News Reedy Creek Improvement District and the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District


Premium Member
2023 time machine - So the Liberals are defending Big Cooperate Business now and Conservatives are attacking it. How did we get to opposite world? 🤣
It is kinda crazy to see, but I think we are starting to see an evolution of the parties to some extent. Not sure if it’s a permanent change but this is not an isolated incident. There’s a reason we’ve seen major changes in how suburban voters are voting.

Tha Realest

Well-Known Member
You said “taking away powers.” Which is not what they did here. They took control of those powers. Powers they wouldn’t have been able to unilaterally grant themselves in the first place.
Of course they could. They created RCID. As it’s creator, they could change up the composition as they see fit.

Look, Disney’s impressive cadre of lawyers and lobbyists appear to agree with this view. You, lazyboy97o, and others can wish-cast all you want about what should have been done/should be done, but clearly Disney’s been advised - by again, their high paid roster of lawyers and lobbyists - that this is not a fight they’ll win.
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Well-Known Member
Apparently in the state of FL you actually cannot say what you want without retaliation from the government :(.
I don't think you can use this one isolated instance of inappropriate wielding of government power to make such a broad statement. If there were a consistent pattern of these kinds of overreaches, I'd agree with your assessment, but I think that this was a one-off used to rally DeSantis' base and give him additional press coverage/name recognition in conservative circles in preparation for a potential 2024 run for POTUS. Part of his campaign stump speech might even include something like: "If I can take on Disney, I can take on the D.C. swamp."


Well-Known Member
Of course they could. They created RCID. As it’s creator, they could change up the composition as they see fit.

Look, Disney’s impressive cadre of lawyers and lobbyists appear to agree with this view. You, lazyboy97o can wish-cast all you want about what should have been done/should be done, but clearly Disney’s been advised - by again, their high paid roster of lawyers and lobbyists - that this is not a fight they’ll win.
The reality is while a corporation can fight a state government, they cannot win if the state decides it is a fight worth fighting. At best a corporation can slow down a change by a state government. But unless the federal government does something to stop the state the state will eventually win even if the courts rule against them. The states have all the money and time in the world to make any changes necessary to win. It is a reason why corporations should refrain from poking the bear. I could see Disney having a reason to get involved in something the state was doing if it impacted Disney directly... but this instance was stupid on their part. Whether the management sided with either side of the argument, the argument wasn't something that impacted Disney and they should have thought about Michael Jordan that has a history of staying out of politics. Disney was only going to upset one side or the other, so it was a stupid battle to inject themselves into.


Premium Member
I don't think you can use this one isolated instance of inappropriate use of government power to make such a broad statement. If there were a consistent pattern of these kinds of overreaches, I'd agree with your assessment, but I think that this was a one-off used to rally DeSantis' base and give him additional press coverage/name recognition in conservative circles in preparation for a potential 2024 run for POTUS. Part of his campaign stump speech might even include something like: "If I can take on Disney, I can take on the D.C. swamp."
How many incidents are necessary before we acknowledge it’s a problem? I would agree with you more if the Governor was doing this using executive orders but this action was taken with the blessing and support of the legislature too. Those people aren’t all running for President. IMHO this was a clear statement from 2 of 3 branches of the state government that corporations should be on notice. Defy our party and we will yield the full power of the state government to punish you and damage your business.

Tha Realest

Well-Known Member
The reality is while a corporation can fight a state government, they cannot win if the state decides it is a fight worth fighting. At best a corporation can slow down a change by a state government. But unless the federal government does something to stop the state the state will eventually win even if the courts rule against them. The states have all the money and time in the world to make any changes necessary to win. It is a reason why corporations should refrain from poking the bear. I could see Disney having a reason to get involved in something the state was doing if it impacted Disney directly... but this instance was stupid on their part. Whether the management sided with either side of the argument, the argument wasn't something that impacted Disney and they should have thought about Michael Jordan that has a history of staying out of politics. Disney was only going to upset one side or the other, so it was a stupid battle to inject themselves into.
Disney is not just any corporation. If it was a country, it’s annual revenues would put it on par with the GDP of Luxembourg, Panama, and Costa Rica.


Well-Known Member
Of course they could. They created RCID. As it’s creator, they could change up the composition as they see fit.

Look, Disney’s impressive cadre of lawyers and lobbyists appear to agree with this view. You, lazyboy97o, and others can wish-cast all you want about what should have been done/should be done, but clearly Disney’s been advised - by again, their high paid roster of lawyers and lobbyists - that this is not a fight they’ll win.

That's a big assumption. Just because Disney isn't fighting it (if they aren't, we don't really know for sure yet) doesn't mean their attorneys have told them they wouldn't win.

Businesses don't make decisions solely on if they think they'd win a lawsuit.

Tha Realest

Well-Known Member
Wait, so in FL it’s completely normal for the legislature to carve out an area of land, add a special taxing district to it, and appoint the governor in control with no input from those that own the land in that area?

That would seem like a huge negative to retiring or moving business to FL.

On the flip side, I think we just found a way for FL to raise some cash. New Special Districts incoming, let the tax revenue flow. It’s not like the owners of land in them can vote to disapprove. They can just suck it up and pay.

Why all the fuss to get support for new districts when they can just be imposed.
Legislative acts can be undone by legislative acts. I’m sorry this is a difficult concept for many of you to grasp. But keep making up facts or alternative theories of separation of powers if that makes you feel better.


Well-Known Member
That's a big assumption. Just because Disney isn't fighting it (if they aren't, we don't really know for sure yet) doesn't mean their attorneys have told them they wouldn't win.

Businesses don't make decisions solely on if they think they'd win a lawsuit.
Agreed. As I understand it, Disney's conciliatory tone is more a function of PR/damage control than the legal merits of a hypothetical lawsuit.

Tha Realest

Well-Known Member
That's a big assumption. Just because Disney isn't fighting it (if they aren't, we don't really know for sure yet) doesn't mean their attorneys have told them they wouldn't win.

Businesses don't make decisions solely on if they think they'd win a lawsuit.
But all these armchair Imagineers-come-armchair lawyers and lobbyists have assured us over the last year this was a slam dunk lawsuit to reverse this. We have a large industry publication quoting those in the know offering the unlikely legal outcome as a major reason why they aren’t fighting this.

Variety should have gotten a legal opinion from the premium members on here!


Well-Known Member
But all these armchair Imagineers-come-armchair lawyers and lobbyists have assured us over the last year this was a slam dunk lawsuit to reverse this. We have a large industry publication quoting those in the know offering the unlikely legal outcome as a major reason why they aren’t fighting this.

Variety should have gotten a legal opinion from the premium members on here!

I think you're reading a lot into the Variety article that isn't there. It doesn't suggest that a legal victory was unlikely. It merely says there was no guarantee of success -- which, speaking as an attorney, is true 99% of the time when it comes to a lawsuit. If an attorney is guaranteeing victory, you should probably find a different attorney.


Well-Known Member
Legislative acts can be undone by legislative acts. I’m sorry this is a difficult concept for many of you to grasp. But keep making up facts or alternative theories of separation of powers if that makes you feel better.
Nothing is being undone here. That was the old plan. That was probably just fine, it didn’t impose any new local government requirements on anyone without their say. It had lots of negative impacts, but that’s not the same thing.

This is replacement of a locally elected government by an appointed one. With no say from the governed. If that’s correct if FL, then all unincorporated land could become state “towns”, all local governments replaced by appointed officials, and just eliminate all local elections.

Clearly I have not read where that’s not possible. But it seems fairly bedrock. Otherwise, why all the fuss when creating new districts, towns, cities, or changing from town to city government structures. If it could all just be done at the state level with no local input, that’s a lot of wasted time over the years.


Premium Member
But all these armchair Imagineers-come-armchair lawyers and lobbyists have assured us over the last year this was a slam dunk lawsuit to reverse this. We have a large industry publication quoting those in the know offering the unlikely legal outcome as a major reason why they aren’t fighting this.

Variety should have gotten a legal opinion from the premium members on here!
On its face there is a strong 1st amendment case here, still is. Disney choosing not pursue that case is a business decision. Even if they felt there was a 95% chance of winning the lawsuit they could have still elected not to pursue it because of the bad press and potential of additional attacks. You are concluding that because Disney isn’t pursuing a lawsuit that means they decided they wouldn’t win. It’s possible they determined that winning the lawsuit could actually still be a loss for them overall.


Well-Known Member
Nothing is being undone here. That was the old plan. That was probably just fine, it didn’t impose any new local government requirements on anyone without their say. It had lots of negative impacts, but that’s not the same thing.
Even that wasn’t entirely the case. The legislature can’t enter into agreements and then just unilaterally end them.


Premium Member
Is it possible that the cities of Lake Buena Vista and, in particular, Bay Lake will reclaim various responsibilities from RCID such as permit approvals? Disney will still have full control of Lake Buena Vista and Bay Lake, as the only residents in the cities are Disney employees that Disney allows to reside there. My understanding was that much of RCID’s power was actually given to them by Bay Lake and Lake Buena Vista, therefore it stands to reason that the cities could reclaim that power.

If someone more knowledgeable could provide more insight into this possibility and/or correct any misunderstandings, it would be greatly appreciated!


Well-Known Member
Is it possible that the cities of Lake Buena Vista and, in particular, Bay Lake will reclaim various responsibilities from RCID such as permit approvals? Disney will still have full control of Lake Buena Vista and Bay Lake, as the only residents in the cities are Disney employees that Disney allows to reside there. My understanding was that much of RCID’s power was actually given to them by Bay Lake and Lake Buena Vista, therefore it stands to reason that the cities could reclaim that power.

If someone more knowledgeable could provide more insight into this possibility and/or correct any misunderstandings, it would be greatly appreciated!
No. The legislation gives the district primacy over the municipalities which is part of why it is so problematic. Under this model the state could now create a Central Florida Municipal Oversight District that encompasses Orlando and Winter Park and make those cities subordinate to that new district on most municipal matters.


Well-Known Member
Of course they could. They created RCID. As its creator, they could change up the composition as they see fit.

Look, Disney’s impressive cadre of lawyers and lobbyists appear to agree with this view. You, lazyboy97o, and others can wish-cast all you want about what should have been done/should be done, but clearly Disney’s been advised - by again, their high paid roster of lawyers and lobbyists - that this is not a fight they’ll win.
I think you have a misunderstanding of the entire process that led to the eventual creation of the RCID and its full assortment of powers.

You still don’t actually know that Disney won’t fight this. And even if they don’t, that doesn’t mean they think they can’t win… or that the legislature is correct in their actions.

Let me ask you this. Let’s say you live in Florida. You own a house on a small quarter acre. The state decides for whatever reason they are going to create a special district that encompass only your quarter acre. They are then going to appoint people you have no control over to oversee the district that encompasses your quarter acre and only your quarter acre. They will have full municipal oversight over your home/property and will levy an additional tax on you…. In addition to the taxes you already pay. And that tax will be above the legal limit set in the Florida constitution. Does that sound to you like something they should be able to do. Would you be ok with that?
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Well-Known Member
Yeah, but then they can’t gloat, which is what’s really important here.
That is all some people have, might as well let them enjoy it. They will promptly forget that they supported something like this when their "team" ends up on the other side now that this has been established is a viable punishment for disagreeing with the ruling party. People like to think their side will stay in power forever but it doesn't work that way and then the retribution cycle kicks in.

I'm disappointed that what I thought was such an important characteristic of American values and doctrine turns out to only be a joke in a case like this and that there are people so far gone they would actually celebrate a blatent misuse of power but honestly, it isn't going to impact most of us in any real way.

I expect the district to be more wasteful and run more poorly but Disney itself will be fine and if not, there are plenty of other places to go visit.


Premium Member
No. The legislation gives the district primacy over the municipalities.
So, basically, if a lawsuit were to be filed, it would have to be from the residents of Bay Lake and Lake Buena Vista alleging disenfranchisement given that the creation of RCID had to be approved by a referendum of BL and LBV residents, and therefore stripping the landowners of voting power constituted a fundamental change that required a new referendum.

Again, correct me if I’m wrong.

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