After the parade we started walking towards Adventureland.
Boy, was I excited. I was going to experience my first ever Dole Whip. I had been waiting for months to taste the creamy pineappley (like my new word?) goodness.
Alas, when we arrived at Aloha Island there was a huge line. I said that I didn't mine waiting, but my family didn't want to wait that long. I asked if I could wait by myself, but they said no. So we marched on, and I was promised Dole Whip later in the day.
We stood in line for PoTC. The line was really long, big surprise. Once again, I didn't mind the wait. Last trip to WDW, PoTC was closed for the big refurb, needless to say I was thrilled to see the new version.
While waiting in line I had a couple of adventures. My big black sunglasses broke, a family behind us tried to line jump us, and I was made fun of for taking pictures. The sunglasses were no big deal, because I had a back up pair. I just looked at the mother of the family who tried to line jump us. She seems to understand that I wasn't going to tolerate being line jumped.
But what did bug me was being made fun of for taking pictures.
*Climbs up on soapbox*
I get to go to WDW once every two years. While I am there I want to have the most fun as humanly possible. I also want to take as many pictures as I can, because they have to suffice as my daily dose of Disney for two years. I don't see why people must bother me about taking pictures. I wasn't taking flash photography, and I wasn't pointing the camera at people I did not know.
*Climbs off the soapbox*
After our fourty-five minute wait we finally boarded the ride. It was a fabulous ride! The Jack Sparrow animatronics were so lifelike. They added to my irrational fear of animatronics coming to life and attacking me... But that is a whole different story.

I now consider PoTC one of my favorite rides at WDW.
I still wanted Dole Whip, but I was told to wait until after we rode the Haunted Mansion. I love the Haunted Mansion so I agreed to wait.
We stood in the HM line for about thirty minutes. The ride was great, I loved the updated attic scene and the crystal ball effect (or is it affect?).
Here's where it got interesting: the ride stopped running while we were on it. First in the graveyard scene. My mom and I were sitting together and our Doombuggy got stopped in front of the grave with the skeleton that keeps popping up out of the ground. At first it was scary, then it was funny, but at the end the skeleton was just plain annoying. :lol:
After about two and a half minutes the ride started to move, I was overjoyed. We were almost to the end of the ride when it broke down AGAIN. We were stuck right in front of the little ghost at the end that says "Hurry Back!!!" in the creepy voice. We were stuck there for what seemed like ten minutes, but I can't be sure. I pulled out my cellphone and have a nice little video of the ghost talking to us over and over and over.
It was a experience I shall never forget.
We then left Liberty Square and walked past It's A Small World. My dad laughed, because he is not the world's biggest IASW fan. I asked if we could ride, explaining how I didn't remember the ride and I needed to ride it as "research" for the book I am writing. Mom agreed with me, so we rode.
It was one of the funniest rides of the trip. The cast members were hilarious, and my family kept acting like spazzes.
Sadly, this was where my camera started to die. So I had to use my dad's camera, but I do not know where his pictures are at this time.
After IASW we walked around the castle, then into some shops, and then we went to Tomorrowland. We ate a quick dinner under the Astro Orbiters, then grabbed fastpasses for Space Mountain. Then we stood inline for my brother's all time favorite ride, Buzz Lightyear's Astro Blasters. Now for those of you who don't know my brother, he was the Toy Story kid when he was little. He had the movie, action figures, Buzz and Woody costumes, lunchboxes, and even Toy Story bedsheets. I can now recite the entire movie from memory because we would watch it at least once a day, everyday.
I digress, we rode the ride: My brother and I in one ride vehicle and our parents in another. My brother beat me by at least 40,000 points. The little video game kid got lucky.
Finally we got to ride Space Mountain. I love Space Mountain. It was one of the first big coasters I ever rode. My brother and I took the fastpass line and were in and out in under thirty minutes. When we met with our parents outside it had gotten much darker, and they had a surprise for us. While we were riding a random guy gave my mom and dad six fastpasses for Space Mountain. We were in Space Mountain heaven.
It was getting close to time for the parade, and fireworks so we went to scope out some spots to watch from. I insisted on sitting by the castle, so we sat on the sidewalk by the castle. We met a nice lady and her two year old daughter who were from Orlando. The little girl was adorable.
We watched the parade, and left during the fireworks. I was so exhausted after our action packed day at the parks. Once we went home I literally fell into bed.
Day 2: Resort pool and Downtown Disney
Coming Soon to a computer near you.