News Reedy Creek Improvement District and the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District


Well-Known Member
That’s a nice change up from “Disney should build a park in Texas” 🙄

Personally, I still think they should, but in addition to, not instead of. If it were up to me though, I'd do an indoor-outdoor hybrid park in the northeast. Unfortunately though, my few shares don't get much of a vote.


Premium Member
"Concerning a federal court case Disney filed, which is currently on appeal, both parties will seek to defer briefing on the appeal while negotiating a new development agreement."

The above is from the front page article and I read that as Disney can walk away if they don't like what is put in front of them. In that case, there doesn't need to be any secret objectives on or off paper, they can back out for any reason at all.

They are agreeing to defer the federal case, not that they are making the outcome of that future agreement a requirement on settling this case. Settlement of the federal case is dependent on the future agreement. So they are walking away from the case with the district.. and the districts actions (or lack of compliance with Disney wishes) are not grounds for re-negging on this settlement.

I think what you are trying to say the federal case hangs in the balance of getting some new developer agreement in place (differing from the Comp Plan which is being discussed in the State settlement). True... but it's no lock for the state case. Basically it's just a 'cease fire' agreement for the federal case while they work on new settlements for it.


Well-Known Member
From what it looks like, Disney realized that regardless of the merits of the case there are more immediate concerns.

Disney has some (a) very big fight(s) coming up with the Gia Carano lawsuit. It’s going to be interesting to see if they settle out of court. I’d be surprised if they go to discovery; they are likely aware that the internal communications of LF isn’t going to be too flattering or helpful for their defense.

The interesting part will be does Gia settle?


Premium Member
They are agreeing to defer the federal case, not that they are making the outcome of that future agreement a requirement on settling this case. Settlement of the federal case is dependent on the future agreement. So they are walking away from the case with the district.. and the districts actions (or lack of compliance with Disney wishes) are not grounds for re-negging on this settlement.

I think what you are trying to say the federal case hangs in the balance of getting some new developer agreement in place (differing from the Comp Plan which is being discussed in the State settlement). True... but it's no lock for the state case. Basically it's just a 'cease fire' agreement for the federal case while they work on new settlements for it.
Except that Disney would lose the Federal case, too, so it's an empty threat.


Well-Known Member
Disney on the other hand just wants to get something resembling normalcy again as this whole thing is plain bad for business.
Wait,...didn't we all agree that Disney had the legal and moral high ground on this and that Disney's business was in NO danger from ANY of this?

Did we not clearly establish over the past two years that Disney's logo was essentially bulletproof and that any "small" amount Disney brand damage was only due to a tiny minority of small weirdo consumer groups?

Yes, I think we all agreed on this and that Disney had (and still has) nothing to fear on the public relations side. The deep love and consumer goodwill for this company is rock-solid and unwavering in 2024.

We all know this as a fact. Don't let fake news try to convince you otherwise.


Premium Member
Looks like the political ploy failed miserably, leaving the government no reason to fight.

The state is lining up another victory in their ability to punish individuals w/impunity. They've established they can win with skewed courts, and delay and deny tactics in procedures. The Govenor can now move onto his next target of opportunity to stuff with cronies or smash opposition.

But yea... schools are safer now, no more reason to fight.

Wendy Pleakley

Well-Known Member
From what it looks like, Disney realized that regardless of the merits of the case there are more immediate concerns.

Disney has some (a) very big fight(s) coming up with the Gia Carano lawsuit. It’s going to be interesting to see if they settle out of court. I’d be surprised if they go to discovery; they are likely aware that the internal communications of LF isn’t going to be too flattering or helpful for their defense.

The interesting part will be does Gia settle?

Disney isn't going to pay someone because they didn't renew a contract and declined to put her in a TV series.

That would set a ludicrous precedent.

Of course, the same concern happened with Reedy Creek so never say never I guess.


Well-Known Member
From what it looks like, Disney realized that regardless of the merits of the case there are more immediate concerns.

Disney has some (a) very big fight(s) coming up with the Gia Carano lawsuit. It’s going to be interesting to see if they settle out of court. I’d be surprised if they go to discovery; they are likely aware that the internal communications of LF isn’t going to be too flattering or helpful for their defense.

The interesting part will be does Gia settle?

Lol, that's a nothing burger.
So half us here KNEW this day would come and we KNEW it would end like this. The other half swore up and down that Disney had the legal and MORAL high ground and that their spectacularly powerful legal army would crush the State of Florida and make it regret the day it ever challenged Disney and it's RCID government.

RCID,...and the "self-dealing" way it was originally crafted, was a bad idea from day one and Florida rightfully changed it to a better and more "normal" special taxing district configuration.

I'm guessing the Disney and RCID financial investigations by the State Investigator General will also stop now? Or, will that part continue??

Yeah,...this ending is a ZERO surprise to half of us here.
Well done. Great comment.


Well-Known Member
Yep. I take it as a bit of a swipe. A lot of the basis for the State's action was speculated/discussed to be because of the fact Disney entered into the political realm and had no business in telling the State what it should or should not do by way of governing. I'm not making a case either for or against. Simply stating the rationale and prevailing thought.

Now DeSantis wants to express his thoughts by entering the Theme Park realm and giving Disney pointers on how to combat Uni's expansion.
I've seen some bad takes and this is one of them.

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