Questions about Resorts


New Member
Does anyone know if any more resorts will be built in Disney World? (Besides DVC resorts) Besides Animal Kingdom Lodge, a deluxe resort has not been built in a long time. It would be nice if more resorts opened in the Animal Kingdom Resort Area. There's a very large space between Animal Kingdom and Coronado Springs where a few deluxe resorts could be put to make a nice resort area like the Seven Seas Lagoon or Cresent Lake. Does anyone know why there were no more resorts added to the Monorail system? There's a gap between TTC and the Contemporary that I heard was a planned area for a resort. Why didn't they connect Wilderness Lodge to the Monorail? You pass right by it on your way to the Contemporary. Does anyone know if the deluxe resorts get better business than the moderate or value resorts? Why resort type make a better profit? I would assume deluxe resorts because of the higher price, but more people stay at the moderate or value resorts. Does anyone know? Is there ever a time when every single Disney resort is booked up? Which resort is the most popular? Does anyone know the answers to any of these questions?


Well-Known Member
Whoa, that's a lot of questions!

I doubt any more deluxe resorts will be built soon. Right now, there isn't really the demand. I would imagine that the next resort to be built will be the second stage of Pop Century (which they have actually already started). I don't know the real reason why there are only three resorts on the monorail line, but I personally don't want anymore. It looks fine now, but they'd be a bit too crowded if more were added. Wilderness Lodge isn't on the monorail line, because it would really mess up the theming. It's supposed to be like a secluded mountain lodge. That's why it's built sorta off the main road. To keep with the theming. I would guess that they all make money, but that perhaps more people actually stay in the deluxe resorts because there are more of them. But, I have no statistics to back that up, just a guess. They are all popular resorts to stay at, it just depends on what's in your budget. I've stayed at most of the resorts, but the deluxes only when I was a cm and got a cm discount. In fact, the only places I've paid full price at is the All Stars. I don't need the extras, I'm only at the resort to sleep and shower. The less I pay for my room, the more money I have in the parks.
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Well-Known Member
Richboy said:
Does anyone know if any more resorts will be built in Disney World? (Besides DVC resorts) Besides Animal Kingdom Lodge, a deluxe resort has not been built in a long time. It would be nice if more resorts opened in the Animal Kingdom Resort Area. There's a very large space between Animal Kingdom and Coronado Springs where a few deluxe resorts could be put to make a nice resort area like the Seven Seas Lagoon or Cresent Lake. Does anyone know why there were no more resorts added to the Monorail system? There's a gap between TTC and the Contemporary that I heard was a planned area for a resort. Why didn't they connect Wilderness Lodge to the Monorail? You pass right by it on your way to the Contemporary. Does anyone know if the deluxe resorts get better business than the moderate or value resorts? Why resort type make a better profit? I would assume deluxe resorts because of the higher price, but more people stay at the moderate or value resorts. Does anyone know? Is there ever a time when every single Disney resort is booked up? Which resort is the most popular? Does anyone know the answers to any of these questions?

I doubt that any deluxe resorts are on the drawing board at this point. If you do a search, there have been discussions about rumored/planned resorts on the monorail, and some of the posts were interesting to read. As far as deluxe resorts having better business; I think the room ratio of deluxe resorts vs. moderate and budget resorts vs. occupancy levels are even. As far as profit, each resort is probably run as it's own business, and each have different cost levels. For example: someone takes a towel from Pop Century; it may cost .49 cents to replace it. At the Polynesian, a towel may cost $1.29 to replace. The upkeep budget for the Poly and Grand Floridian differs that of the value resorts yet, the value resorts have 4x's the rooms. As far as most popular, that depends on who you talk to.
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