Question out of Holland!


New Member
Original Poster
Hi everybody,

I'm planning a trip to the world for the last week in januari and the first week of februari. Because it's not next door I want the trip to be as perfect as possibly can. The reason why we want to ga in that period is because they say it's not so crowded and the weather is okay, I checkt weather undergroud. I've got a couple of questions:
1: Is it true it's not so crowded, waits up to 30 minutes?
2: Is it true the weather in that period is around the 15 degrees celsius?
3: We are going with two childeren (6 months and 2,5 years). Anybody have some experience with childeren of that age?

If you guys have any tips feel welcome to share them with me. I can't wait to read what you have to say to make my stay perfect!

I was in the world before, 2 times in te end of november and 1 time in march (spring break :hammer:)

Greetings, Dennis (Holland)

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
It will depend greatly on when you go in February. The first 2 weeks will be relatively mild the last two will be quite busy and hotel rates will spike as well around the middle of the month. The temperature can be around 15 C but it will on occasion get much colder. Last year was one of the coldest on record. WDW even received some snow flurries. When traveling with kids that age you will want to take things at their pace. If you try to do the parks at full speed they will eventually snap and have a meltdown.

Crush Dude!

Back from WDW!Counting down to DLP in November!
Hi everybody,

I'm planning a trip to the world for the last week in januari and the first week of februari. Because it's not next door I want the trip to be as perfect as possibly can. The reason why we want to ga in that period is because they say it's not so crowded and the weather is okay, I checkt weather undergroud. I've got a couple of questions:
1: Is it true it's not so crowded, waits up to 30 minutes?
2: Is it true the weather in that period is around the 15 degrees celsius?
3: We are going with two childeren (6 months and 2,5 years). Anybody have some experience with childeren of that age?

If you guys have any tips feel welcome to share them with me. I can't wait to read what you have to say to make my stay perfect!

I was in the world before, 2 times in te end of november and 1 time in march (spring break :hammer:)

Greetings, Dennis (Holland)

Make sure to book with wdw international, great offers available for the next year :wave:


Well-Known Member
Temps can be hit or miss. I have been to WDW in Winter when it was around 26 Celsius. I have been in Spring when it was in the 5-6C (this was back in Middle School in the early 80s). Plan on it to be cold.

As for the kids, they will be fine. I think the most difficult part will be the long plane ride. Be sure you go at their pace and make sure they get naps. Lack of sleep will make them cranky.


New Member
Original Poster
Hi everybody,

Thanks for the advise up to now. We are planning to go from 22 januari til 5-th of february. We want to be in the world 6 or 7 days and we buy a 10 day pass and we will see how things go. We are gonna be in one park one day so no hopper function. For the rest I hope the tempreture is around the 15 degrees celcius and little rain showers. According weather undegroudn that's no strange thing to claim, am I right?


Well-Known Member
Hi everybody,

Thanks for the advise up to now. We are planning to go from 22 januari til 5-th of february. We want to be in the world 6 or 7 days and we buy a 10 day pass and we will see how things go. We are gonna be in one park one day so no hopper function. For the rest I hope the tempreture is around the 15 degrees celcius and little rain showers. According weather undegroudn that's no strange thing to claim, am I right?

You can expect very little rain for Jan./Feb. The daily high temperature will vary. It would not be unusual to see a high of 15c. It very well could be warmer, depending on the weather pattern this winter.


Well-Known Member
You may get a cold front but that's not normal. Crowds are light, except for Magic Kingdom. The families start to show up around noon. Veel plezier!


Well-Known Member
All good advice so far; weather can be anywhere from mild to pretty chilly (cold) and possibly all in the same week. Weather fronts from the north and west typically come through this time of the year so exect cool to cold morning and hopefully warming during the day from chilly to almost warm. Crowd levels should be low to moderate with Tuesdays though Thursdays the lightest (typically). Not, at all, a bad time to visit.

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