The ms and I decided to go to AK on the 27th of November. We had a great time, except for our Kilimanjaro Safari from hell.
Things that went wrong..
#1- Our driver, Christy, kept messing up the lines, ad-libbing incorrect information, stuttering, and talking over the prerecorded parts
#2- She ran into the bushes on the left. Not a little scrape. A full wheel went in.
#3- She started to turn into one of the service side road. Now, I know where these can lead, and I’m not in the mood to disturb an animal feeding area.
#4- She came within inches of hitting a Bongo on the right side. Guests had to shove it away to save it.
#5- She kept tailgating the vehicle in front of us, and in turn having to slam on the brakes. Now, if you’ve ever ridden in the back of these vehicles, you’ll know how bad their rear suspensions are. Well, couple that with a person who is having difficulty staying on track and is continually slamming on the brakes, with a back seat filled with males jumping up and down… LANDING ON YOUR PRIDE AND JOY. (men, keel over in pain… cause it did hurt like hell!)
#6- The tailgating led to a collision. Granted, it was at slow speed and was just a bump, it shouldn’t have happened. On the plus side though, she did stop for a minute or so, which allowed us to recuperate and take some photos.
#7- After several of us verbally criticized her on the vehicle; she didn’t apologize to any of us. In face, when we brought it up to her, she ignored us. GRRR