Recent Visit to Disney World


New Member
Just got back from Spring Break trip, 25 years in a row now and we obviously love it. Two questions and one comment: (1) just down from MGM we saw construction going on and signs up saying "Construction Area - Bonnet Creek Resort".....anyone know what this is going to be? (2) at Boardwalk, I understand they are going to close the dance clubs at the one end and build ?????? Does anyone know what is going in there? (3) general comment about the parks and resort: if I have seen a change over the years, it has been a gradual loss of attention to detail. For example, we stayed at Port Orleans Riverside last week and upon arriving, looked down into the beautiful courtyard and saw two plastic spoons and a tube of caulk laying on the pine needles. I wondered how long they would sit there. Sadly, when we left 5 days later, they were still there....that would not have happened 10 years ago, perhaps due to staff cutbacks or what I fear, focus on the little things is not like it once was. Still yet, a very good time.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by frasertown
For example, we stayed at Port Orleans Riverside last week and upon arriving, looked down into the beautiful courtyard and saw two plastic spoons and a tube of caulk laying on the pine needles. I wondered how long they would sit there. Sadly, when we left 5 days later, they were still there

Then pick 'em up and find a trash can instead of griping about it. I know, its not your job. :hammer:

Oh, and Bonnet Creek Resort is a timeshare resort being built by Fairfield Resorts, Inc. It is not on Disney property,(although it appears to be) and is independent of WDW.

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Well-Known Member
I've noticed the same changes in details, particualrly in the parks, not so much at the resorts (although some smaller instances there). One obvious decline is in the landscaping. The grass areas surrounding Cinderella's Castle and the Epcot area around The Land was in really bad shape. One of the things I marveled at in the past was the condition of these grassy areas, as they appeared like a carpet, with a very uniform coloring and careful manacuring. I also noticed the flowers around in all of the parks were wilted, dead, or otherwise falling apart. In the past, Disney would absolutely not let this happen and from what I've been told replace things like this on a daily basis if need to keep up the appearance. Is this a result of staffing cutbacks, financial cutbacks, or just a sudden lack of attention???
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Well-Known Member
During our morning walk to the front of POR last December we noticed a pair of undies laying near the bridge. We seen these undies for 6 days. A coke can I would have picked up and thrown away, but not someone's undies. It was sad to see them everyday and wonder why maintenance hadn't gotten them yet.
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I noticed things of this nature as well in January.

I guess we've all just been spoiled by the Disney Magic in the past.
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Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Gucci65
During our morning walk to the front of POR last December we noticed a pair of undies laying near the bridge. We seen these undies for 6 days. A coke can I would have picked up and thrown away, but not someone's undies. It was sad to see them everyday and wonder why maintenance hadn't gotten them yet.

I'm chuckling here because I can visualize you going out of your way to see if these "undies" were there every day and pointing and saying "Ewwwwwww!! They're still THERE!".:lol:

Why didn't you just TELL a castmember they were there?

If no one knows it's broke, no one is going to fix it.

I doubt that the Disney has people who's job it is is to walk around looking for underwear.

"Hey Billy-Bob....I'll be back in an hour, I'm on Underwear Patrol this week! ":p
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Original Poster
Missing the point......

You all are missing the point.....yes, customers "could" pick up the underwear or the plastic spoons or the tubes of caulk that are sitting in the open courtyard, but that is hardly the "customer experience" that use to be the focus of Disney. Internally, they have the expression of "Magic Moments" and "Tragic Moments" and while they knew both would occur, there total focus was on minimizing the Tragic Moments for their guests and converting them to something special. Scooter says he doubts no employee has "dirty underwear duty"......the fact of the matter, every employee has that job (or should).....housekeepers, maintenance, grounds people, front desk, management, ALL have the job to have their eyes open to insure that these things are picked is the CULTURE which has made Disney what it has been for the last 40+ years. They better get back to that, for the customers can get a good experience at a lot of places, it is the EXCEPTIONAL experience that they look for and expect, from Disney. Wake up Michael.
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Originally posted by lukacseven
I've noticed the same changes in details, particualrly in the parks, not so much at the resorts (although some smaller instances there). One obvious decline is in the landscaping. The grass areas surrounding Cinderella's Castle and the Epcot area around The Land was in really bad shape. One of the things I marveled at in the past was the condition of these grassy areas, as they appeared like a carpet, with a very uniform coloring and careful manacuring. I also noticed the flowers around in all of the parks were wilted, dead, or otherwise falling apart. In the past, Disney would absolutely not let this happen and from what I've been told replace things like this on a daily basis if need to keep up the appearance. Is this a result of staffing cutbacks, financial cutbacks, or just a sudden lack of attention???
Could this have been the time of year? I know that landscaping takes a beating in the winter in Florida because of the constantly changing temperatures.
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Re: Re: Recent Visit to Disney World

Originally posted by epcotisbest
Then pick 'em up and find a trash can instead of griping about it. I know, its not your job. :hammer:

I didn't think he was griping, but I do not disagree that guests can do something about this kind of stuff. If I see trash laying around when I am walking by, I find myself usually picking it up (no, not if it is someone's underwear :lol: ) . I don't really pick it up for my benefit, I've already seen it and am disappointed that someone was probably too lazy to throw it away properly. I think I pick it up so that other people do not have to see it and also to set an example for my kids. (Now that I think of it, if they turn out to be garbage men as opposed to doctors, I have no one to thank but myself. No offense to any garbage men. It's just, doctors tend to make more money and I am hoping my kids will be taking me to Disney when I retire :animwink:.)

Don't get me wrong. I do not think there is any obligation on guests to pick up trash (except to the extent that it is theirs). If you do not want to pick it up, just let the staff know about it. I've done that too, and I am careful to do so in a way that does not make me sound like a whiney guest. Keep in mind that the trash may have just happened and the staff may not have had the chance to notice it yet (though that was not the case in frasertown's experience).

Just my thoughts. John
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Well-Known Member
I once noticed a bunch of French fries and McDonald's fries containers in que for POTC. When I got to the loading dock I kindly told the CM, "Excuse me miss, but I noticed some people had dropped garbage in the que area and it's really messy." She looked at me as if she wanted to do this to me.:hammer: and said "Whatever." I felt two inches tall. How dare I tell her there's garbage laying around!!

So I learned my lesson and decided to keep my mouth shut next time around. I know some people have said when CMs act unDisney like to report them, but then you get that whole I-don't-wanna-get-somebody-fired-or-in-trouble guilt thing. And then you start making excuses for them like maybe they're having a bad day, and you basically do what everyone else seems to be doing unfortunately. You kinda turn a blind eye to the mess and hope it's just a bad day in the Kingdom.
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Originally posted by cherrynegra

I know some people have said when CMs act unDisney like to report them, but then you get that whole I-don't-wanna-get-somebody-fired-or-in-trouble guilt thing. And then you start making excuses for them like maybe they're having a bad day, and you basically do what everyone else seems to be doing unfortunately. You kinda turn a blind eye to the mess and hope it's just a bad day in the Kingdom.
I hear you. But you are not going to get someone fired if you report them. If it is the first time that they have ever been the subject of a complaint, probably nothing would happen. If they have a history of complaints, they may get disciplined, including termination. But, frankly, if they have a history like that, they probably shouldn't be working at WDW.
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New Member
Originally posted by cherrynegra

So I learned my lesson and decided to keep my mouth shut next time around. I know some people have said when CMs act unDisney like to report them, but then you get that whole I-don't-wanna-get-somebody-fired-or-in-trouble guilt thing. And then you start making excuses for them like maybe they're having a bad day, and you basically do what everyone else seems to be doing unfortunately. You kinda turn a blind eye to the mess and hope it's just a bad day in the Kingdom.

Please don't feel like you should keep quiet. I worked for TDS (I know it is not the same as working for the parks, before anyone gets on their high horse) We were expected to be just as "Disney" as our fellow cast members at "the world". Being in managment I know that some people can get a little lazy. Sometimes you need to give them a little push. My husband has fusses at me everytime I go out of my way to point out to cast that it is their job to make the guest experience a magical one. I have also gone as far as reporting unfriendly and rude cast. Disney is a wonderful place for everyone. We (the true Disney fanatics,both cast and visitors) want to share our love with others. Just think of your reporting as keeping Uncle Walts dream of a happy place alive!

(sorry, I am kinda tired and tend to rant when I need sleep)
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New Member
Originally posted by Scooter
I'm chuckling here because I can visualize you going out of your way to see if these "undies" were there every day and pointing and saying "Ewwwwwww!! They're still THERE!".:lol:

Why didn't you just TELL a castmember they were there?

If no one knows it's broke, no one is going to fix it.

I doubt that the Disney has people who's job it is is to walk around looking for underwear.

"Hey Billy-Bob....I'll be back in an hour, I'm on Underwear Patrol this week! ":p

Now you've got me laughing. The undies were not in a hidden location, they will laying on the bridge railing. And we did say "Ewwww!!"

I told someone twice about the undies and they laughed.
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Originally posted by cherrynegra
I once noticed a bunch of French fries and McDonald's fries containers in que for POTC. When I got to the loading dock I kindly told the CM, "Excuse me miss, but I noticed some people had dropped garbage in the que area and it's really messy." She looked at me as if she wanted to do this to me.:hammer: and said "Whatever." I felt two inches tall. How dare I tell her there's garbage laying around!!

You're kidding?? She said "whatever" basically to your face???? :eek: Good grief!!! That blows me away! Literally! I worked as a hostess for a particular large chain for awhile. Being hostess, one of our jobs was keeping the potty cleaned up. *groan*. Usually when we were the busiest (long standing lines) and everyone was to preoccupied with trying to get tables cleaned off and guests sat... and all the other fun things.... someone would come up to us and let us know the bathroom was a disaster area. The shape of the potty is the least of your concerns when you've got an hour long standing line and a lot of people getting annoyed. Anyhow, Nobody liked to do it. We'd say "oh I'm sorry about that. Thanks for letting us know". Then when they'd completely walk away we'd grumble under our breaths while we were off to go clean it up. I guess point being is... guests should never be made to feel 2 inches tall or anything. Smile (even if it is forced) and go tend to it!!!! ARGH! I know if *I* had pulled that I would've gotten my butt fired in a heartbeat!!!!!!!
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Originally posted by Boo47
Now you've got me laughing. The undies were not in a hidden location, they will laying on the bridge railing. And we did say "Ewwww!!"

I told someone twice about the undies and they laughed.

Hey maybe you missed the memo? They're replacing all the Hidden Mickeys with Hidden Undies. LOL

But in all seriousness.... I guess I shouldn't get so wild at WDW and let my britches get away from me then? DARN!!! hehehe They've got a mind of their own ya know! Girls gotta get out & have some fun sometime! :hammer: Ok I'm getting deleriously dumb LOL I'm going to bed!
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New Member
Then pick 'em up and find a trash can instead of griping about it. I know, its not your job.
I disagree. I think it is our job. I'm glad someone has reported this. Next time I visit WDW I'm going to take a box of latex gloves and wear a pair at all times. I wouldn't want to get germs from picking up something that's been lying around for days. Also, I'm going to get a T-Shirt made that says "Guest Clean Up Crew." Do you think they'll let me carry a pointy stick into the parks for picking up litter better? Also, will I get in trouble if I stray off paths to pick up garbage?

This is after all why we spend thousands of dollars to go to WDW - to pick up garbage. We're not supposed to complain - we're supposed to act.

If a light bulb isn't working in your room - don't complain, go buy a new one. If you don't get clean towels one morning, don't complain, go to the laundry and wash them yourselves.

As people have pointed out on this thread - WDW is your World. It's up to you to keep it clean. The CMs and management are too busy to clean up garbage. That's our job.

So again - quit griping and start working!!! Just think of all those calories you can burn stooping to pick up garbage. Then you can eat the Mickey Bar without feeling guilty. :)
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