question about visiting the parks alone


Well-Known Member
I leave for WDW in just 3 days and I just found out that my friend who I'm meeting up with didn't request off from work. So, unless she can get someone to switch shifts I'll be doing the parks solo. My question is this, what can I do to not make myself feel alone?

When I was a cp I went to a park alone once and ran my phone bill up really high because I was so lonely I talked to my mom the whole time. Can I still have a great time even if I'm by myself? I would like to think that I can (I mean it's the happiest place on earth) but it just still seems a little depressing to watch everyone else with their family and friends. It's amazing how you can feel so alone when you're surrounded by thousands of people.


Well-Known Member
sounds pretty sad

I guess you need to make sure you use as many single riders only lines as you can, then you can join in with other families.
You actually can make some friends that way.
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tigger248 said:
I leave for WDW in just 3 days and I just found out that my friend who I'm meeting up with didn't request off from work. So, unless she can get someone to switch shifts I'll be doing the parks solo. My question is this, what can I do to not make myself feel alone?

When I was a cp I went to a park alone once and ran my phone bill up really high because I was so lonely I talked to my mom the whole time. Can I still have a great time even if I'm by myself? I would like to think that I can (I mean it's the happiest place on earth) but it just still seems a little depressing to watch everyone else with their family and friends. It's amazing how you can feel so alone when you're surrounded by thousands of people.

Whether someone can have a great time by himself at Disney World depends a lot on the individual. That said, it's definitely possible. The most important thing is to keep a bright outlook. Like you said, it's a pretty happy place (although I think Disneyland in California might officially be the happiest).

I spent some time at the parks alone under pretty bad circumstances. I had a huge (non-violent) fight with the "friends" I was visiting and sharing a room with during a trip years ago. In spite of the fact that I was bitter, angry, and essentially forced to visit the parks alone from that point on, I found a lot to lift my spirits.

One suggestion is to strike up conversations, if not with other tourists, then with cast members. Another thing I really enjoyed was watching other people enjoying themselves. For instance: During the Mickey Mania parade on that trip, a little boy standing in front of me held out his autograph book to a girl who was driving one of Mickey's shoes (it was a weird parade). She didn't have a pen, so after some really quick thinking (she did have to keep up with the parade, after all), she flipped the book open, kissed the first blank page she saw, and handed the book back to the kid before driving off. Seeing that little boy's face light up at the sight of those lip-prints was the best thing that happened to me on that trip. Nothing could wipe the smile off my face after that.

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New Member
There have been several solo traveller threads recently, do a quick search and you should find plenty of positive replies about enjoying the parks as a party of one.

The only thing I do not do when visiting alone is to eat in waiter service restaurants. Other than that I have a great time going where I want, when I want without having to worry about how it will impact on other people's days.
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Active Member
I can't speak for myself but I will speak for my brother. He went twice on his own, once to visit our cousin who was in the CP and once during a conference. Both times he said he really enjoyed it. When visiting the cousin, he only was able to see Paul twice for dinner, other than that, he wandered the parks alone, striking up conversations with people in queue, talking to CM's etc. When he visited while on conference at the CS, he was a pro at solo park-hopping and again had a great time. He said that he got more done alone and was freer to do things that he alone wanted to do. He loves traveling in a group (we also go with a minimum of 5 people) but being alone those 2 times gave him the opportunity to do just his favorites.
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Premium Member
I think if it were me I would arm myself with a good camera and take pictures of the park from a different perspective (rather than the normal "here's the family photos".)
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New Member
Tigger....If you have to go alone, make yourself enjoy it. Most of the time when people feel lonely, they think everyone is looking at them and feeling sorry for them. I promise you that they are not! One day at Disney, my husband and daughter went to ride some rides that I will not get on. So that I would not have to sit and wait, we planned to meet up much later in the day. I spent the whole day alone in the parks. I went where I wanted, rode what I wanted, ate where I wanted, walked as slow or fast as I wanted! In other words, that day was about ME! I had a blast. Just go do what YOU want. Don't let yourself feel lonely. Trust me, if you just focus on what you want to do, you will not miss being with anyone.
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Well-Known Member
Looks like you will be at WDW for "THE MEET" so you don't have to be alone!! Look up the official meet thread and I'm sure you'll find lots of others from here there.

I'm actually trying to swing a last-minute trip down for a couple of days just because I'm so disappointed to miss the meet. What's a 9 hour drive?? LOL
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New Member
Personally, I *love* going to the parks alone...while I was a CP, I'd get off work and head for a park all by my lonesome, wandering aimlessly and finding new "secrets". Just keep a bright outlook and you'll have a great time. And look on the bright side--Single Rider lines!!! :)
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New Member
Like Kadee stated, you can do what YOU want. That's what I enjoyed about my CP days. I would come back to the apt, and my roommates would inquire me as to why I would ever think of going to the parks after work by myself. Truthfully, if you're a big WDW nut like me, it can be a blast. You notice things you otherwise may not have if you came along with pals, and you get to visit parks/resorts that others in your friends/family circle may not appreciate as much as you. It's fun to take in the resorts on a quiet day, and just laze around. :)
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Active Member
Most of my visits to WDW over the last 4 years have been alone. I've always had a great time. Some of the most interesting and amusing conversations I have ever had have been with complete strangers at the parks and Downtown Disney. One time I went to Epcot and while I was taking a photo of Spaceship Earth from across the lagoon in World Showcase, this elderly couple approached and asked if I'd like to have a photo taken with ME in it since I was alone. I said sure, so I hopped up on the wall and the guy took my pic. Afterwards we talked for a few minutes at how great Epcot is before we went our separate ways. That same visit, I got into a lengthly conversation about The Beatles and music/musical instruments in general with the bass player from The British Invasion after they played a set. Another time while enjoing some ice cream from Ghirardelli at Downtown Disney, a couple really nice ladies on holiday from England struck up a conversation with me while they enjoyed their ice cream too.

The best advantage of visiting Disney solo is you can do what you want, when you want. No protests from other people saying they want to ride something else or eat somewhere else or whatever. Plus now that several attractions have single rider lines, you can use that to your advantage as well. Every time I've been on Test Track, I've used the single rider line. I don't even know what the regular queue looks like! :lol:
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Thanks everyone. I appreciate the advice. I will just have to make the best out of whatever the situation might be. Hopefully she can switch her days, but I'm trying to prepare myself for if it doesn't happen.

If anyone is going to be there on the 20, 21, or 22 and wants to meet up, let me know. I think it would be fun to meet up with a fellow WDW fanatic. Unfortunately my whole trip can't be Disney because I have to go to a conference and it will make me miss the meet. (I really wish I could go to the meet)
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Well-Known Member
i am only 14 (soon to be 15!) and i go to the parks alone may times while my parents are back at my favorite resort. Fort Willderness, if you care to know. I go alone and have a great time and spark conversations with many of the Cast Members. So much, i actually have gone back to where they CM's work just to say hi, and they are always happy to see me! lol. And when i do bring friends, they always say, "so you brought friends this time!" don't be afraid to be friendly towards the CM's. I am always just nice, and say, (or sometimes yell :lol: ) Hey, (look at nametag and say name) how are you? Is it busy today, etc. etc. They love the first name calling, insted of just excuse me, like so many do. I wear a nametag too, well, just a pin that has my name on it. They can always tell very quickly that i am a huge Disney Fan. One CM working at one of the rides gave me a FP just for saing hi at the enterance. they love to see it, believe me. I ALWAYS ask one of them for thier job, so i have an excuse to live at WDW. lol. jokingly, of coarse. it's a lot of fun. Eat on the run, and see what YOU want to see. Don't be forced on anything to anyone besides your conscience and your guilt for not going on it last time. There's lots to see and do, and plus on Buzz, you get 2 guns! lol. It's hard to use both, so the other gun just sits there. Here's a hint: Sit on the right if your right handed, the left if your left handed, that way your dominent hand controls the gun, and the other hand runs the joysitick. Anyhow, i love WDW alone, and pin trading is a great way to get involved with CM's as well. Just be friendly you never know what you may find.
Bottom line: Be friendly and have a postive outlook, and have a great trip!
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Jekyll Baker

New Member
Well, I'll be there July 26-28, by myself. I usually go to WDW alone, esp. since most of the friends I would go with are also my coworkers and it's 99 44/100% impossible for us to be off at the same time, and I'm also just trying to get away from everything for a few days. For me, alone does not equal lonely. I get to do whatever, whenever (in fact, when I went in January, one day I had intentions of spending the afternoon in Epcot, but ended up falling asleep for the afternoon - I was there to relax afterall. :) )

Unlike Barnum42 however, I don't mind eating in the sit-down restaurants by myself - I just enjoy the food and the atmosphere of the different restaurants. The only thing that stops me from going to the sit-down establishments is whether I feel like spending the little bit extra or not.

Just go and enjoy yourself.
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Well-Known Member
Remember its the happiest place on earth. If you keep that in your head you will be fine. I go every year for a week by myself and I love it! :wave:
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New Member
pppapazo said:
Like you said, it's a pretty happy place (although I think Disneyland in California might officially be the happiest).


Disneyland is indeed the happiest place on earth. Walt Disney World is the most magical place on earth. Either way, you can have loads of fun there by yourself because you get to pick what rides to go on and when to ride them.
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New Member
Jekyll Baker said:
Unlike Barnum42 however, I don't mind eating in the sit-down restaurants by myself.
I know that there are plenty of people who are happy to dine alone in waiter service restaurants and there are stories on the boards of how the the CMs make solo diners feel at home. But in these places I can't help but feel that dining alone reminds me of being on a road trip for work :lol:

As you also mention, for the price of one waiter serviced meal you can get three counter service ;)
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New Member
i know this is going to sound extremely werid and crazy but i do MK Epcot and DS all in one day. this year i am going to start out in MK. then head over to DS and then back to epcot where i will meet up with my family because i know they will never make it also b/c i move fast and i start out early. so good luck with ur personal day travels there are always exciting.
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