I have only used DDP when we got free dining. Quick service does make the mid-day flexible, which I like. We do TS once in a while for dinner. Of many visits, We have done a couple character lunches, and an 11:30 'breakfast' at 'Ohana. That 'Ohana day took planning. We were staying at the Poly, I took my older daughter to HS for rope-drop, then we came right back. Had a less hectic afternoon, but then had to rush to AK to catch Rivers of Light.
Our usual plan is rope-drop for a couple rides, do our FP, break for lunch. My daughters have very different ride interests, so for some of the morning we are split up. We assess the kiddos as to when to do lunch. Afternoons are usually slower paced, so it's no bother to have a TS reservation. I don't do them every night because if we don't take a break, there are days where my girls are done at 6 or 7. Then we head back to the resort, decompress, and get something quick around there.
Even when we went once a year, I knew we'd get back, so I didn't push the schedule. My 'one-tip' for people is to make your 'perfect' plan for a day, then take out one thing. Pick the lowest priority thing and just let it go. Ending a day well with one fewer attraction is better than taking a chance at a major meltdown due to pushing it. I mix scheduling and keeping flexibility. Schedule FP, and TS meals here and there, especially the really fun ones like BOG, CRT, and other character meals, have an idea what we want to hit if we rope-drop. We have other days where we take our time in the AM, have afternoon FPs, and then decide where to go for dinner. I