Hello friends
Just returned from a short visit to O-town this past week, and wanted to share some observations i made while spending a quick 3-day experience in the Parks.
Crowd levels were low, but not as low it seemed as previous January visits. Methinks this had more to do with the weather being nicer and a lot more locals venturing out due to said warmer weather. I noticed several tour groups ( all were well behaved ) and a lot of high schoolers ( must have been a sporting event or competition in town..) The rest was you usual mix for this time of year. Lots of folks from the Northeast and Midwest escaping the cold. You could tell immediately where people came from by how they chose to dress in 60 degree weather. Shorts and t-shirts...Northerners or Canadians. Winter attire, Southerners or the locals. Sweatshirts with t-shirts - West coast or hardier locals.
First full day was Wednesday, January 23rd. MK and a hop over to Epcot.
One of my favourite things to do to start off a visit to the MK is to have a later breakfast at the Poly. I find starting at the Poly and then working my way slowly over to the Park is a great way to begin the experience. A nice opening act to really get one mellowed out and in a good mood before the eventual crush of bodies to come.
Kona Cafe is a fave spot for breakfast, and strolling the grounds at the Poly before or after is always a delight. After a yummy meal, hopping the monorail to MK is always a nice show element. I was a little disturbed by the construction going on at the Grand Flo though. I had forgotten about how construction had already started for the DVC there...and it really grated me the wrong way. I had issues with Bay Lake Tower when that went in a few years ago as it messes with the once classic view on the Contemporary. Seeing the *condo* now being added to the Grand Flo, and word about something being built at the Poly irks me. Just my opinion, and i probably should not get into a discussion about that here since it would go off topic a bit.
Back to riding the monorail to the MK now....
So i have been lax in keeping up with latest monorail news, but i was happy to see the new monorail color added on the refurbed 12th train. Cream is it? It looks niiiiice...but of course seeing it puts a tear in my eye as it immediately makes me think of Austin.
Not a trip since that horrible happening have i not thought about that poor boy and what happened. I spent a lot of time riding Mono Cream. It always seemed to be the one availible when it was time to ride to MK or Epcot.
This visit i stayed at my usual Resort on a room discount, and had comp passes and a one-day ticket in tow. Although i was not able to take direct part in the new NextGen tap-n-go turnstiles i enjoyed watching from afar and observing other Resort Guests using them. Nice and smooth..and people moved through them quickly. This should greatly help ease the congestion the Parks see at the gates during the peak seasons.
As we already all know, Resorts on property already all have the NextGen key locks. The tap-n-go feature with the KTTW cards is a nice plus. It makes it much easier to get in your room, exspecially if you have a lot of items in tow either from traveling or shopping. I see those two aspects of the whole NextGen rollout being positives.
Okay, back to MK!
I was there during the *Long Lost Friends* Limited Time Magic promotion. I have to admit i enjoyed seeing characters from Robin Hood on Main Street. Scrooge was a nice plus too...and Ludwig was awesome. That morning i would say Prince John and Ludwig were both excellent in their roles. Both had some great character traits that a fan like myself immediately picked up on watching from a distance.
Splash Mountain was down for its annual refurb, but what i enjoyed seeing this visit was a more visual presence that it was indeed under refurb. When you visit the Parks often, one looks for things one has not seen or experienced before. Being a Park geek brings out giddiness when you get to see things most often not seen. Watching the guys work on the scaffolding set up in the drop area at nighttime was neat. Same goes for watching the crew removing the X-mas lights from the Castle. Folks may have hangups about the crane being there during the day, but it is cool to be able to see the Park in a different state..a *between* state.. sometimes.
So New FantasyLand now....
First impression - Much smaller in scale then i was lead to believe. Not nessesarily attraction-wise, i mean scale wise as in the SIZE aspects of the buildings and scenery. I was really expecting Beast*s Castle and the entire scale of the BOGs *mountain* terrain to be MUCH larger in scale. Looking at the photos, and videos posted here and elsewhere over the past few months really gives a entirely different impression of the size relations. The Beast*s castle really looks diminished when seen in person. It does not really *work* to my eyes...as it does not look far enough away in persepctive to give the impression of actually being farther away then it is. It reminded me of a My Little Pony play castle playset from the 80s, to be honest. Not to slam it harshly, just observation from my perspective as i view the Parks with different eyes then most Guests.
New FantasyLand is indeed pretty to look at. Some nice eye candy, the best in my opinion being Prince Eric*s Castle/Little Mermaid ride show building. Some stunning work here, but i have to question the lighting choices. Why blue lighting on the building at night? I would think a yellowish tint with the floodlights with a dash of pink to offset the shadows would look stunning on those light walls. I am guessing the blue floods were chosen to envoke the sea...but it just does not seem to really fit the pavillion very well. It would be interesting to see a lighter color palette for the lighting there.
One thing i will point out about the Under The Sea attraction is that the AA of Scuttle in the queue is showing some serious wear issues. I was actually quite shocked at how badly he looks on-stage there, and so soon. The wear and tear on him is quite obvious even to Guest Average. This needs to be addressed asap...it is very poor show. Scuttle*s eyes are all out of synch, and the paint on his eyelids is already all eaten away. The plush fur around his neck ruff was also very worn and dirty in appearance. He just looked really shoddy...and he should not be in that bad of shape this early in the game, but he is. Scuttle looks fine once on the actual ride..that AA is in fine condition and performance mode, but the one in the queue is in very poor shape cosmetically. Movement wise, he is okay( eyes being the exception ) but queue Scuttle really needs some attention right away. If he was not so close to where Guests can view him i can see Disney maybe ignoring this, but being in the position he is in under bright lighting makes it so obvious he is in rough shape. It was downright embarrassing to see....never seen a figure look that bad since Melvin (Moose in CBJ) literally falling apart about three years ago.
Okay, back to some positive observations.
Nice to see the black patch inside BTTMR fixed. Had a really great ride that night...while Wishes was being shot off in the background. Insider tip : Request the back row, in the back car for the wildest ride..and ride at night !
Stitch*s Great Escape had most of its AA elements working in the right-hand theatre. For several visits the cannons were not working correctly in either room, movement-wise or laser-wise...but the right-hand chamber seemed to be all go this day.
The audio quality however was very poor. For sometime now the audio channels seem to be a bit off. It might just be the particular seats i was sitting in at the time, or the room i was in, but the sound was not quite right. Oh...and for those wanting to know - the chili dog smell was non-exsistant that day..at least in my seat it was. Not sure if it was just my seat not working, or that the scent was out, or that it was turned off...but yeah, no chili dog. Good news i guess for those who are not a fan of it, but i like to be burped on by Stitch. Compared to being skunk-farted on by Figment over at JII...yeah, i will take chili dog on anytime over that ! How rude....Figment *lifting his tail* on Guests.....oh man...dont get me started on the currant JII....moving on moving on moving on.....( repeat 10 times...la la la....)
Right...on to Epcot!
Hello friends
Just returned from a short visit to O-town this past week, and wanted to share some observations i made while spending a quick 3-day experience in the Parks.
Crowd levels were low, but not as low it seemed as previous January visits. Methinks this had more to do with the weather being nicer and a lot more locals venturing out due to said warmer weather. I noticed several tour groups ( all were well behaved ) and a lot of high schoolers ( must have been a sporting event or competition in town..) The rest was you usual mix for this time of year. Lots of folks from the Northeast and Midwest escaping the cold. You could tell immediately where people came from by how they chose to dress in 60 degree weather. Shorts and t-shirts...Northerners or Canadians. Winter attire, Southerners or the locals. Sweatshirts with t-shirts - West coast or hardier locals.

First full day was Wednesday, January 23rd. MK and a hop over to Epcot.
One of my favourite things to do to start off a visit to the MK is to have a later breakfast at the Poly. I find starting at the Poly and then working my way slowly over to the Park is a great way to begin the experience. A nice opening act to really get one mellowed out and in a good mood before the eventual crush of bodies to come.
Kona Cafe is a fave spot for breakfast, and strolling the grounds at the Poly before or after is always a delight. After a yummy meal, hopping the monorail to MK is always a nice show element. I was a little disturbed by the construction going on at the Grand Flo though. I had forgotten about how construction had already started for the DVC there...and it really grated me the wrong way. I had issues with Bay Lake Tower when that went in a few years ago as it messes with the once classic view on the Contemporary. Seeing the *condo* now being added to the Grand Flo, and word about something being built at the Poly irks me. Just my opinion, and i probably should not get into a discussion about that here since it would go off topic a bit.
Back to riding the monorail to the MK now....
So i have been lax in keeping up with latest monorail news, but i was happy to see the new monorail color added on the refurbed 12th train. Cream is it? It looks niiiiice...but of course seeing it puts a tear in my eye as it immediately makes me think of Austin.
Not a trip since that horrible happening have i not thought about that poor boy and what happened. I spent a lot of time riding Mono Cream. It always seemed to be the one availible when it was time to ride to MK or Epcot.
This visit i stayed at my usual Resort on a room discount, and had comp passes and a one-day ticket in tow. Although i was not able to take direct part in the new NextGen tap-n-go turnstiles i enjoyed watching from afar and observing other Resort Guests using them. Nice and smooth..and people moved through them quickly. This should greatly help ease the congestion the Parks see at the gates during the peak seasons.
As we already all know, Resorts on property already all have the NextGen key locks. The tap-n-go feature with the KTTW cards is a nice plus. It makes it much easier to get in your room, exspecially if you have a lot of items in tow either from traveling or shopping. I see those two aspects of the whole NextGen rollout being positives.
Okay, back to MK!
I was there during the *Long Lost Friends* Limited Time Magic promotion. I have to admit i enjoyed seeing characters from Robin Hood on Main Street. Scrooge was a nice plus too...and Ludwig was awesome. That morning i would say Prince John and Ludwig were both excellent in their roles. Both had some great character traits that a fan like myself immediately picked up on watching from a distance.
Splash Mountain was down for its annual refurb, but what i enjoyed seeing this visit was a more visual presence that it was indeed under refurb. When you visit the Parks often, one looks for things one has not seen or experienced before. Being a Park geek brings out giddiness when you get to see things most often not seen. Watching the guys work on the scaffolding set up in the drop area at nighttime was neat. Same goes for watching the crew removing the X-mas lights from the Castle. Folks may have hangups about the crane being there during the day, but it is cool to be able to see the Park in a different state..a *between* state.. sometimes.
So New FantasyLand now....
First impression - Much smaller in scale then i was lead to believe. Not nessesarily attraction-wise, i mean scale wise as in the SIZE aspects of the buildings and scenery. I was really expecting Beast*s Castle and the entire scale of the BOGs *mountain* terrain to be MUCH larger in scale. Looking at the photos, and videos posted here and elsewhere over the past few months really gives a entirely different impression of the size relations. The Beast*s castle really looks diminished when seen in person. It does not really *work* to my eyes...as it does not look far enough away in persepctive to give the impression of actually being farther away then it is. It reminded me of a My Little Pony play castle playset from the 80s, to be honest. Not to slam it harshly, just observation from my perspective as i view the Parks with different eyes then most Guests.
New FantasyLand is indeed pretty to look at. Some nice eye candy, the best in my opinion being Prince Eric*s Castle/Little Mermaid ride show building. Some stunning work here, but i have to question the lighting choices. Why blue lighting on the building at night? I would think a yellowish tint with the floodlights with a dash of pink to offset the shadows would look stunning on those light walls. I am guessing the blue floods were chosen to envoke the sea...but it just does not seem to really fit the pavillion very well. It would be interesting to see a lighter color palette for the lighting there.
One thing i will point out about the Under The Sea attraction is that the AA of Scuttle in the queue is showing some serious wear issues. I was actually quite shocked at how badly he looks on-stage there, and so soon. The wear and tear on him is quite obvious even to Guest Average. This needs to be addressed asap...it is very poor show. Scuttle*s eyes are all out of synch, and the paint on his eyelids is already all eaten away. The plush fur around his neck ruff was also very worn and dirty in appearance. He just looked really shoddy...and he should not be in that bad of shape this early in the game, but he is. Scuttle looks fine once on the actual ride..that AA is in fine condition and performance mode, but the one in the queue is in very poor shape cosmetically. Movement wise, he is okay( eyes being the exception ) but queue Scuttle really needs some attention right away. If he was not so close to where Guests can view him i can see Disney maybe ignoring this, but being in the position he is in under bright lighting makes it so obvious he is in rough shape. It was downright embarrassing to see....never seen a figure look that bad since Melvin (Moose in CBJ) literally falling apart about three years ago.
Okay, back to some positive observations.
Nice to see the black patch inside BTTMR fixed. Had a really great ride that night...while Wishes was being shot off in the background. Insider tip : Request the back row, in the back car for the wildest ride..and ride at night !
Stitch*s Great Escape had most of its AA elements working in the right-hand theatre. For several visits the cannons were not working correctly in either room, movement-wise or laser-wise...but the right-hand chamber seemed to be all go this day.
The audio quality however was very poor. For sometime now the audio channels seem to be a bit off. It might just be the particular seats i was sitting in at the time, or the room i was in, but the sound was not quite right. Oh...and for those wanting to know - the chili dog smell was non-exsistant that day..at least in my seat it was. Not sure if it was just my seat not working, or that the scent was out, or that it was turned off...but yeah, no chili dog. Good news i guess for those who are not a fan of it, but i like to be burped on by Stitch. Compared to being skunk-farted on by Figment over at JII...yeah, i will take chili dog on anytime over that ! How rude....Figment *lifting his tail* on Guests.....oh man...dont get me started on the currant JII....moving on moving on moving on.....( repeat 10 times...la la la....)
Right...on to Epcot!