminate. I did not just up and leave, I believe I gave them notice. The woman on the phone told me I would be restricted for 6 months or show you held working for 6 months at least whether it be one job or more? When I called the program woman she said she would write medical for the reason.

Here it is over a year later, and I am soon to be 20. I applied the 2010 spring advantage/spring college program. The dream has always been entertainment and I really feel I have a chance. I had my interview and was told nothing, then a week later I was told I am a restricted/no-rehire. I filled out the paper work and poured my heart and soul into my answer. My work experience has been pretty consistent, a few jobs were like seasonal, or a show that I was paid for. Do you have to hold a job for 6 months? Could showing I worked somewhere and now currently returned count?

I am so nervous because I am dreaming to get my second chance. I did what I had to, sent the rehire papers back immediately

My questions are, does anyone have a good idea of what to expect? Is there a chance I can be hired for this college program since it's so early and do I get an interview asking me about this? What is Disney looking for? Also I was told I can still audition for character performer as I was invited to audition. I remember being told something about even if I am restricted or something, if Disney wants me they will fight for me.

Please my mind, and heart are going crazy and I just want to know should I assume that my status will remain, or is it a good chance Disney will let me try for my dream again?

Thanks for any help


New Member
Honestly, I doubt you will get rehired if you were reported for sexual harassment - it is NOT okay to slap any of your coworker's butts, even if you are joking, you have no right to touch someone in a personal area like that. Obviously they felt that their personal space was invaded. Disney can be pretty lax about people who had frequent absences or self-termed, but I doubt they'll rehire someone with sexual harassment on their record.


Well-Known Member
Does the orientation program contain educational material for sexual harassment? Most companies I know of do.

I'm required to take a refresher course (computer based training with quiz at the end) every year.

Never actually assaulted anyone

FYI, sexual harrasment can be verbal too.


Honestly depends what was the basis of your restricted/no-rehire status was. If it simply because of self-terming (which would be the case commonly for a restricted rehire status) then the odds are about even. Having said that however, if their basis for your rehire code (especially if it is "no") is for sexual harassment, you can basically forget it. Disney doesn't take infractions like those jokingly - and the topic is discussed in some detail (as you may remember) during on-boarding/Traditions.

Even if it is the former (obviously preferred) your previous record card will still have the entries related to the incidents you mention, and they can and do use them for hiring decisions. You're not out of the running, but I will say this much: even if you can write off your past experiences as a youthful indiscretion, they still will have a meaningful impact looking forward. That applies in life just as much as it does Disney.

captain marvel1

New Member
call 407-824-2222 thats disney operater have them put you through to disney corporate relations and explain them your dilemia if your willing to be on a leash which means someone will be watching you at all times than your ok.


Well-Known Member
You will get rehired....I wouldn't sweat on it. This coming from a college program alum x 2.

I would go in person, wearing professional dress, and go to casting a talk directly to a rep and plead your case.

Now, I know someone who was terminated in 2006 for theft of over $2000 in merchandise and was caught red handed. He was rehired in 2007 and works there to this day.


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Thanks guys I really hope so, I know what I did was wrong and I wrote I took full responsibility. I live in MD so Orlando is not somewhere I can just get to, or I would have gone in person.

I spoke to my supervisor about wanting to come for the 2010 fall program and she told me my reprimands were not that serious, and if they ask her she will tell them she supports me coming back.

The reason I self termed was the surgery, I was not fired, i left the program on my own.


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= Obviously they felt that their personal space was invaded.

I talked to her she swore it wasn't her that told, apparently it was one of our co cast members who had no part of it, but regardless I was wrong


Active Member
You will get rehired....I wouldn't sweat on it. This coming from a college program alum x 2.

I would go in person, wearing professional dress, and go to casting a talk directly to a rep and plead your case.

Now, I know someone who was terminated in 2006 for theft of over $2000 in merchandise and was caught red handed. He was rehired in 2007 and works there to this day.

This is so aggravating when individuals like this get 2nd chances and I'm desperately chasing my dream to break into the company and just get offered a single opportunity to prove myself.


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I believe some things are less understandable of others but I know I messed up in the company and want to prove myself that I will and am much better than I was before. This is a big dream for me, I pray Disney realizes it's been almost 2 years, and see's I am ready to return. I am praying and believing in PURPLE! °o° <3


New Member
Restricted Rehire = Must be employed for 6 consecutive months with one company. You must also have a nearly impeccible attendance record with said company. And yes, they will contact the company and ask.

No rehire usually = two consecutive years of non-rehirable status.

My advice? File grievances and go to auditions. If you really wow them, they will fight for you. Can't hurt :wave:

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