Princess17 is going back for a very merry magical christmas at disney world. w/ Pics.

Updated 10/16! Princess17 is going back for a very merry magical christmas w/pics.

Who we are, post 1, right here
Our WDW history, page 1, post 9-13
More history, page 1, post 18-20
My disney obsession, page 2, post 27-30
My itinerary and plans, page 3, post 33
Extras and deluxe dp snacks, page 3, post 35
A quick update, Dh is making T-shirts, page 3, post 41
Park goals- MK and Epcot, page 3, post 45

I am going back!!!! Even if Dh doesn’t want to, even though this was supposed to be a Disney cruise, and even though the entire family thinks I’m too obsessed with WDW and that I’m crazy for spending so much money for another Disney vacation. Oh well….I love Disney world and I will always be back. :)
Before I move on, I should probably mention that this is my first Pre trip report. I have written trip reports in the past, but have never done a pre trip report so I hope I do okay and don’t bore you all to death. I love pictures, so I promise to post lots of pictures in this pre trip report and tons of pics in my trip report when I get back.
So, I guess we’ll get started. Here is the cast of characters…myself and the people who will be joining me on my next adventure to the world.
Me: 24 year old Mom, WDW obsessed, planner of all WDW trips and actually all vacations and trips in our family for that matter, studying to be a professional event planner. I love everything Disney including Disney classic movies, figurines, clothing, etc, (yeah, basically everything with the Disney name on it). If the event planning thing doesn’t work out, I want to move to Orlando and work at…yeah, you guessed it, Disney! I’m not into thrill rides at all. The most thrill I’ll do is Big thunder mountain or the Barnstormer. I’m constantly trying to plan “the perfect vacation” and I must plan every single detail of every single day in advance. My favorite attraction is Fantasmic. I also love Wishes, and Mickey’s Phillharmagic. My DD is the most important thing to me though and she is about to start school in just a few days so I’m freaking out a little but everyone keeps saying she’ll be okay. I’ve been with DH for 10 years this December. We met when we were very young, but we’re still going strong. Here is a picture of me…..


LDH: Wants to go anywhere on earth except for MK (I’ll explain why later). Tired of WDW (Is that even possible?) Works in a bank call center. Deals with mortgages and stuff that I’m clueless about. He loves to eat, sleep and play video games. He also loves movies and cartoons. He loved our first Disney trip together in 2006, but has since wanted to try other places. He puts up with my Disney obsessions, and basically makes me happy by mostly paying for our Disney trips. He does not plan at all and likes to be spontaneous. He just goes along with what I’ve planned every time. He loves roller coasters and big thrills. Tower of Terror, Mission space and Rock n’ roller coaster are his favorites. At times, he can be very stubborn and cranky but I know how to deal with him and usually get my way. Lol.
Here is a pic of DH:

LOL. Just Kidding. :ROFLOL::ROFLOL::ROFLOL:(Sorry to my Real DH if he ever reads this:eek:) is my real DH:

DD5: Loves Disney World as much as I do. Loves rides, not so much shows. Favorites are Peter Pan’s flight, Dumbo, the carousel, Pirates of the Caribbean, the Indy speedway, and Barnstormer. She gets scared on new rides and doesn’t know what to expect especially when they have loud noises, but after the 1st time around, she does very well. She loves princesses. Her favorite is Sleeping Beauty. I believe when I’m too old to keep up with planning for Disney vacations, she will take over for me. She loves all the Disney classic movies and some newer ones too. She can be bossy at home but she is pretty shy out in public. She doesn’t like walking much either so we have to bring her stroller with us to the parks because she tends to get lazy easily. Overall, she is a great kid and does really well on vacations.


Now on to the basics for this upcoming trip:

Trip dates: Saturday, December 6th to Sunday, December 14th, 2008. (8 nights, 9 days)
Resort: Pop Century. I requested a bottom floor room in the 50’s section. We have stayed at Pop before and we’re in the 50’s section and we loved it because it was very close to the main hall.
Package: Magic your way plus deluxe dining plan
Tickets: 9 day Magic Your Way base tickets.
Extras: Mvmcp, Cirque du soleil, parasailing, Disneyquest and the Wonderland tea party.

Up Next: Our history of WDW (with tons and tons of pics)....stay tuned.
Thanks for reading!


Well-Known Member
You are funny..:) and very pretty I may add..and your daughter is gorgeous and DH is a cutie..
Sounds exciting so far..Can not wait for more..:)

Oh and I will be there the same week..:)


Well-Known Member
Lol ... I'm going through the same thing with my own family (you're going again! gasp!). Too funny. But this time, DS and I are bringing 3 first timers ... love it! And we'll overlap too ... Dec 1-8.

Happy pretripping :)


Original Poster
Our history of WDW trips and Pics.....

Our first trip ever was back in December of 2006. I had been planning that trip for over 10 years and finally got to go. It was truly amazing. Thanks to my over planning, it was so worth it. We were there 8 nights, 9 days and stayed at Pop. (This trip, it will also be 8 nights, 9 days and at Pop). So, basically, I'm hoping for everything to go just as perfect and magical as it was in 2006. The obvious reasons I chose December again was because we experienced very low crowds, beautiful weather --I can't stand the Florida heat. (we needed a light jacket a few times though) and because of the christmas decorations and extra christmas shows and events.:xmas:

Here are some pics from our December 2006 trip:











Original Poster






This is where we ate at that trip:
Tusker house lunch (when it was CS)
Chef Mickeys dinner
Coral Reef dinner
Garden Grill dinner
Cosmic Rays lunch
1900 Park Fare dinner (where I met the prince!!!)
Everything Pop food court lunch
Pecos bills dinner
Mama Melrose dinner
Backlot Express lunch
Toy story Pizza planet lunch
Ohana dinner
Pinocchio village haus lunch
Cinderella’s Royal Table dinner

We also did Mvmcp (liked it well enough to go again) and Cirque (LOVED it a lot).

Next up: more history and proof that I'm obsessed with WDW.


Well-Known Member
Great pre-trip... Love the pictures... I will be at the Pop the same time you are! I requested a room in the 60's building. This will be our first December trip and I am so excited! I can hardly wait :xmas:


Original Poster
You are funny..:) and very pretty I may add..and your daughter is gorgeous and DH is a cutie..
Sounds exciting so far..Can not wait for more..:)

Oh and I will be there the same week..:)

Thanks for reading!

Haha, I love it. What a pre-trip report. I can't wait till your trip report!



fantastic! I can't wait to see your upcoming pics

Hope you enjoyed the pics.

We're going to be there the same time :wave:

We'll be @ POP from 5/8 - 5/12

Hope to see you there!

Lol ... I'm going through the same thing with my own family (you're going again! gasp!). Too funny. But this time, DS and I are bringing 3 first timers ... love it! And we'll overlap too ... Dec 1-8.

Happy pretripping :)

I love bringing first timers. You should have seen the look on my mom's face when she saw the castle for the first time!

I love your PreTR so far! :sohappy:

Can't wait for more. Keep 'em coming.


Great pre-trip... Love the pictures... I will be at the Pop the same time you are! I requested a room in the 60's building. This will be our first December trip and I am so excited! I can hardly wait :xmas:

We'll be in the 50's or at least I'm hoping. See ya there!


Original Poster
I will try to update on Monday or Tuesday. My DD is going to Kindergarden and her first day is Tuesday so I have a lot to do over the next few days but I'll have a lot of time on my hands this week so stay tuned....


Original Poster
Other Trips:

You will notice a pattern in the next few trips. See, I will use absoloutely any excuse to go to WDW so when a family member who has never been to WDW before comes to visit, what do you think I do? Yes, the first thing that comes to mind is How am I gonna ask DH if we can take a quick trip to MK to show _(family member’s name here)__WDW? So far, I must be pretty good at this convincing DH thing, because I’ve shown my mom, Brother, Nephew and other brother WDW so far in the past year.

You may be wondering how I can do this so many times and I can tell you I live just over 2 hours from Disney so its not too hard to take 1 day trips down there every so often. You will also notice that all of my 1 day trips are to MK. The reason for this is not that I want to ignore the other parks, it actually makes sense. See, everytime we’ve taken a 1 day trip, a family member who has never gone is going and I can’t possibly take them to Epcot, DHS or AK when they’ve never seen MK before. They just HAVE to see MK!

By the way, No, we have not done everything in MK yet if you are wondering. Hmmmm…that’s another excuse to go back again.

So, here goes.....
January 2007: 1 day trip to MK. This is the time we brought along my brother.
(It was a Saturday and MK was quite busy. I will never go back to MK on a Saturday again. Of course, with my expertise planning and experience, we still didn’t wait too long for anything)




We ate at Colombia Harbor house for this trip.

May 2007: This is the time we brought my Mom and other brother.
(This was a Sunday with EMH evenings. We experienced no big crowds though)






Original Poster
We ate at Cosmic Rays and Pecos Bills.

August 2007: Pirate and Princess Party with our nephew.

This trip turned out to be really bad. Although its not Disney’s fault, there were severe storms in the area all night including tornadoes. It was impossible to be outside or in that horrible weather so we only stayed until 10pm and drove back home. What I didn’t like was that Disney handled it badly. Every CM I spoke to told me something different as far as if we could get refunds or admission to another party. There was also confusion about whether or not the fireworks and parade would take place. The candy stations were relocated and hard to find, the characters and special party events were cancelled or moved. Everything was just a mess and we were soaking wet and uncomfortable the whole time…..but everything turned out okay as WDW gave us free 1 day admission to MK for another day that we could use up to a year. Plus, I got to meet Captain Jack Sparrow.


DH was very jealous of this and warned Captain Jack to “watch his hands”!!!! I can’t believe DH said that so Captain Jack put a funny twist on it. He put his hands up infront of his eyes and said “what exactly am I watching for ser?” It was so funny. I just love him!

We did manage to get some loot….


This is what it looked like outside:



We didn’t stay long enough to eat on this trip.


Original Poster
And finally.....our May 2008 trip: This was DD’s 5th birthday trip. We didn’t plan on going to WDW, but we had the free 1 day tickets to MK from the last trip so why the heck not?
I also got a better camera for mothers day and I couldn’t wait to use it at WDW.

BBB makeover:











So that does it for our history and now you know why DH doesn’t want to go back. We’ve been to MK so many times, he would rather be anywhere else. Should I sign him up for therapy?

Up next....proof that I'm obsessed with WDW

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