Anyone that wants to upload audio or video, barring no router/firewall problems you can send files by doing this on the command prompt in the channel:
/dcc send *nickname* [enter]
I'm not sure if popkid minds if you send to him, but the command would look like:
/dcc send popkidwdw [enter]
Popkid also has a public FTP account for uploading your goodies. The information is available upon request. It doesn't give full server access.. only access to the uploads folder where you can unload.
Thanks to alot of recent help, we have around 6 or 7 servers total in the channel (some on at some times, others on at other times). So your wait time is considerably reduced by having the ability to maybe find the file you are looking from on other servers (who may not have a que as long as Popkid, or at all).
Some hints to being to send in IRC:
1) If you are on windowsXP, you must not have the firewall enabled. It will prevent your send
2) Check your DCC options in the Mirc config. What seems to work for me is having port 6000 as the first port and 6009 as the last port.
3) Check to make sure (if you have one) that your router is correctly port-forwarding , so say ports 6000-6009 are set to forward to the local IP address your machine is using (such as 192.168.1.XX). If you really want to test if that is the problem, put the IP address of your computer into the DMZ setting. That will open up all ports fromthe Internet to your machine. You should be able to send now (you may hae to make sure your computer is using static IP and not dynamic). This is only recommended as a test to see if your port forwarding is the problem.. as putting a machine in the DMZ makes it wide open to the Internet, so it is not adviseable.
By the way.. if you can send files successfully using the /dcc send command, you can also serve the files as a bot in the channel. We recommend Invision2.0 from
I hope to put together a guide soon to help people set up.