problems at character meals?


New Member
Im sure this is extremely uncommon but I wanted to see if anyone had experienced anything similar and how it was handled. A few weeks ago when we went to WDW, we did a character dinner at Chef Mickeys. We got there, checked in and they sent us right over for the photo. Just as we finished up the photo, we were standing in the corridor just in front of the photo area when we heard this crackling pop sound, and a second time and then my son said "ouch" and grabbed his arm. I looked down at him and then heard the sound again and felt a sharp poke at my arm. I grabbed my arm and looked at it but didnt see anything, then I check out my sons arm to find a small cut, probably 1/2 inch or less in size. It wasnt bleeding bad but it did bleed and it didnt bother him our whole trip but he did complain for the first couple hours occasionally. Apparently, the small hanging lights by the photo area had popped. The CM did go get him a bandaid and apologized and soon after, the restaurant manager came over and gave me a accident report and her card and apologized as well. She asked if we were staying at the hotel (contemporary) and I said no, POR. She didnt return to pick up the accident report so I asked the server to forward it to her. I really had thought maybe they would have given us a 10% discount or something but when the bill came, I paid the $120.00 plus tip and the $26.00 for pictures and we left. I know It wasnt a broken leg that ruined our trip and honestly, we had forgotten it the next day but the little gesture would have been nice. :) I was in restaurant management for 12 years, it just seemed unusual. Ive heard so much about disney magic...I wasnt feeling it there ;) Great meal and atmosphere though...we would go back.


New Member
The three times we have stayed at WDW (at the Contemporary) we have gone to breakfast every morning to Chef Mickey's. On our first trip we were there for 7 breakfasts. The staff knew us. The last breakfast of that trip, Pluto took my 4 year old with him to visit all the tables. About 1/2 hour later I found him with Goofy. My DH and I had a great time and my son even better.:lol:
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New Member
Just my 2 cents

A poping lightbulb in a restuarnt should not ever happen(1st off any tubular lights must be wrapped in a plastic or rubber coating as per OSHA 2nd they now use Halogens that dont pop just fizzle to non existance) I am not calling whoever it is a liar but it sounds odd.

I am not saying Disney is perfect my aunt stayed at the contemporary, fell and broke a bone in her foot due to an slight incline going to the elevator that isnt clearly marked and they did didley for her, not even payed for her examination. So no they arent all perfect but hey it happens.

As a restaurnt Manager the word Comp has now developed an ugly condotation, it used to be we would give a guest something complementry if something out of the ordenary happens IE a celing tile falls, a waiter drops someting on you, ect ect. Not oh I've been waiting for 30 min to get my dinner. Disney has mostly a great guest recovery system, yes it has flaws the #1 flaw however is that people are too greedy in this day and age, It used to be an opology was all it took to make some ones day now they are expecting more.

This is just my 2 cents take then for what they are worth.
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Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
The biggest problem at character dinners are those individuals that think that they are the only ones in the entire room and why should they have to wait their chance to interact with a character.

You know the type.. grown men throwing toddlers and babbys out of the way so that their kid (usually the size of house) gets there photo. MMMmmmmm I feel a rant coming on.
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Ok, I don't really see the point to be rude here or anything but what in the world are the people who stood in line after the CM collapsed on stage at Fantasmic asking for? It was a terrible accident and obviously something that the CM didn't do to get out of performing that night! It drives me crazy that people will "milk" everything for something more. It's absolutely ridiculous! I don't think that Disney needed to do anything for those people who actually stood in line to complain that their evenings were "ruined."

I really need to rerlate an experience that I had in July. My husband, son and I were on vacation and I came down with a very painful ear infection and went to the Celebration Hospital at like 2 a.m. Well, while there we saw many CMs there. Apparently, one of the crew who was working at MGM burned his hand and arm up to his bicep. It was really great to see all the CM rallying around this man. We saw in the waiting room for at least 3 hours before even being seen by the dr and we got to know some of them. I have to admit that no one works harder to make sure that Disney guests have an awesome time during their stay. To all you CMs, I for one sure appreciate everything that you do for us and its' about time that someone told you that!
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New Member
This is an incident happening at the flying fish. When my family and i were having a wonderful dinner (flying fish is one of our favs) our waitress who was very nice but i bit clutsy spilled water on our table we didn't mind at all. I mean whats a little water right? we just got new bread and salad because it spilled all in our food. The second time she spilled red wine on my father's shirt (white)...oh well it's alright things happen right? we can get it cleaned. The third time she knocked over a glass into the HOT lobster soup on the table spilling some on myself as well as a few other members of the family. My brother is deathly allergic to lobster we had to get a whole new meal for him. We were all very forgiving! we all have our days so we let it go. THe manager came out and offerd to take 10 % of the bill and dry clean our ruined cloths. OUr stay at wdw ended that day so we didn't take his offer on dry cleaning but we did get 10% off our meal. wahoo! sure it wasn't a free meal but its the thought that counts right?
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Active Member
Only 10%? Nice little thought I suppose, but he really needed to think bigger! :lol:

Once upon a time out here in the "real world" DH & I went to dinner with some friends at one of our local upscale resturants - Our waitress was pretty bad ( I think she was new) and long after everyone else's dinner had come , and in some cases gone 'cause my friends went ahead and ate, DH's dinner never arrived. Poor DH :(

Anywho we did go to the manager, hoping he could perhaps find my hubby's missing dinner - that's all we asked for. The manager comped our entire table :)

Considering that Disney does have a far higher markup on everything, therefore making more profit :animwink:, I think they should have done a tad better than 10%
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