Well-Known Member
When I did my (UK) Law degree we were told that the intention of copyright was to provide for the author, their children and grandchildren as these were the ones who would reasonably have a connection to the author. Here copyright is 70 years after the death of the author which is absurd to me.If ownership of ideas can expire, why not other things like land or any form of property for that matter?
There needs to be a serious international debate and agreement on IP rights going forward as Berne is very outdated.
On a related note there was an interesting article today on the rights to Einstein's likeness. You could see a similar argument applying to Walt or even Mickey

Who owns Einstein? The battle for the world’s most famous face
The long read: Thanks to a savvy California lawyer, Albert Einstein has earned far more posthumously than he ever did in his lifetime. But is that what the great scientist would have wanted?