Rental Car or Bus Transportation


Original Poster
Hi Cheryl ~~nice to meet you. I'm a TiggerLover too! :animwink:

I'm all with the peace of mind and we usually rent the just seemed like an awful lot to put out...I don't think that we've ever paid so much to rent a car but I guess if we want to, we gotta pay for it. We do usually go to Downtown Disney for a little bit and get some shopping done for souveniors since the DC card isn't accepted in the parks...maybe it's just better to do it that way. I'm just thinking of what I could spend that extra $250 on though! LOL My 2 1/2 year old son is getting too big too fast...he said that we should take the buses so that we can buy him more "Disney" stuff down there. Little stinker! Naw, he's not spoiled rotten! :lol:

Thanks for all of your replies! I hope it helps to make our decision soon.:slurp:

20 days to Disney!
I'm going to see the Mouse!*O*



Active Member
Cheryl - we were down there 3 weeks ago, and had no problem using the Mears. The entire process was fairly simple ( from the time we went to the ticket desk to the time they loaded us onto a van to the Wilderness Lodge). The entire time took about 10 minutes.

However, one thing bothered me...we were sitting in the middle seat of the van. In front of us was a couple with a 10 month old and no car seat. Granted, the couple didn't bring one...but obviously that's why they're on the Mears shuttle! But I would have thought Mears would have had car seats for the little ones.


New Member
Hmmm. This is all very interesting.

We were at WDW two months ago and got a car for $186 taxes and extra fees included through Payless. Granted, we rented for 8 days.

This is at least the 2nd time I've seen a post like this where people are being asked to pay outrageous fees.

If this was me facing the same question (and I LOVE having my own car and not have to rely on Disney busses), I'd scour the internet discount travel services--Expedia, Travelocity, Orbitz--punch in my dates and see if I can come up with a price that I could live with.

$420 is way too freakin' much!

We found our deal thru Orbitz and along the way found quite a nice disparity between car rental companies. Seems like the more popular and well known the company (Avis, Hertz, National), the higher the quoted rate seemed to be.

I've used "off" brands twice now and have yet to regret it. Both gave us good new cars with no extra strings attached. Only rub is that you have to use a shuttle because their lots are not at the airport. No big whoop for me.

But...if I was faced with $420 and I was staying on WDW property, I'd probably be leaning towards a taxi and Disney busses. OR I'd be making plans to cut costs by staying off site, therefore justifying paying extra for the car.


Well-Known Member
OK Tiffanys had a seat available but we had brought our own on the plane. Also to answer your question they dont let people leave TTC until 9am so you could be there til 930 or even later if your there during a busy time...then you get to MK and you wait to go through security...another at least 10 you will lose time if you like to go early. Plan on being in the parks by 10am if you are at TTC before 9am. If getting in before the heat sets in isn't a priority then its no big deal. We had early b'fasts at different places so we got in early...also even on the days we didnt have the b'fasts they let us in about 850am which is only ten minutes but it let us get to Fantasyland early...riding all the rides at least once..some twice before the masses arrived. It has become more of a pain to have your own car, we never waited more than ten minutes to get on a bus...and we would have spent ten minutes getting to our car from MK..either on a monorail or boat to the parking lot. We were there over Memorial Day weekend and beyond. We were there for ten days thats why we ended up getting the van from National there onsite..because we only needed the van for four days...the beach and the other sites etc. We didnt have that much money to spend on a vehicle sitting in a parking lot..but we normally drive ourselves down.


Active Member
We are driving this year so we don't have to deal with the rental car vs Mears debate. With that said, we were there at Christmas time and had the slowest Mears driver in the world. Other shuttles were passing us on the highway to WDW from the airport. He stopped at every stop at the airport and made 5 hotel stops before ours, his last. It was the longest part of the trip, seemed longer than the flight from Chicago. We travel down at least once a year and this was our worst experience with Mears, definitely an exception to the rule. I love Disney tranportation but do enjoy the freedom of a car, especially when coming home late from Downtown Disney. With a car, you don't have to deal with some of the overserved revellers from Pleasure Island. We've never tried the town car thing but from what I've heard, sounds like a good way to go.


New Member
Originally posted by Nansafan
We are driving this year so we don't have to deal with the rental car vs Mears debate. With that said, we were there at Christmas time and had the slowest Mears driver in the world. Other shuttles were passing us on the highway to WDW from the airport. He stopped at every stop at the airport and made 5 hotel stops before ours, his last. It was the longest part of the trip, seemed longer than the flight from Chicago. We travel down at least once a year and this was our worst experience with Mears, definitely an exception to the rule. I love Disney tranportation but do enjoy the freedom of a car, especially when coming home late from Downtown Disney. With a car, you don't have to deal with some of the overserved revellers from Pleasure Island. We've never tried the town car thing but from what I've heard, sounds like a good way to go.

I agree with your assessment on Mears. We also flew to WDW last Dec. from Chicago and our Mears experience was terrible (maybe we were on the same shuttle? :) ) We had used Mears the previous four years with no complaints, but this last trip they were terrible. It took forever to get to our resort. We were at the WL and we made at least 3 stops at Downtown Disney before heading to the MK resorts. Next time, I'll try Tiffany or a cab.

We don't rent a car. We did once and never used it. The real trade off is time versus money. With a car, you'll will be able to change parks faster (especially at closing). So, if that is worth the cost of the rental car to you, then it is worth it. You may be able to recoup some of the cost of the car by eating off property, but that will take time out of your day.

Strollers are never a problem on the busses. 90% of the adults on the busses are parents, so they are usually understanding.

One Lil Spark

EPCOT Center Defender
My two cents... :p

I say take the Mears or a taxi. You don't want to worry about having a car and returning it to the rental place on time and filling it up with gas, blah blah blah. If you're going to Disney, be chauferred (--> spelling?) everywhere. That's one of the best parts of going there. The Mears might not be the smoothest, most enjoyable ride, but you can use that extra money on groceries or gifts for your 2 year old. I think it's better just to have your transportation taken care of than to have to worry about a rental car. Besides, that price is WAY to high. If you need to go get groceries, use the extra money on a taxi. It's not that bad. Have fun on your trip and be sure to tell us what you do end up getting. :)


New Member
When we go, wife and I, no kids we never rent a car or use the shuttles. Saw this tidbit on Mousesavers and found it to work out great and the money saved on shuttles and car rentals pay for special dinners or spa time.

If you are traveling light (i.e. one carry-on), it is possible to take a public bus from the airport to Disney World and accomplish your trip for than the cost of the tip you would pay a taxi or shuttle driver, or the cost of tolls with a rental car!
The trip from the airport to the Ticket and Transportation Center at WDW takes an hour and a half, with the bus leaving the airport every hour. The best route is to take Bus 51 from the airport (an alternate is Bus 11) and then transfer to Bus 50 at the downtown bus station. (There is a web site with bus schedules.) The cost is $1.10 one way. You need to ask for a transfer when you board the bus at the airport or you will be charged when you get on the second bus. When you get to the Ticket and Transportation Center you can take the ferry across to the Magic Kingdom and catch the Disney bus to your resort.

If you have a late flight on the last day of your stay, after you check out of your hotel you can store your luggage at the lockers at the Ticket and Transportation Center ($1) and spend the day at the Magic Kingdom, then leave the Magic Kingdom a half-hour before the bus is due, which will give you time to get your luggage and be waiting for the bus.


Well-Known Member
Our most recent trip in Dec was our first with a baby. We had a rental car lined up. It was 70$ for the week and 50$ more for the extra 6 hours we would be there (Thursday to a Thrusday get there in the morning and leave at night). I was not about the spend almost twice as much for a few hours or cut my trip short and sit around in the airport with baby when I didn't need to, vaction time is precious!

Needless to say we canceled the car and I didn't regret it for a mintue. We did take our own car seat that trip, but I can't belive about the mears with a 10 month old and no seat. I thought that was agaisnt the law!!!!


New Member
It is against the law!
Ok my turn...... we have always done shuttles and its been ok.
But this time we opted to rent. This time we have a new son so that makes two young ones. I dont want the hassel of bringing the carriage on and off the bus and bumping into people w/ it.
we only have four hands two need to hold the baby the other two can take the stroller but what about the four year old (who doesnt listen to well right now!) and the camcord case, backpacks, diaper bag, ect.... It wont work for us this time. But where you have only one child that can walk on his/her own it could be done. Our last trip was when our son was 2 1/2 and we made it.... But then agian we said next time we'll get a car......Sorry!
I think of it this way We got a full size car for 294.27 from National
for eleven days. but since we dont have to pay the 100 dollars w/ tip for the round trip from the airport and back its only costing us 194.27! I hope that helped?


New Member
Take a taxi service we take one everytime we go down there and the people are so nice. I cant remember the name of the taxi service, but the head guys name is AJ if that even helps.


Original Poster
Thanks for your posts

Well, thank you all for your posts! They helped me give a good argument to my husband; however, he likes to have a car on-hand so I think we're going to get the car. He looks at it as the last post would cost us $100 anyway so it's really only going to cost us an extra $250 and we'll make that up somewhere he says. He says that he also likes to drive to the parks b/c he feels a little more under control instead of having to sit in crammed buses when people are trying to get from MK to Epcot when they are open longer, etc. Guess I won't have that extra $$$ for souveniors. I'm sure it'll be alright. We are lined up for the Emerald Aisle service with National so hopefully, as they say, we can get our baggage and just head straight to our car and save some time. Maybe catch some dinner and go to the grocery store to stock up on supplies before we check in. Save some money eating off property at least this one time.

Thanks again for all your input!!!


19 more days to Disney!
I can almost taste the magic!


Well-Known Member
Just to add (and re-iterate) a few points on renting a car versus Disney Transport...

* Keep in mind, if you drive to the MK... you have to wait in line at the Toll Plaza (Parking is free), park your car, hop on the Tram that takes you to the TTC. Once at the TTC, you still need to hop on the Monorail or the Ferryboat to get to the MK. (If it's early in the morning, TTC is held back till 8:45)

* At the end of the night... yes, the lines for the busses can look intimidating. Keep in mind, the busses come quickly, and sometimes will even come 2 at a time for the big resorts. The line looks long, but it moves.

* If you drive... you still have to wait in the lines for the Monorail or Ferryboat. They will be long, but they also move just like the bus lines. With both the Monorail and Ferryboat, you will still probably have to stand. Both have very limited seating, and rely primarily on standees. Also, once you get to the TTC, you still have to wait in line for the Tram. (Which means folding of strollers)

Ferryboat 15% seated
Monorail 35% seated
Bus 60-75% seated

A lot of people say that they like having a car because they like being able to come and go as they please, without having to rely on bus schedules. However, generally speaking, the bus is usually your fastest option. For example, we'll take a popular resort, Port Orleans Riverside.

Busses run to PO:R from the MK approx every 10-15 minutes. We'll assume you wait 10 minutes for the bus. It typically takes a Disney bus 13 mins to get to the MK, but we'll say 15 mins. So, total time to the front gates of the Magic Kingdom Theme Park: 25 minutes. That includes waiting for the bus.

For a car... it will take 20 minutes to get to the MK Parking lot. 10 mins to get to the TTC, and 10-25 minutes to get to the front gates of the MK, depending on Ferryboat and Monorail schedules. Thats 40-60 minutes.

But of course... like others said, having a car allows for the flexibility of going off property to other Orlando area attractions.

One thing that I would like to mention... if you do choose to rent a car, and drive on Disney property... PLEASE read this...

BEFORE driving on Disney Property... Get a road map of Disney. Figure out where you are going, and plan your route IN ADVANCE. Familliarize yourself with your route. Once you are on the road, DO NOT distract yourself by unfolding that map and trying to drive and glance at it at the same time. Have someone else do that for you. If you must look at your map again, Please pull to the side of the road, or into a safe area.

If you happen to miss your turn, do not stop and try to back up. Keep going, and look for a LEGAL and SAFE way to turn around.

Make sure to follow all speed limits (Meaning, do not speed, and do not go too slow... this can be dangerous), and please use proper directional signals. (No... the middle finger is not a directional signal... lol)

A word of caution... Hotel Plaza Blvd and Buena Vista Drive, near the Downtown Disney Marketplace area is under HEAVY construction. PLEASE... avoid this area if possible. Park at the West Side, and walk over to the Marketplace if you need to. The construction area is confusing enough for veteran WDW drivers.

Another note... Please drive with courtesy. If a car (or especially a bus) is trying to merge into your lane... please let them. Be careful of Taxi's... they can be dangerous, and will cut you off. Also, be careful of Busses... they can't always see you.

And finally... Please... Buckle up... and of course,


New Member
When are you going? Its costing me less the you and Im renting for more days then you w/ Nantional? Were not even members of the Emerald club. :confused:

Even though we are renting we will take the bus to MK its just easier w/ that park to take the bus plus the boys love buses. ;)


Well-Known Member
I rented a car for a week once while staying on Disney property.

I looked out at it from the balcony of my Contemporary Resort room every day.

It never moved the whole week...but boy...I felt good knowing it was there if I needed it.:animwink:

What a waste of money THAT was...:hammer:


Original Poster
Originally posted by ConNH
When are you going? Its costing me less the you and Im renting for more days then you w/ Nantional? Were not even members of the Emerald club. :confused:

Even though we are renting we will take the bus to MK its just easier w/ that park to take the bus plus the boys love buses. ;)

:animwink: We're getting a mid-size or intermediate I think they call it and we're going from July 11th to July 21st? When are you going? That could depend on whether you're doing the busy season or not as well. Perhaps you got a package deal or something? The economy and compact cars were like $20-30 different basically not worth squeezing into the car with the carseat, etc. I'm sure you know the drill :slurp:

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New Member
Were going the end of September (slow time). We got a full size (four door). We got a 5 or 10% off from our Sams club membership and a free car up grade from a coupon we got in our Birnbaum's WDW 2002 book. :D Can you believe how much they charge for a car seat!:eek: I can buy one cheeper! Im bringing my own.

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