The reason why it's important is because the entire tangent started because people took offense to the comment that someone suggested that Disney is 'shifted' CapEx to the District. And what you describe is exactly that... Disney has a need, and instead of paying for it, they get to "convince" the district its in everyone's best interest if the district pays for it instead.
It's exactly the very thing people called 'outright lies' and
@mmascari has issue with as well. It doesn't matter if its "valid" or "not unique" -- It was never claimed otherwise. The point is Disney gets to benefit from that arrangement and we all known damn well that the decision process the government is going through to make that determination here is far and unique verse other public government, and yes, even most special districts... because RCID is empowered with taxing authority far greater than most, with insulating legislation far more encompassing than most.
Then people are like "but they pay for it in taxes anyway" -- It's still a better deal for Disney to do this... which is why as you even theorize... Disney would suggest doing it. It's cheaper for Disney to pay for it as a government project and through their taxes than it is to do it as a private project. It's cheaper to build as a government project, Disney doesn't pay the taxes on the structure themselves, and Disney gets to lower their own tax liability by getting deductions for paying local taxes. They literally save millions of dollars by having the project paid through taxes instead of doing it themselves.
Then people are like "but who cares, who does it impact?" -- It's the same as everyone who manipulates tax advantages. It impacts the counties and state of florida who lose out on tax revenue that Disney didn't pay during construction and won't pay going forward for assets/improvements.
Then you are like "but why isn't anyone in the district complaining?" -- Because the mouse is god within the district. If you want to play with the mouse, or r un a business with the mouse, you don't bad mouth the mouse if you want to stick around.
Personally I think the garages are a great way the RCID/Disney model worked in symbiosis -- but I'm no fool to think this is "just the same as everywhere" or that this isn't by-design behavior by Disney or that the District just said "you know what the SE portion of the district needs is... three parking garages... where should we put them?"