Professional Internships


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Hello Everyone!
I have applied for several Profesional Internships and am awaiting a response! I just have a couple of questions! Does anyone know how long it typically takes to hear from them? I have gotten a couple of emails saying that my information had been forwarded to a recruiter, but I haven't heard anything in a couple of weeks. Is it bad to apply for more then three internships? Any help, suggestions, or information would be greatly appreciated. I am just so nervous and I can't seem to find much information!

Thank you so much!


Well-Known Member
To answer your questions:

They won't even begin to interview for these until October/Novermber-ish. Last time the interviews didn't run until late March/early April. I did not receive my rejection e-mail until very late May. I am not a CP alumni and I applied for 3 positions for this Fall. I really thought I had a chance but from everything I'm hearing, if you're not a CP alum you have about as much chance of getting a P.I. as winning the lottery. That's not something I made up - that was told to me by my friend's cousin who is a Costuming Manager at Disney, by a CM, and by mulitple CP's. I spoke to a girl on here who got one of the positions I applied for what her qualifications were (because I was intensely curious by how I got owned, frankly!) and her qualifications were nuts; completely annihlated me. 2 or 3 time CP alumni, 3.8 GPA, and enough extracurriculars to make your head spin. Took me a while to realize that I'm not the only one applying for a P.I. Since then I have been convinced the best (only?) road to a P.I. is the CP, so I applied a week or two ago and waiting to hear if I got in even that. (and trust me, I didn't want to "lower" myself to that, but the more I thought about it and was told that's the easiest thing to work your way up from, the more it grew on me).

"I have gotten a couple of emails saying that my information had been forwarded to a recruiter, but I haven't heard anything in a couple of weeks. Is it bad to apply for more then three internships?"

Everyone gets those e-mails when they apply. As far as more than 3, I have heard different things. I, personally, would never apply for more than 3 because Disney strictly says on the app: Choose only three.

Goodluck, though! I am in the same boat as you, but if you're already a CP alumni you should feel a lot better about the chances than someone who isn't.


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Thanks Joey for your response! Well, im glad to hear they won't start interviewing this soon, but that sucks about the CP alumni. No, im not a CP alumni, nor do i believe that should be a factor for the PI's that don't have it in the requirements or desires! I fit all the requirements, desires, and then some...but im still really nervous!

About applying for more then three...I don't see where it says only apply for three...or I definitely would have followed those directions. Im blaming it on the new system though, because it is now through You go and search for the internship you want, hit apply, and fill out an assessment...thats it. No application, no nothing! I have even spoked with a couple of CMs saying that there was no limit, like there was last year...but who knows. All i know is that either there is no information about that anywhere or I completely missed it!

Do you mind me asking which ones you applied for? Also, when you say that you got rejection letters...did you get an interview? Im also wondering whether you will get a rejection email or anything if you don't even get an interview!

Im graduating in december and I have just decided that since Disney is my chosen career path, im just going to go down and get an entry level job and work my way up internally! (That is if I dont get a PI) Now, im just trying to decide if doing the CP would be better then just getting a job!


Well-Known Member
javer004 said:
Thanks Joey for your response! Well, im glad to hear they won't start interviewing this soon, but that sucks about the CP alumni. No, im not a CP alumni, nor do i believe that should be a factor for the PI's that don't have it in the requirements or desires! I fit all the requirements, desires, and then some...but im still really nervous!

About applying for more then three...I don't see where it says only apply for three...or I definitely would have followed those directions. Im blaming it on the new system though, because it is now through You go and search for the internship you want, hit apply, and fill out an assessment...thats it. No application, no nothing! I have even spoked with a couple of CMs saying that there was no limit, like there was last year...but who knows. All i know is that either there is no information about that anywhere or I completely missed it!

Do you mind me asking which ones you applied for? Also, when you say that you got rejection letters...did you get an interview? Im also wondering whether you will get a rejection email or anything if you don't even get an interview!

Im graduating in december and I have just decided that since Disney is my chosen career path, im just going to go down and get an entry level job and work my way up internally! (That is if I dont get a PI) Now, im just trying to decide if doing the CP would be better then just getting a job!

I applied for Retail Management (of which I have 6 years experience in, so I was shocked not to interview on that one), Communications Coordinator, and Merchandise Presentations Specialist.
I received a reject letter without any sort of interview, correspondece, or anything which read:
Dear Joseph,
Greetings from the
Walt Disney World® Resort. We sincerely appreciate your interest in the Disney Theme Parks & Resorts Professional Internship Program.
Due to the overwhelming response for our August 2006 Professional Internships and the limited number of opportunities available, we regret to inform you that we are unable to extend an invitation for you to participate in a Professional Internship at this time. Our decision was a challenging one due to the overwhelming talent and qualifications that each candidate possesses. Participant selections were made after much consideration.

I, too, am graduating in December but I am going down for the CP in the Fall and getting residency with my college so I get credit as if I were on campus. With that, I hope to be able to get in a P.I. for the Spring since then I'll be a CP alum.
As far as meeting the requirements, like I said, I met and annihilated them. But everyone keeps telling me, and it's proving true, that no matter how qualified you are, if a CP alum applies, they will get a zillion percent more consideration than a non-CP alum applicant.
As far as applying for 3, it said that on the old system application. Even so, I don't think personally it's a good idea to apply for too many because it just makes you look desperate and like you're not really focussed on anything. It doesn't look "good to Disney because they see you really want to work there if you apply for a lot."
You mentioned "nor do i believe that should be a factor for the PI's that don't have it in the requirements or desires." I have never seen a PI that didn't have CP alum listed at least in the desires. Can you show me which one's don't even mention the CP?
The new Disney Careers website is pretty horrible for a global conglomerate like Disney. When you apply, like you said, it just says you've applied for the job. But how do they know what resume I want them to use, which cover letter, etc.? It's pretty silly.

Anywho, try looking into the CP for the Fall if you have 12 hours or less to go. You may be able to get credit and residency at your college or you may be able to do some Independent Study/Correspondence work. Don't feel bad if you have to "settle" for the CP in the Spring, either. I had to! But if you really want to work in Disney, you almost HAVE to work your way from the bottom up.


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Hi Joey,
Thanks again! That sucks :)

Here are some internships listed that don't say Disney CP Alumni anywhere:
Convention Services Assistant
Convention Services Sales Associate
Disney Event Group Ticket Sales
Travel Sales Industry Coordinator
Disney Institue Program Assistant

Those are a few that I have seen that don't require it nor desire it!

I understand about looking desperate...but I guess I dont see anythign wrong with Disney knowing you really want to work for them. To me, that shows dedication, loyalty, and excitement! I don tknow, I guess if I was Disney, I would think that was a plus! But, im not Disney :)
Yes, yes, yes, this new website sucks a whole lot!


One sec....

Okay folks the new DisneyCareers site does not lacks in some areas but I can actually upload a pdf now. Before it was only word documents and text. Lame!!!!! Now i can showcase my resume and cover letter as well as my self-promo in their newly designed look in pdf attachments. I do agree about the which cover letter thing. I had to write basically 2 "generic" cover letters. One dealing with internships and the other dealing with professional positions.

I didn't do the CP but I did have my second interview with WDI in orlando which came from a position I applied to via the website. However WDI opted to go internally and used the position as a promotion for that lucky cast member. I really wish the university I attended had done the CP. My university actually suggested to me that I don't. I was livid. Anyway I went a different path and did the WDI ImagiNations Design Contest. I'm so glad that I did.

I have seen other internships on the site that do not require CP alumni. Also I hate how they say that internships are for college students, Jr. and Sr. level, currently attending when I know someone who graduated university in december and did an internship in the spring after they had graduated!!! Then again that persons internship wasn't even listed on DisneyCareers. They told me that it's an internship that has openings all the time, each semester. They told me themselves that they never had seen it before on the site. Nor had I, and trust me folks I visit DisneyCareers daily and have done so now for a year!!!!


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I agree...the website isn't TERRIBLE, but I do think it needs some improvements...such as the whole cover letter thing!

So, what exactly are you doing? Im not in touch with everything Disney internships, so Im not sure what the Design Contest is...does that mean that you are down there doing an internship with imagineers?

Yes, there are plenty of the internships listed on disneycareers that don't require or desire the cp alumni..thats why I think its a shame that CP alumni's get looked 5,000X better then non cp almni.(In the ones that do not mention it...for the ones that do, of course they should)

Well, what exactly is this persons internship? How in the world did he get it if it's not listed? Thanks for your help, im curious now!


I am not doing anything right now with Disney or WDI. I have applied for various internships on DisneyCareers as well as keeping in contact with the college relations department at WDI in glendale. I just graduated and from what some of the Imagineers told me, they like to make sure students are done with school before trying to get them into something. They said that WDI is highly respectful of your degree.

WDI ImagiNations:

I was basically saying that if if I wouldn't of entered the WDI imaginations contest then I could be even worse off when trying to get an internship/job with disney. There is the catch 22 with the contest, that you can't work or have worked for Disney if you want to enter WDI's ImagiNations University Design Contest. That was fine with me seeing how I said before my university didn't participate in the program.

This person I know is finishing up her internship at WDI in orlando. How many internships have you seen for WDI posted on DisneyCareers? I think in the last year I have seen 3. The way they got this internship was by being an alumni of the WDI ImagiNations Contest and keeping in contact with the connections they made durring the finals week out in Glendale. I have the same connections they do and I know who helped them get the position so I hope this person can help me out as well. Time will tell.

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