Required Reading from


Well-Known Member
Well, that is part of his problem. If he was a little more willing to let others do some of the work and was a bit less of a micromanager, a wishy-washy one at that, perhaps he wouldn't have so much to do.

In any case, I think one thing about HK Disneyland is that you have to understand where it is. This is a communist country now, and one that seems to be headed into a more and more controlled and xenophobic culture. While I myself do question whether this is really a truely valuable place to build, you just are not going to be able to recreate what we have. I think that they are just looking to get themselves a foothold while they still can, but still limit their liability if everything goes bad in the future.


Well-Known Member
MichRX7 said:
how many of us here are qualified to know what it's like to run a business like the Walt Disney Company. It's hard to fathom getting everything done in a 24 hour day (much less getting any sleep). Think about everything that falls under the WDC umbrella and your are the last line of defense making sure it all works.Has Eisner done a perfect job? I think we'd all agree no. Has he totally run the overall company into the ground? I think a majority of us would say no. Are there things we'd like to see him improve on? Of course.

You make a fair point. Just like the manager of a baseball team they get far too much credit when they win and far to much "heat" when they lose.

But no one is going to feel sympathetic to a billionaire who USED to do the right thing for the company AND the public, who has now lost "the way" and refuses to see that. Mikey had so much success that he thinks he knows everything and when he doesn't, spends even more $$$ trying to clean up his mistakes. Just like a party guest who overstays their welcome. They were funny and nice to be around for the first 5 hours of the night, but by the end they gotta leave so you can get some sleep.

Intelligent business people know when they no longer have the answers and that if you are surrounded by YES men, you are not getting an accurate portrayal of what is going on. Eisner has become far too insulated for too long.

There also is something to be said of a company getting "too big" or having it's hands in too many cookie jars. Yeah it great that the parks were revitalized and animation brought back, but that doesn't mean you need to buy sports teams, TV stations, etc. Sometimes sticking to what you know how to do and keeping that focus IS enough. This is not just a problem with Disney, but many corporations these days. Once they conquer 1 problem, they keep looking for more to conquer, as if they are bored running or maintaining what they have


Well-Known Member
DisneyInsider said:
The best parts of the Paris coaster aren't the loops. It is the theming and the feeling you get. Since the ride is a space flight you do actually launch, and the music is great. i wouldn't mind seeing an update like the Paris ride come to other parks in the World (even without loops). The ride is just an incredible change to the classic.

I guess I stook my foot in my mouth then. I had no idea about those other elements :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer:


New Member
No Experience Running A Large Company

I have to admit, I have never run a large compnay, but I do know that it can be easy considering the fact that BOTH my parents run companies. My dad's new company is about to take off and become very, very, very large. I have learned from them that running a company can be easy if you keep a few things in mind, 1) Your employees will be pleased if you listen to there needs and concerns, 2) ALWAYS ask your costumer what they think could be improved, 3) Organization is the key - if you aren't organized things are going to get rough, and 4) Quality - your product has to be excellent - no half slack job - take your time and make sure that your product is not "cheap" or badly assembled.

Like I mentioned before in my previous post, Eisner had done some good things for the company, but you can count them on one hand. I am in no way trying to "bash" Eisner. I hope things change soon for the Disney company. Cheap parks going up around the world, deals being lost (Pixar :_(),
if anyone knows Eisner's e-mail address please send him and e-mail telling him to listen to what all of us have to say. -An Upset Disney Fan


Well-Known Member
WDWfan2209 said:
I have to admit, I have never run a large compnay, but I do know that it can be easy considering the fact that BOTH my parents run companies.

How about cutting some of us WDWMagic'ers in on a nice paying job? :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:

Be warned though, it can't be hard work. I've done enough of that already

DisneyFan 2000

Well-Known Member
WDWfan2209, maybe you can recall that about two months ago Roy asked for the public to send in letters to Eisner. His response? NONE! He faked a technical issue. Apparently everyone was having problems with their E-Mails the exact same day. Kinda weird, ha?


Active Member
The Hong Kong Disney article terrifies me. How can you only open a Magic Kingdom with 4 attractions?? This is not a theme park for the customer. The fact that all the money was spent on hotels and a downtown disney-esque area just shows that they're trying to milk the public for everything they have. Just think about it. Build one less hotel, and hold off on a shopping district for a few years, and think of how much money could be used instead to build "attractions". It just goes to show how loyal the board members are to Eisner because who in their right minds would approve a park with so little to do? I mean they already have 2 examples of how not to build a park in DCA and WDW studios paris. How can competent people look at those two parks and not realize that the next park has to be different? It amazes and frightens me at the same time. I can only hope that somehow Disney reconsiders and adds more attractions before it opens, but it doesn't look good. Hopefully Eisner's reign will end soon and someone with the right vision will take over.


Premium Member
Again, I don't want to harp. I can't understand opening a MK/Disney type park with only four rides, but I am surely not an expert on the Chinese culture and government. I don't know the restrictions over there, or how they would take to a Haunted Mansion, etc... Maybe the big "D" is biting off more than they can chew with this expansion. I'd like to see them concentrate on bringing four more rides to DCA. ;)


Well-Known Member
MichRX7 said:
Again, I don't want to harp. I can't understand opening a MK/Disney type park with only four rides

stingrock23 said:
How can you only open a Magic Kingdom with 4 attractions??

My God, you guys...they are NOT just opening four rides.

This is how rumors get started.

Go back and read the article/thread again. No where in the article does it say "four rides". The current HKDL website only lists four actual rides. This is a "preview" and only shows one attraction per land; 4 lands = 4 attractions shown.

Come on, even Eisner isn't THAT cheap. There is no way a park that is expected to serve tens of thousands of people per day would open with four total attractions, especially a "Magic Kingom" park. The press and others have seen maps/etc. and the lack of "traditional" Disney rides is what they choose to comment on in the Disney boards.

Focusing entirely on the negative - making everything sound as absolutely horrible as possible - is exactly what is wrong with, especially since I haven't heard a peep out of Roy or anyone on that site beyond their complaining - no soloutions, just ranting.

Although is just as negative - his slant that EVERYTHING sucks gets rather annoying, but there is a great set of articles about the current situation at :

Definately worth checking out.



Well-Known Member
Perfect example of this problem from todays new listing of articles :

A "photo essay", with pithy little comments.

This whole article is about how this guy couldn't get a DVD for 50% off and can't read the sign - it says "UP TO 50% off Storewide", but he misses the "up to" part, and complains about how small the "select items exculded" part is.

I mean, this is simply the same with EVERY company - if this guy was such an uneducated consumer he didn't know that, it doesn't make it a Disney-specific problem, nor does it likely have anything directly to do with Michael Eisner.

It's types of psudo-"journalism" like this that really is working against On the major points, they are right - and I fully support a new regime at Disney, but is just looking like the kid no one likes because they compalin about every little thing; when you do that, people don't take you seriously when you complain about the big things because your credibility is shot.


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