Question about splash mountain


Active Member
Original Poster
I was wondering if anyone has heard anything about the SM refurb. Is it on track or will it be delayed reopening? Also, this site and others says it's closed through the 16th and Disney's site says through the 17th. Does anyone have any insight into when it will officially be reopening.

I ask because I'll be down there this weekend through Mon. and am hoping it reopens while I'm there. Or is that just wishful thinking...
Are they adding a third loading area? The ride bcaks up alot already in spots, will this mean longer waits in spots through out the ride, or become a "log jamb" like small world at the end?

That may have been the worst part of our trip in November. Stuck at the end of IASW, THAT song is blaring, your in a log traffic jam.....and you cant go anywheres!


Well-Known Member
They build in these "log jams" intentionally It wouldn't surprise me if they were to add a third loading area, but I imagine that given the nature of this ride compared to others like PotC or IaSM, I'm not sure if anything can be done about this ride's capacity.


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
Splash was running empty logs through on Saturday. There was no water running down the drop and no jets were spraying, but logs with plastic water-filled pretend people and empty were being cycled through. Sorry, no pics... I didn't think of it at the time.

I'd say that would be a good sign that they'll be up and running on time.


Well-Known Member
A third loading area...that sounds like big work. It will make the ride, one of my favorites, a much quicker wait. They are also draining the water and putting in new pipes.
logs with plastic water-filled pretend people and empty were being cycled through.

Does that mean they did something significant to the logs? New logs or huge repairs/replacements on them? I don't think they would have to be cycling the test people through the logs if they didn't do much to them except a normal splash of paint here and there...hopefully they ATLEAST got new handles cause those old ones were starting to smell like butt to keep my language under controll.

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