Resorts! Resorts! Resorts!

real mad hatter

Well-Known Member
Good Morning Everyone. Last night in my local with the lads. The subject of WDW popped up..I was asked about how does one go about choosing which Disney resort to stay at.? Well for me it's all about the mighty dollar.How much am I willing to spend on a 14 night vacation.Once I get that target in my mind,I then look at the resorts which are in my price range.But I'am interested in how other people choose their resort.? Now if this has been discussed by me or anyone recently on here,I do apologise. So over to you Disney fans.;)


Well-Known Member
Pretty much choose the resort for the price and theme that we love. We have been staying at POR/POFQ the past 5 trips to WDW. I think the price is just right for what you get at a moderate resort. The grounds and atmosphere at these two resorts are amazing and we love having the boat to DTD. I also think they are in a great location.. the bus rides to the parks are pretty short, except for AK. I would love to stay at a Deluxe resort someday, but I just can't justify those prices.. they are outrageous! So eating a meal at those does the deed and we at least get to visit them! :)
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Well-Known Member
We like to try different resorts, so we usually pick one by Epcot (love the ability to walk to two parks). We also like to do split stays, so our second resort (sometimes we stay at three on a sinlge trip) might be somewhere new or somewhere we have only stayed once. This July, we have YC planned for 7 days (its our favorite Epcot resort), and Riverside (only did princess rooms once). However, if AP room only offers come out, we may switch week two to FQ or a MK resort.
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Carey Poppins - Nanny and Disney Enthusiest
Good Morning Everyone. Last night in my local with the lads. The subject of WDW popped up..I was asked about how does one go about choosing which Disney resort to stay at.? Well for me it's all about the mighty dollar.How much am I willing to spend on a 14 night vacation.Once I get that target in my mind,I then look at the resorts which are in my price range.But I'am interested in how other people choose their resort.? Now if this has been discussed by me or anyone recently on here,I do apologise. So over to you Disney fans.;)

Well, before we go, we usually always want to stay at a Deluxe resort. And usually on our last trip, we chat about where to stay next. So we start by looking at which Deluxes fall into our budget and choosing from there. On our September trip last year, we had chosen Poly but realized that the budget didn't come together the way we had hoped. So we started to consider Moderate resorts and from there, we made our decision based on the theme of the resort. I always love your questions. :)
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Well-Known Member
Sometimes for us it's based on the vacation dates or Holiday they may be around. If it is a quick trip we do the Values just because it's more economical for a 3 day rope drop to closing kind of getaway. Just need a shower and a bed. Other times if we have more time we do the Moderates. I have always had a hard time justifying the prices of the higher priced resorts. However for our Christmas trip in Dec. we are doing WL for the ambience and because it will be the just of our Christmas spending I personally can justify splurging. :)
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Well-Known Member
We're doing our first split stay next time we go. We're usually Mod people b/c I have heard too many complaints about thin walls and it being to crowded in Values. This time out we're doing half in a POR Royal Room and half in a Wilderness Lodge b/c I cannot justify the price of a Deluxe to stay there the whole time. My husband has been dying to try WL, and that's the only way I would budge on it. I would love to stay Deluxe all the time, every time, but I'm only willing to sacrifice so much in my life for a room I'm barely in on vacation!
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King Capybara 77

Thank you sir. You were an inspiration.
Premium Member
For us its about what we can afford given the timescale between trips.Usually its once a year and we are fortunate that our fave resort comes in our price range :D.
However next year (2014) we are looking at later in the year (want to see the halloweenie celebramations) so with a longer time to save we are considering the AKL :eek:..
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Well-Known Member
If your funds are limited, that is obviously the first and most important consideration. It's also the easiest way to rule out hotels. :)

After that, it depends on how many people are going and how close to said people you may be. I made a few solo trips. Each solo trip, I was in a Value or Mod. Trips with others were always in Deluxe or DVC, though I finally wised up and went offsite, lol.

I usually let other people pick. I might say, "You pick. I really would prefer not to stay at the Contemporary...but you pick." Everyone but my son would then pick something that wasn't the Contemporary. Most picked the Poly. And I was fine with that. But AKL is my favorite of all.

Occasionally, I would want something other than AKL, but that's usually what I would pick if asked where id like to be.

However, I'll take an offsite condo or house every time over Disney rooms.
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Well-Known Member
We like a deluxe resort, I like to be close to a park, either a short walk or monorail ride away. Once we determine which resort, I save, do some consulting, and work an extra job during the holidays to get there. My DW and DS insist on a monorail resort, but I keep trying for an Epcot resort just once but I digress.
This ^^^ I love the transportation options, dining choices, bedding, larger rooms. We also looked into the Epcot resorts, since we always visit Disney during F&W but always end up near MK :)
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Well-Known Member
As a DVC member, I have to go about it a bit different. Once I know when I want to go, I book a room at my home resort, Saratoga Springs. Since I rarely stay there [just don't have a strong attachement to it, because I love some of the other DVCs] I sart to think where I would like to stay for my trip. I have always wanted to stay at AKL, so booked myself there once and loved it. I heard great things about Wilderness Lodge (it was supposed to be my home base when I first went to buy DVC) and stayed there a few times and had exceptional memories. Would stay there again in a heartbeat. Booked OKW a few times because the rooms are ginormous and liked the larger floor plan for the number of people who were staying in the 2 bedroom....

Then, I wanted to try out the Beach Club villas - many years ago I took my neighbor's boys on a trip and thought it was the best dang vacation I had in my life to that point...and wanted to recreate that memory with my (supposed) love of my life. [I ended up going alone...still had a great time, but ah, those lonely nights!] Staying there I thought I wanted to try out Boardwalk and the group of friends I ended up going with thought it would be fantastic due to its proximity to HS and Epcot. We had boardwalk view rooms and it was really, really amazing. So, for our trip this year, we wanted to stay there again and I was able to secure rooms for F&W and can't wait to get was a plus to be so close to Epcot for the festival....

Now part of me says, gee, wouldn't it be fun to stay at Bay Lake maybe if I ever get a real job and can go back in next year or so, I will think about that.
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Well-Known Member
I want to try AofA, but it's hard to justify the price for a "value" resort. I know they're "suites", but still.:(
I have also wanted to try the Cabins, but those prices have really increased!:(
We are "making the rounds" of the deluxe resorts now!:eek: We have to save a lot more, but so far we are most pleased w/ those!;) Next stop ( June 2013) Saratoga Springs Studio.:) After that, hopefully, Beach Club December 2014?:) I still want to try AKL, but hubby isn't too "keen" on that one!:(
I compare all prices though, and then hubby "breaks down" the decisions. We then usually have a choice between 2 or 3 resorts. It's always exciting choosing your "perfect" resort, especially when hubby agrees to go!:D
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