Lots of discussion is about how we expect Disney or RCID to fight the elimination. But, there's another possibility too, Disney could simply fight all the of new details they don't like that are part of the replacement. They probably have much better standing for these types of battles too. They wouldn't even need to fight them based on the prior reasons but simply on the merits. So a new district is created, they could fight the new structure based on arguments of the impacted not being involved in the creation process. Or, they don't like the replacement funding, they could fight that based on the legality of creating a new taxing structure without any input from the taxed. Or, they could force that input and then vote it down (or vote for it if they like it). All of those types of suits have the advantage of being based purely in laws governing the creation of new districts and can completely avoid any link to first amendment reasons.
From the outside looking in, this is a significantly less satisfying resolution. From the inside, it's just more rows in that analysis spreadsheet.