No. But I am offended by your use of Comic Sans.Are you serious? You seem "offended" by this CM for being human? So what ?they make fun of stupid things....don't you? Maybe they need to vent after a pathetically low paying job where they must be worked hard in extremely hot weather, with little respect from visitors? I mean really, do you expect these people to be robots? You really sound ridiculous posting this topic. I am not condoning Twittering about specific people in a negative way..BUT come on...the whole world Twitters and FAcebooks things that could be taken in many ways. Do you work and deal with people who expect perfection from Disney all day? Just curious?PS.. I don't mean to offend anyone on here, but this post really got under my skin.
In fact, I can't take you seriously at all. Remove that font. Remove it now. Please.