Well-Known Member
Hurricane parties are fun!!! Warm beer probably notGee, I think you had it waaay worse than me. I still had water (granted, not hot) and lived in a duplex, so no climbing down 11 stories of dark stairs. My brother's neighborhood got power back days before mine, so I had a place to take a hot shower and get a hot meal at night. And the Saturday after the storm hit, we had a neighborhood barbeque to cook all the food before it spoiled. It was fun. But the beer was warm, lol.
Even the 2004 and 2005 seasons didn't bother me as much as that storm in 1985. But then I don't live in Central/South Florida.....

I lived in "downtown" Boca Raton then. So we actually were pretty lucky. The city isn't going to let that area be down too long. We went 8 days without water, about 2 weeks without electricity, and about 2 months without cable/internet.
People west of US1 and especially I95 went a heck of a lot longer. We had a 7pm curfew and you weren't allowed to put more than $20 gas in your car at a time- that's if and when you could find an intact gas station and willing to wait in line for 4 hours. There was one open restaurant near us- charging $45 for a piece of grilled chicken. No sides. They couldn't be guilty of "price gauging" bc that was the normal price -- but normal price included more than a tiny piece of chicken.
My house guest were from the Keys, they evacuated to me bc Wilma was originally supposed to hit them. Obviously my house wasn't the best evacuation spot... Not to mention I technically was supposed to have evacuated myself.lol