question about Wishes


New Member
Original Poster
hi, I'm new here and am going to WDW next saturday for spring break. I have yet to see the fireworks show Wishes and had a question about it. Does Tinkerbell still fly down from the castle like she did in Fantasy in the Sky or is that gone now? Thank you for any help you guys might have. :D


New Member
I am going to throw my Wishes question in here as well. :)

Is Wishes done every night or just certain nights of the week? What about during Value Season? The reason I ask is because DH and I will be going in September, and I am trying to put our itinerary together and want to make sure that it doesn't matter which day we go to MK...that no matter what we will get to see Wishes.


Well-Known Member
Yeah it will be possibly everynight during the summer, but I am not 100% sure yet. Not till i start working there this summer then I will know for sure. As for September I think it will only be on certain nights, it does usually go on saturday nights.


Well-Known Member
Wishes is an absolutely outstanding show and really not to be missed. Load up the video camera, charge up the batteries, and get there nice and eary so you can get an unobstructed view of the Castle and a little bit off to the left side of the Castle. The Good news is I havent seen many night where they DIDNT have Wishes going off. Inside of a week you will certainly be able to catch it once!!! And yes Tinkerbell does indeed fly as she did for the Fantasy in The Sky Fireworks. Althoguh she isnt in the very beginning anymore,, kinda towards the beginning. Unfortunately Disney doesnt release the hours for any given park until 2-3 months before!! and even then it is only a baseline, the hours could be adjusted upwards based on anticipated crowds!!! Good luck, Belle


Originally posted by fruitcake
I am going to throw my Wishes question in here as well. :)

Is Wishes done every night or just certain nights of the week? What about during Value Season? The reason I ask is because DH and I will be going in September, and I am trying to put our itinerary together and want to make sure that it doesn't matter which day we go to MK...that no matter what we will get to see Wishes.

Well, it's only been playing since October, so it hasn't encountered September yet. But even in January, sometimes the slowest season of them all, Wishes was played every night as the park usually closed at 7pm, which is what is usually does during the slow seasons such as January and September. But they did have Fantasy in the Sky Fireworks in September also, which is a slow season, so there's no reason why they can't play Wishes as well. :D


New Member
We sat at the hub, and it was AMAZING!!! Get there, however, for Spectromagic at 8, because we claimed a spot along with everyone else, and noone budged until after Wishes ended. You can't see some of the fireworks from behind the castle, but you can sit down with an EXTRAORDINARY! view, and also glance at Walt.

Wishes plays every night, I believe, and it should be that way through the summer. Oh, and the main hub speakers clicked on and off all night. It was really distracting.


Well-Known Member
For me, the best spot is a little behind the hub, so you can get the better overall picture. If you're too close, you won't be able to see the effects as well. I like to catch spectro at the Main Street Crosswalk (tomorrowland side, in front of the popcorn stand) and then stand in the middle of Main Street, about halfway between Caseys and the hub for Wishes. :D
Even during our visit just two weeks ago, though, they only ran wishes three times that week.


New Member
Originally posted by barnum42
Anyone know where to best view Wishes from a wheelchair?

The first time I saw wishes, I was in a wheelchair. I had a pretty good view of the show in the tommorrowland restuarant.

Or maybe by the restrooms that are on the path to the restuarant.:wave:


Well-Known Member
As for the best spot, im still working on that. Yes, Tink still flies down.

There is a such thing as Too close. If you are right in front of the castle, or anwhere in front of the statue, You will miss most of the aerial shells - the castle blocks them but the low level effects are great.

On the other hand, if youre at the end of MSUSA by the train station, you see all the great aerial shells but few of the awesome castle effects, because of the buildings at the end of the street. Viewing from inside the train station doesnt help much, because you arent high enough.

People have said that right as soon as you get past caseys and the bakery, you have excellent viewing spots. Of course you have the odd tree here and there. It looks like dead smack center on the bridge is going to be the perfect spot. Good luck staking that out, thats where Kodak has their lil meet n greet photogs set up....

As i was scouting locations for photos on my way out, i might have found a spot that works.

Also, i ran into a South African family who recommended that the edge of the smoking area in front of the plaza resturant allows a great, seated view. I looked and if you can live with a few trees in the way, seems pretty nifty.

All in all, Expect the show to be packed even more than FitS was.


New Member
Perhaps, Dave, the best thing to do is sit/stand in a different place each time! :)

Where did you see it from last night? I was at the hub.


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
i actually prefer to watch it from the contemporary...

as this photograph will indicate (picture taken by dave)

<img src="">


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by 'Lil Buford
Perhaps, Dave, the best thing to do is sit/stand in a different place each time! :)

Where did you see it from last night? I was at the hub.

Last night, was directly in front of the castle, across the street against the planter to stay out of other guests way. That and to keep anyone from getting hurt with this massive tripod.

Made for an interesting picture but it was too close. I keep trying different places.


New Member
If I were to watch Wishes from the California Grill, would I miss the basic experience? Would the view be decent?

I know that they pump in the music into the restaurant, but do the voiceovers also get played?

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