Rainforest Cafe/WDW water


New Member
On my first trip to WDW I noticed something very strange and I'm sure I'm not the only one.........but WDW has the worst smelling and worst tasting water I believe I have ever experienced. My question is this...........we never made it around to eating at the Rainforest Cafe, but were told by some family members when we got back that they had tried to eat there, but the smell from the water in there was so bad they had to leave. I am not sure which one they were at (downtown disney or animal kingdom), but has anyone ever noticed this?? And.....(since we don't have a Rainforest Cafe anywhere near Alabama)....would you recommend eating there......or somewhere else?? Thanks a bunch!!!!

Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
Disney's water really isn't that bad compared to some other lakes there. Remember they are lakes...not pool, you can't control the smell. And I don't know why would be tasting the water...but that really doesn't have to taste good. I would recommend the Rainforest...we go to the one at DTD a lot.
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hehehe......apparently my post was a lil confusing........

by smelling the water, I meant that when I showered, brushed my teeth, or drank from a water fountain......I could tell the water had a "different" type smell.

by tasting.......I meant anytime you put water in your mouth, or ordered a fountain drink.....you could taste a funny taste to it.

on our last day @ WDW, we went to the Plaza restaurant and my daughter ended up getting VERY sick before we even got out food.....the waiter along with the medical ppl we saw said it was either a reaction to the water (because of all the chemicals used to treat it) or it was a heat stroke......they never determined an exact cause.......but it hit her so fast and her fever shot from normal to 103F....with vomiting, cold chills. just imagine having to sit in the Magic Kingdom with cold towels wrapped around your 2 1/2 year old, while waiting for transportation to the nearest hospital.............not much of a way to end a good vacation.......but...we'll be going back :) :)
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New Member
He He LMAO! I thought I was the only one. Everytime we stay on Disney property, or even in Lake Buena Vista and take showers we notice the water. It's kind of weird, but this is actually one of the smells that I associate with my trips to Disney. If I'm on business and I fly to another city and their water resembles this, it immediately makes me think of Disney World, which is a good thing.
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New Member
Jonitink, I'm sorry about what happened to your daughter. When I replied to the post I was laughing about the water smell, not your misfortune. :) I didn't realize how it sounded until after I posted. I didn't want you to take it the wrong way.
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Nut4Disney.....I didn't think a thing wrong with your post.........I understood what you were laughing at.........:) :) :)

Just glad I'm not the only one who thinks the water in FL is "different" :)
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New Member
try Manhattan water...oye :dazzle: Its weird though...I ONLY drink water and since ive been drinking it so often that i can usually make a distinction between good and bad water...i just never noticed anything bad about wdw water but ill definitely check it out in may :D
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New Member
I have to agree with the water comments but I think I can shed some light on it. Florida traditionally has what is considered to be very "hard" water. Also, it has high levels of a natural form of chlorination. This leads to that chlorine smell. This means that often it will have a different texture to it as it comes out of faucets and shower heads and the like. The reason for the smell and taste is that everywhere in the country treats it water supplies differently. Up here in Mass our water goes through a major treatment process before it can be consumed or used for bathing. (I have to thank my Mother on those facts. She works at a Fluid Testing Lab and runs water and all sorts of other liquid tests all the time.)

I don't know what sort of testing and treatment the water in the Orlando and Lake Buena Vista water goes through but this could be the reason for the differences. Also, we are early in the spring. Pollen and algea levels could be very high and that can lead to smell. And sometimes the water at different places in WDW stands for quite a bit without circulation. That can lead to a smell. Now, I know this doesn't apply to drinking water but hopefully the reason I gave above help out there! Glad to hear everyone is doing well in your family and that you didn't let it wreck your vacation! Have fun!
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New Member
OK, Jonitink. :lol: I do think the water is hard, but I don't think it has a chlorine taste at all, it's hard to describe. I don't drink the water out of the tap here at home either, unless it goes through the Brita pitcher.
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I totally know what you mean. The smell and taste is just plain BAD. We call it Monkey Water. Everytime we finish brushing our teeth we say, " Yuck, Monkey Water"!:( :hurl: :(
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New Member
Were they sitting by the waterfall inside, the chlorine may have a very strong smell.......anyways VOLCANO!!!!

does anyone understand why i said that??

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I love Mickey

New Member
We just got back from Disney at the end of March and we also could not drink the water because we thought it tasted bad. I think this must be a common complaint. When we ate at Fulton's Crab House (DTD) the waiter asked us if tap water would be ok or if we would perfer bottled water. We tried to only drink bottled water while we were there. We did eat at Rainforest Cafe and thought it was wonderful. My children ages 9 and 11 thought it was great. :)
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Active Member
Originally posted by JoniTink
....would you recommend eating there......or somewhere else?? Thanks a bunch!!!!

Never eaten at either one in WDW......but there is one up here, and it is a big waste of time and money......I don't know how they stay open!!!

I don't recommend it!!!
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Well-Known Member
The WDW (and Florida Water in General) is basically Swamp Water. As you go more south (Palm Beach County area etc..) you can start to see a slight Yellowish Tint to the Water...
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Well-Known Member
Originally posted by JoniTink
On my first trip to WDW I noticed something very strange and I'm sure I'm not the only one.........but WDW has the worst smelling and worst tasting water I believe I have ever experienced. My question is this...........we never made it around to eating at the Rainforest Cafe, but were told by some family members when we got back that they had tried to eat there, but the smell from the water in there was so bad they had to leave. I am not sure which one they were at (downtown disney or animal kingdom), but has anyone ever noticed this?? And.....(since we don't have a Rainforest Cafe anywhere near Alabama)....would you recommend eating there......or somewhere else?? Thanks a bunch!!!!
Do you look at EVERYTHING that closley???? R C is GREAT... Wonderful Wonderful and even more WOnderfuk
~ justin..
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New Member
Originally posted by figmentbaby
try Manhattan water...oye :dazzle: Its weird though...I ONLY drink water and since ive been drinking it so often that i can usually make a distinction between good and bad water...i just never noticed anything bad about wdw water but ill definitely check it out in may :D

Excuse me figmentbaby, but you are very wrong! Manhattan water is the most delicious, crisp clean wonderful water in the country!! In fact, it is typically rated one of the country's top ten year after year by the DEP!

On the other hand, QUEENS water is nasty! It has this white powdery stuff floating in it that you have to wait till it settles to the bottom of the glass before you can drink it! GROSS! Oh, and yes! Florida water tastes and smells so bad! I am NOT looking forward to it!:hurl:

Oh, I forgtot about the Rainforest Cafe. I agree with whoever said it was a big waste of time and money! It sucks. There are tons of much better places to eat in WDW!
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