Question About the Haunted Mansion


Active Member
Miss Bell said:
I guess my best advice is listen to the child in question. If they are up for it, do it, but don't force them to ride til they are ready. I saw a horrible man brow-beating his son for being "too sissy" to ride once. Nothing is worth that, in my opinion.

I agree w/Miss Bell.
We have a 6 1/2 year old now, and when riding individually in the past using child swap, both my wife and I rode with her in mind, and forgot how dark and scary it would be for her. We're crossing our fingers though and hoping she'll go this time, but if she changes her mind, we won't force her.


New Member
The only thing that scares me about this attraction is worrying about tripping on something while my eyes adjust to the dark rooms of the HM from the bright Florida skies.


New Member
Even at a young age, I never found The Haunted Mansion exactly scary. However at points (especially the beginning narration and stretching room) it can get a little creepy. However, overall it's a good-natured, fun ride. Like mentioned before in the forum, there are some ghosts in the attic that pop up, but they're small and if you look for them, you can actually see them before they pop up. And I'll bet you that by the end of the ride, it will be a favorite.


I have grown up riding the Haunted Mansion and was never scared of it as a kid. But for some reason the last few trips I have been totally scared out of my mind riding it. It creeps me out really bad. Last couple times I rode I was clutching to my then 3 year old in fear and he wasn't even fazed LOL.

There's just a couple scenes that really creep me out bad, and I don't like the things that pop up from behind the tombstones and scream, even though I know exactly when they are coming.

I'm sure 99.9% of people can ride it without being the least bit scared, and I used to be able to, but now I ride it BECAUSE it scares the heck out of me. :lol:

A "Ghost" Host

New Member
Well, the only thing that can be very scary are the pop up ghosts in the attic and graveyard, but other than that its all good fun. If kids get scared there is an old trick from the CMs which go like this: *pull out a park map* "This is a magic map. If you hold it in front of your face during the ride the ghosts can't see you, or hear you." That usually calms them down. Hope that helps!


Well-Known Member
ha ha. I like the Magic Park Map, too.

I think the key to Mansion is surprise. Also, the beginning builds it up as something it isn't quite (i.e. a really creepy attraction vs. a more kooky one). I think if you give a run down of some of the things your child will see, it will help immensely. At such a young age, I don't think it would ruin the attraction to give a bit of it away.

Some definites to mention:

1. Pop up ghosts
2. The knocking doors
3. Big spiders

Definitely it is ok.


New Member
i love hm!!! i've been on that ride probably 30 times or more and whenever the ghost pop-ups happen i always give a little scream and clutch my heart :eek: but then have a big laugh about it :lol:


Is it just me, or did they tone down HM since the early 90s...

I remember the jumping spooks in the attic to be more synchronized and more shocking...also the preshow audio (thunder and the scream) was louder...

...or am I crazy? :confused:

- Brian

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