

Well-Known Member
I'll get to see it on Tuesday night during a different sneak preview and I'm really looking forward to it... I love Paris (always dreamed of visiting when I was young), I love food, and I love the fresh sounding score- well, what I've heard of it so far- can't wait to go!


Well-Known Member
I got to see it last night as well and LOVED it! It's definitely my favorite Pixar movie now. I've been looking forward to this movie since it was announced, so I went in with very high expectations. True to Pixar form, it did not disappoint but rather went above and beyond. Very touching, and very funny.

I also though the end credits were just as good as the movie itself. Wonderful style!

I was also so glad to see a preview for Wall-E. That movie looks superb and his eyes just might be the cutest thing I've ever seen!


Well-Known Member
How was the music score? Any memorable songs?

I thought it was great. I actually noticed it and thought it was wonderful. Recently a lot of scores for movies have gone unnoticed and completely subliminal, but I thought this one was great. They all have that "French feel". I guess you could say. :animwink:


Well-Known Member
Saw a sneak preview in DC where the 98% of the audience was primarily 20-40 year old urban hipsters who gave tremendous applause at the "fin". i was impressed with the film. smart and very original, but it took a while for the story to get set up. the "no motion capture" disclaimer at the end of the credits was nice touch and did anyone else spot bon voyage from "the incredibles"?
If anyone was at DTD that night, I was the one clapping when that came up!

And no, I didn't see Bomb Voyage. Guess I'll have to see it again. And again. And a few more times after that.

(Oh, and the score was by the same guy who did the Incredibles, and Disneyland's Space Mountain. It was very good!)


Le Meh
Premium Member
I thought it was great. I actually noticed it and thought it was wonderful. Recently a lot of scores for movies have gone unnoticed and completely subliminal, but I thought this one was great. They all have that "French feel". I guess you could say. :animwink:

Cool. A significant portion of my Ipod memory is music scores. Really enjoyed POTC music.


Well-Known Member
There is an older thread on Ratatouille. What's ironic is the older thread has more negative reviews and this thread has more positive reviews.

I'm afraid I didn't enjoy the three things I saw last night: the Pixar short, the Wall-E teaser, and the film itself. The short was funny but I just didn't like the style. Wall-E looks like a decent film, but not one I want to see.

Lastly, Ratatouille. The animation was great, the food looked delicious, and every setting was gorgeous. But I didn't like the plot. There were two kiss scenes; both of them were good. I loved the first kiss scene most (between the two anonymous characters). In the end though, I just didn't love the movie.


Active Member
Anyone notice that in the scene where Linguini looks down his pants (when Remy is running amok over his body), that he has "Incredibles" boxers on?

Also, I'd have to admit, that while I thought the movie was really good I didn't think it was great. It fell short for a reason that I'm not quite sure. I think it may have actually been the score. There wasn't a catchy tune. No "You've Got a Friend In Me". No real feel good music. Background music was very lacking. What there was of the music was good, but there were scenes that lacked feeling because there was absolutely no scoring whatsoever in the scene.
The last 30 mins of the movie were the best. The critic, Mr. Ego, deciding to go to Gusteau's again, trying Remy's dish, the whole Health Inspector in the Walk-in stunt...all very well done with great flow from one scene to the next.
There was one point where the rats actually kind of grossed me out. Their movement was soooo spot on when traveling in groups--the animation was phenomenal--almost to its own detriment, because I was reminded that YUCK! These are RATS!! This maybe the first time where all the research on how the animal or vermin moves and how that translates in to an animated character may actually hinder, in my mind at least, the ability to really truly sympathize with the character or colony, as it were.


Well-Known Member
Anyone notice that in the scene where Linguine looks down his pants (when Remy is running amok over his body), that he has "Incredibles" boxers on?

Also, I'd have to admit, that while I thought the movie was really good I didn't think it was great. It fell short for a reason that I'm not quite sure. I think it may have actually been the score. There wasn't a catchy tune. No "You've Got a Friends In Me". No real feel good music. Background music was very lacking. What there was of the music was good, but there were scenes that lacked feeling because there was absolutely no scoring whatsoever in the scene.
The last 30 mins of the movie were the best. The critic, Mr. Ego, deciding to go to Gasteau's again, trying Remy's dish, the whole Health Inspector in the Walk-in stunt...all very well done with great flow from one scene to the next.
There was one point where the rats actually kind of grossed me out. Their movement was soooo spot on when traveling in groups--the animation was phenomenal--almost to its own detriment, because I was reminded that YUCK! These are RATS!! This maybe the first time where all the research on how the animal or vermin moves and how that translates in to an animated character may actually hinder, in my mind at least, the ability to really truly sympathize with the character or colony, as it were.




Didn't you notice how Remy always washed his hands? I thought that was great. And all the rats getting steamed cleaned was pretty funny. Yea, it may not work in real life, but what Pixar film does? You kind of have to give in a bit.


New Member
Go SEE it on the 29th DO NO listen to the people above me the work on france they did was awsome IT had better beat that slacker movie Sherk 3 in the acmedmy awards or someone will pay and it better not be sherk paying the judges. ( it would not suprise me though )

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