Thank you, clothing is the key. Since the 1970's it's been easy to purchase outerwear with water-repellant fabrics. 3M alone makes several great fabrics and products that can be used to ensure you stay warm and dry; a base layer using Thinsulate fabric with a outer layer using GoreTex fabric means you could stay warm in a cold monsoon.
But SoCal'ers very rarely own that clothing, and have no idea what those 3M brand names even mean.
SoCal'ers will often go out in public with a polyester fleece throw blanket draped around their shoulders as if that keeps them warm and dry, when all it really does is make them look homeless and/or severely judgment impaired. I'm so embarrassed for the folks wandering around outside with a cheap polyester blanket they took off their family room sofa draped over themselves. Those blankets are like a giant neon sign hanging on them that says "
I'm Stupid And Have Never Travelled More Than 150 Miles From My Home".