Questions for you WDW Park Cast Members


Premium Member
Original Poster
Here's some questions i've been wanting to ask some CMs for ages but never got around to.

1) Are you embarassed by the costume you dress in?
2) What's your favorite attraction to work at, and why?
3) How often are you swapped around the attractions?
4) Can you switch parks, or are you only at one park?
5) How's the pay?



New Member
1) Are you embarrassed by the costume you dress in?
NO WAY!! It is the most amazing thing in the world to bring so much happiness into so many peoples lives everyday. If you truly love what you do, (in my case it would be performing/theatre) than nothing can be embarrassing as long as you are helping create the magic everyone is so crazy about! :)

2) What's your favorite attraction to work at, and why?
Any attraction that involves a lot of audience/guest interaction. (dinner shows are my personal favorite)

3) How often are you swapped around the attractions?
It is different with all the parks and sections, but most of the time you are between 1-3 attractions a week. They are usually the ones close by each other...for example, Tower, Coaster, Fanastamic crowd control, and beauty and the beast.

4) Can you switch parks, or are you only at one park?
You switch parks if you are a character performer...they put you where they need you..this changes usually from week to week.

5) How's the pay?
We don't do it for the money ...that's all I'll say about that :)


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
1- nope... I wore business casual when guests could actually see me.

2-hmm... when I worked attractions I really liked working the Keel Boats. But I didn't do attractions for long..

3-not really...

4-in attractions, no. not unless you pick up a shift at another park that you're trained in or is untrained. In entertainment though, I worked everywhere in WDW.. parks, resorts, odd places.

5-horrid. friggin horrid. No one other than Eisner works at Disney for the money


New Member
1 - Not really. It's not the most comfortable thing in the world - but it gets the job done. Brings new meaning to the acronym EPCOT.

2 - I love where I work (monorails), because I get to talk to guests and have fun with the other CM's all day. Plus I get to drive a really big choo-choo.

3 - Never

4 - You can potentially work crowd control (or other jobs that require very little or no training) at other parks for extra hours.

5 - I agree with AriBelle23 on this one.


New Member
I have 2 questions:

1.) Have you ever seen face characters being propositioned by the park-goers?

2.) Have they ever had any of the costumed characters at Pleasure Island for any special events?


John "big80sanddisney" Kilduff


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
Originally posted by big80sanddisney
I have 2 questions:

1.) Have you ever seen face characters being propositioned by the park-goers?

2.) Have they ever had any of the costumed characters at Pleasure Island for any special events?


John "big80sanddisney" Kilduff

1- more often than you can imagine...

2-yeah... i've seen them slated for events there a few times.


Active Member
Originally posted by NemoRocks78
Here's some questions i've been wanting to ask some CMs for ages but never got around to.

1) Are you embarassed by the costume you dress in?
No. I've had some pretty lowsy costumes in some of my locations, but it isn't really embaressing since everyone else around you has the same ones. And once you get onstage to your location, they really don't seem so bad, as they fit the atmosphere wello enough.

2) What's your favorite attraction to work at, and why?
I really like Ice Station Cool, cause the guest interaction is really fun, and i get to play in the snow.

3) How often are you swapped around the attractions?
I was moved around much more frequently than most. Usually, you work in your area/zone and you stay there permanently, unless you transfer.

4) Can you switch parks, or are you only at one park?
With attractions, its pretty much the same as question 4.

5) How's the pay?
You work at WDW cause you love it. Not to make tons of money.


Well-Known Member
1) Not at all. It's a blue shirt with 'stamps' of all the world showcase pavilions, and plenty of Epcot stuff on it. It's actually pretty cool!

5) As everyone's said. It's for the love of Disney, not the money.


New Member
1) Are you embarassed by the costume you dress in?

When I worked atrractions, I hated the Energy costume. Horizons and Test Track weren't that bad though.

But remember what EPCOT stands for. Evil Polyester Clothes Of Torture.

2) What's your favorite attraction to work at, and why?

Horizons. I remembered so much of it as a kid, more than any other attraction. To work there was really special. To close it was heartbreaking.

3) How often are you swapped around the attractions?

Depends on the area. Some attractions are by themselves. Some are in an area where you learn all at one time. Others are in areas where you learn one at a time.

4) Can you switch parks, or are you only at one park?

Outside of entertainment, you are based at a specific park. If your job is available at another park (something like Outdoor foods) you can pick up shifts at other parks. You can transfer to other parks if you meet the transfer guidelines, and a spot is open.

5) How's the pay?


Active Member
Re: Re: Questions for you WDW Park Cast Members

Originally posted by daksimba
1) Are you embarassed by the costume you dress in?

But remember what EPCOT stands for. Evil Polyester Clothes Of Torture.

i thought it was Extreme polyester clothes of torture.


Well-Known Member
1. No! I love my maroon shorts and bright yellow shirt. And the Animal Kindgom patches on the chest and shoulder aren't that bad either ... at least I get to wear my own hiking boots!

2. Well, I would love to work at GMR, but I will hopefully be shadowing at Dinosaur in the next few weeks.

3. I don't get swapped around. I work at DAK main entrance as a park greeter.

4. I can work park greeter at any park or greeter at any attraction if they need extra workers.

5. I get college program pay ... I tell everyone I'm here for the expierence :animwink: Seriously, it's not that bad.


New Member
Originally posted by NemoRocks78

1) Are you embarassed by the costume you dress in?

I LOVED the long and white Mexican costume and the Guest Relations one that I wore, but my only complain was when I had to wear the costume for the boatride inside the Mexican Pavillion: who decided that bright green and bright yellow matched?? :hurl: I got used to it, but seriously, the mix doesn´t look good. I liked wearing the skirt and the blouse and even loved having a pettycot! (sp?) :D



Well-Known Member
Re: Re: Questions for you WDW Park Cast Members

Originally posted by Maria
I LOVED the long and white Mexican costume and the Guest Relations one that I wore, but my only complain was when I had to wear the costume for the boatride inside the Mexican Pavillion: who decided that bright green and bright yellow matched?? :hurl: I got used to it, but seriously, the mix doesn´t look good. I liked wearing the skirt and the blouse and even loved having a pettycot! (sp?) :D


I got a nice pea coat from was brand new and very comfy. Worked especially well during those cold winter nights. I should have kept it :zipit: (okay since i'm still statused :animwink: :lol: )


New Member
I worked on Main street in a retail shop. I got to wear that lovely brown plain skirt and a off white blouse. You get used to it. If you didn't work in air conditioning is when you hated it the most.

The brown jumper I had to wear when I was pregnant was the worst!! I looked like a brown turd with feet!!

In retail in MK it's different you are not assigned to one shop, persay. They split the street up and you pick a zone that you could work in 2 or 3 shops.

I worked the Gallery, with experience you basically stayed there. Air conditioned!!!

The pay is nothing to complain about. I hate to say it but it's not a hard job to do and they don't really expect to much out of you. like other places. There are SO MANY perks, it's worth the money.

I can say this you enjoy your job because you barely ever see miserable people, so you almost always are happy too!1 Can't say either for other jobs I've had!!


Active Member
I have a couple extra questions it realatively easy to get a job at WDW? You need to go to the casting office, correct? or can you get one through the job hot-line?

2.Once you get a job, can you choose which park you want to work at? and where in the park you want to work at? I would really love to work in the Magic Kingdom doing ride operations for one of the MK moutains, prefferably Splash, lol i'm picky

3.This is just a rumor i heard and I would like to get it clarified or not, when you get a job you first need to be a Disney character for a week? if I had to be one, might as well be the top one, Mickey if I could, yea right I'm sure i can get that job, lol


Active Member
Re: I have a couple extra questions

Originally posted by barnebd5
3.This is just a rumor i heard and I would like to get it clarified or not, when you get a job you first need to be a Disney character for a week? if I had to be one, might as well be the top one, Mickey if I could, yea right I'm sure i can get that job, lol
That is DEFINETLY a false rumor. You start out at whatever work location you are going to stay at.
</i> it realatively easy to get a job at WDW? You need to go to the casting office, correct? or can you get one through the job hot-line? </i>

It depends on the season and what you are looking for. If you apply during the summer for a Quick service food position as long as you are CM matterial you will get hired.. Merchandise is also rather easy to get into. Resorts, Transportation and Operations there usually is a waiting list or you will have to start part time. You can set up an interview on the phone but you will eventually need to make it down to the casting center.

<i> 2.Once you get a job, can you choose which park you want to work at? and where in the park you want to work at? I would really love to work in the Magic Kingdom doing ride operations for one of the MK moutains, prefferably Splash, lol i'm picky </i>

Not usually no.


New Member
1) Are you embarassed by the costume you dress in?
no, i loved my stocker costume at dak. orangish pants and a button-down shirt. not too bad.

2) What's your favorite attraction to work at, and why?
never worked an attraction, but i think it would be a blast to work on the safari.

3) How often are you swapped around the attractions?

4) Can you switch parks, or are you only at one park?
i worked in africa at dak my first college program. and on discovery island my second. in my first i never left africa. but on my second i ventured over to the magic kingdom to do parade control for spectro on a couple nights.

5) How's the pay?
it's beer money. ;)


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
Re: I have a couple extra questions

Originally posted by barnebd5 it realatively easy to get a job at WDW? You need to go to the casting office, correct? or can you get one through the job hot-line?

2.Once you get a job, can you choose which park you want to work at? and where in the park you want to work at? I would really love to work in the Magic Kingdom doing ride operations for one of the MK moutains, prefferably Splash, lol i'm picky

3.This is just a rumor i heard and I would like to get it clarified or not, when you get a job you first need to be a Disney character for a week? if I had to be one, might as well be the top one, Mickey if I could, yea right I'm sure i can get that job, lol

1- very easy when they're hiring. Disney usually doesn't turn anyone down. You gotta go to casting though, unless they hold a recuiting event in your area

2- you can tell casting what area you want to work in, and if there's a position available there, you can take it. If not, you take whatever is available.

3- that's VERY false.... total BS. The character union would never allow that.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by NemoRocks78
1) Are you embarassed by the costume you dress in?

Heck, YEAH!!!! For someone who's expected to be very professional, we're not given a very professional looking costume. I mean, really... purple pants?

Although, I do have to say it's a lot more comfortable than my old Monorail costume. That costume was super uncomfortable. Polyester pants taken from Saturday Night Fever, and a shirt with a choke-collar.

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