Well-Known Member
How are the sign not to code?What about the road signs when RCID goes away? Can Disney bring every corporate resource to bear so they won’t be forced to use boring, to code, green road signs?
That didn’t happen.Instead of focusing on road signs, if Disney continues to use the full power of the Disney Corporation to attempt to overturn the will of the people, does the pushback stop with RCID?
No, the state cannot just create an area that taxes more. Those extra taxes have to be for a purpose.Can the state create a new taxing district (local or otherwise) in which to place the former RCID and use it to insulate the counties from harm by collecting status quo taxes or target TWDC with an increased tax burden?
I am wondering how much force is behind the governor’s bluster about taxing Disney.
No, it doesn’t matter. They outright said it is about Disney. That they threw some others under with them doesn’t matter. It would help if they were being sneaky about it but they said it out loud.I also wonder how the fact that there were *multiple* districts - not just RCID - affected by this non-renewal legislation will impact things. The fact it’s a decision not to renew - not just suddenly revoke - may also factor in. Lastly, technically RCID is a wholly separate entity from TWDC. Now, through various anti-market measures they exerted universal control over this entity. All this will be fascinating considerations going forward