Recommendations for keeping kids awake


New Member
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Thid might sound bad but...

We have an 8:40 chef mickeys reservation and we'd like to do MVMCP, but we are worried since our girls (4 and 2) don't usually stay up past 8-9. Does anybody have any recommendations for things to either knock them out for a bit of a nap or wake them up to stay up late?

I feel bad even considering these options. I just know that they will absolutely LOVE those two things.



Well-Known Member
I think just the fact that they'll see Chef Mickey would suffice :lol:

Have them take a midday nap after lunch, and then you'll be set to let them stay up later.


Well-Known Member
A long midday nap. Please, for your sanity and for the sake of the ears of those around you, do not force them to stay awake.


I would take them to the children's activities center its in the baby care center. they could take a nap there and its in the park...

magic kingdom- go down main street and take a left at casey's corner and its back there.

i would highly recommend a nap...cause magic kingdom is going to wear them out with all the fun they're going to have.


Well-Known Member
You might want to gradually build up to it . Start a week or so ahead just nudging their bedtimes later and later, and maybe changing their nap times to later in the day. I'm sure they'll love the things you have planned, but not if they're tired and cranky.


Well-Known Member
You might want to gradually build up to it . Start a week or so ahead just nudging their bedtimes later and later, and maybe changing their nap times to later in the day. I'm sure they'll lover the things you have planned, but not if they're tired and cranky.
This. Start extending their bedtimes and make sure they'll be able to take naps midday to prepare them.

The Mom

Premium Member
I think I would cancel the dinner reservations, then let them nap back at the hotel until it's time for the party.

There's an old expression "Too much of a good thing" and I think you might be pushing it. I'm afraid that you'll end up having two tired and cranky kids for both events, and you won't enjoy either. If they were older it might work.

Or have a plan B that consists of canceling the dinner reservation if they don't nap.

I chose the dinner because MVMCP requires a ticket that you have to purchase beforehand, so you can't cancel at the last minute.


Well-Known Member
Our kids are the same ages. On our MVMCP day- we are planning on a long nap before we head out to dinner. We initially had a pre-party dinner at 1900 Park Fare booked, but swapped it out for Citrico's. While it was mainly done b/c we have 7 other character meals booked and we wanted a nice meal for the grown also will keep the kids from getting really wound up until we are back in MK for MVMCP. As "The Mom" previously said, too much of a good thing might be pushing it.

We are also prepping our kids for late nights by pushing back their nap times. Basically, they're in a pattern to stay in the parks for the entire morning/early afternoon and nap late, so they are more inclined to stay up a little later. 10pm CT seems to be as late as we can push it. DD 4 can often go all day w/o the nap and be fine, but DD2 needs the nap. Thankfully, she also will nap in the stroller.

Good luck! :wave:

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