Quick Wilderness Lodge Question

Jedi Osborn

Active Member
Bear with me here, we leave in 16 days and I’m so excited that I’m micro-managing our trip.
Does anyone know if there are stairs to the upper floors in the Wilderness Lodge? Not just the crummy fire escape stairs, but nice indoor ones. I’d like to stay on the upper floors, but I hate waiting for elevators



New Member
I stayed their this past January and stayed on the 6th Floor. We never had to wait for an elevator. We just pushed the button and there it was. To answer you question, I don't think there are any outdoor stairs.
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I stayed there when it first opened sometime in the mid 90's, from what I remember they're are stairs in the main lobby somewhere I think. Don't take my word for it, I barely remember what I did yesterday let alone 7 years ago. :hammer:
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We'll be there Dec. 14th, so I know how you feel. :sohappy:

I think that there are stairs, but as someone else said, we never waited long for an elevator, so we never used them.
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None that I am aware of in lobby.

I went to WL this past Sprind and I don't remember any stairs coming out of the main lobby. I believe there are the normal stairwells throughout the facility, but I don't believe there is anything like a "formal staircase". Have a great trip. The WL is one of the best places to stay on property.
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Yellow Shoes

Well-Known Member
Yes, there are stairs to the upper floors. There is a georgeous stairway just outside Whispering Canyon.

Our room was 4th floor with a lobby (standard) view--we were over the check-in desk. This was the closest stairway for us.

If you are out in the wings with a courtyard view, you could take this stairway, but you would have a long walk down rather boring and routine hotel hallways. I can't say what the stairs in the wings look like.
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Jedi Osborn

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Wow, when I said quick question, I didn't think you guys would be that quick!!!
Thanks very much for the responses. Sounds like it'll depend on where our room is. As long as the elevators are quick, I don't mind, but when I want to run downstairs for a mug refill, or run back up because we forgot something, I hate waiting.

Thanks again!!
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New Member
Originally posted by Jedi Osborn
Wow, when I said quick question, I didn't think you guys would be that quick!!!
Thanks very much for the responses. Sounds like it'll depend on where our room is. As long as the elevators are quick, I don't mind, but when I want to run downstairs for a mug refill, or run back up because we forgot something, I hate waiting.

Thanks again!!

Ahhh. You'll be doing yourself a disservice if you do that.

One of our favorite things to do at WL in the evening is to get a mug of hot cocoa from Roaring Forks and then hang out in the lobby. They have a huge fireplace with rocking chairs in front of it and big stuffed chairs and sofa's all throughout the lobby. I thikn there is even a big screen TV playing Disney animated movies over by the front desk. Plus, the xmas tree will be up. :sohappy:

More than any other WDW resort we've ever stayed at, people actually seem to hang out and congregate in the lobby at the WL. So grab your mug and pull up a chair. :) You'll be glad you did!
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New Member
My wife and I were in WL last (early) December. It was great and it is my favorite resort. Dont remember an stairs... but as lazy Americans... we always used the elevators... Then again you already do ALOT of walking at Disney. I agree with the previous remarks about sitting in the rocking chairs by the fire. The tree was up when we were there and it was beautiful.

Other things are to have Breakfast at Whispering Canyon... yummmy... and watch for when the characters come around.... there is a schedule they give you as to who comes around what times... its great seeing the kids all gather round.

Enjoy... we're leaving for the Poly in 3 days :sohappy: ... would have rather stayed in the WL... but this is a big family VaK and did have the choice.:brick:

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There are stair right over the main entrance and then there are additional stair on the sides. It will be far more convenient to use the elevators if you are on any floor other than the fourth floor. There are at least two if not three elevators. If you are on the first, second or third floor you won't be able to use the main stair well.

Erring: we were in the WL last year the week after thanksgiving and we will be arriving at the Polynesian on the 17th as well. Funny how that works out.
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Jedi Osborn

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Don’t worry, we plan on having some relaxing lobby time. We’re very much looking forward to sitting by the fireplace and gazing at the Christmas tree….well as much as we can with our 20 month old daughter running about.
I was just talking about when there’s other things to be done. When its time to go see Mickey…..its time to go see Mickey!!
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New Member
EnSkywalker Said:
Erring: we were in the WL last year the week after thanksgiving and we will be arriving at the Polynesian on the 17th as well. Funny how that works out.

Now if you tell me you are taking the Disney Land/Cruise and will be on the Wonder... all I have to say is... STOP FOLLOWING ME.... lol.... it is a small world (no pun intended).... Enjoy... see you there in about 24hrs. :wave:

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We stayed there this past May and there are wonderful stairs around the lobby. Go up them and you will find nice little nooks and seating areas with smaller fireplaces that are quite cool. We stayed on the 5th floor of one of the wings and we took the stairs on the wings a couple of times and they had nice windows to look out on your way down! Sometimes the path less traveled..... :)
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Jedi Osborn

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That sounds great.
I don't mind walking a little more, especially if its a nice as its being described.
Getting so close, we can't wait to go!!

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Hope I'm not too late to chime in. Just got back from WL. Was there 7 nights from 10th-17th. Working on a trip report now, but some info for you Jedi. We were on the 6th floor and I never waited for either elevator more than 30 seconds. Got upgraded to Courtyard view which was great.

The Xmas decorations are up now. They popped up overnight during our stay.

You'll love WL. Dixie Landings has now been replaced as my favorite!
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Jedi Osborn

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Atlaslaw – nope, you’re not too late. Thanks for the info. We’re hoping for an upgrade too, but from what I hear its one of those ‘when you least expect it’ sort of things. But we can still hope. Did you ask for the upgrade or was it just offered?
Good news on the elevator. That’s a relief, I really hate slow elevators. I feel kind of lazy as it is if I use them, but to wait to use them is even worse. No offense to anyone, I’m just a bit that way. Same with someone carrying my bags at the airport or the hotel. I’m perfectly able to do it myself so that’s what I want to do. Guess I’m just weird.
I’m hoping Wilderness Lodge lives up to the hype. We’ve heard sooooo many wonderful things. So far Dixie Landings is our favorite too, but we’ll see how this trip goes……only 9 more days!!!!!!
Thanks again.
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I had originally requested a King bed, but didn't get it, but was surprised to get the upgrade to Courtyard. I can't imagine not having had it now:)

I'm getting ready to post the first installment of my trip report. Look for it. Have a great trip!
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