On our trip in Sept of 07, My wife and I reserved a standard room at ASMu. When we got to the resort, the check in line was very long so cast members came out and played trivia games with us to make the time go by. What (appeared to be) a woman with some clout came up to us as we were having fun with trivia and winning Pop Rocks and asked us if we had a Disney story of our own. We told her how we honeymooned there in 1980 and didn't return until our kids sent us for our 25th anniversary in 05 and loved it so much, we started coming back yearly. When we got to the desk, the cast member handed my wife a fresh rose and gave us a Family Suite just for the two of us. It was however the Year of a Million Dreams.
The next year we stayed at ASMo. When we got to the desk, I told them I had a standard room and wondered if I could upgrade to a preferred room for whatever the difference is. The cast member acted fairly new and had a thick accent. He excused himself and turned to an older man and the older man looked over at us and (not very quietly) said We don't do upgrades. You have to pay for what you get. He turned and walked away from us. The new cast member was very embarrassed. My week went down hill from there. The next day, I became very ill and my leg turned red and swollen. Within 2 days, I had big blisters on the back of my leg and I spent most of the time in the room (forgot I had travelers insurance). By the time I got back home, I end up in the hospital with a staff infection from a scratch in the MK. As a matter of fact, my avatar picture was taken at LTTavern. When I stood up from that dinner, I almost passed out and fell because that's when I realized I was sick. No wonder I couldn't eat my meal that night. (sorry for the ramble)