while the Roomba Inn may not feed into DVC, your main point was crowding the parks.
A vast majority of the people in the parks are not staying in DVC or even Disney Hotels. Just look at the parking lots. Look at the traffic on world drive many mornings.
I would say that the rental housing market has more impact than DVC. Reunion, Champions Gate (check out I4 going to Polk County some night), Margaitaville, Etc.
The vacation home industry is powerful enough to get school impact fees waived... in a county that always complains they don’t have enough money for schools...
I could go on and on, but it’s not the cause of crowding. The cause of crowding is the same reason we are both on a board discussion about WDW. There are many people who like coming to WDW.
As for your market study question, my time at DVC included the “we can sell the memberships so that people can go everywhere” phase. So they were actively ignoring the market studies. They ran 30 minute infomercials in the middle of the night. So, yes we sold many memberships to people who did not fit the mold. Not necessarily a bad thing, but not the best either.