Once you look at point charts, you'll see that you're not really losing anything by not being able to use points to book cruises, ABD, and the non-DVC Disney resorts. The point costs are extreme, go up every year, and access to those options on points is often restricted - for example, not all cabins or cruises on DCL are available on points. There have been extended periods where DCL has not allowed ANY bookings on points. Offering those options is a sales tactic to make the membership look flexible, and I don't think most members make use of them. What most do, I think, is rent out their points and use the cash to pay for those other vacations - you come out way ahead, financially, if you do it that way.
Some people think that buying direct is a sort of protection against losing perks. That's a mistake. No matter who you buy from, your contract gives you the right to stay at DVC resorts, subject to availability, for the life of the contract. Anything and everything else - discounts, use of points for other vacations, special events, perks, etc - is not part of your ownership, and the paperwork states that very clearly. All of that other stuff can come and go at the whim of DVC and the various associated Disney divisions.
In short, DVC is a good value when you use it to stay at DVC resorts. Nothing else is guaranteed, whether you buy direct or resale. Don't buy for perks, don't buy for cruises or ABD.