Pressed Coins?


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My hubby and I have decided a great way to collect momentos from our upcoming trip to WDW is to locate pressed penny machines around the parks. I read on one Internet site that you can buy books to put these pennies in - I believe it said one book will hold 64 pennies. My question is, can you get these books pretty much anywhere and also,do they have books for pressed quarters? I know Disney has up to about 500 of these machines, but we are limiting ourselves to 1 or 2 books. My hubby is really into this, has created his own list with alternate options if he can't find what he's looking for. He's been so laid back about our trip up to now I have to tease him about his excitement! :) Thanks to any who can answer this for me!

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
I am by no means an expert but I have seen the books at pretty much everyone of the larger stores in the parks. I also think that guest services now has a map with the locations of all the coin pressing machines.


My kids did this last year, and will again when we go next month (28 days till we leave!!!) anyway, we bought their books at the RnRC store at MGM and at one in Animal Kingdom (don't remember the store name). Both locations carried the same book, and it holds both pennies and quarters (more spots for pennies than quarters). So, I imagine you can find those books just about anywhere.

Be sure to bring a bunch of shiny pennies for the machines - they look better. (We've been collecting all the shiny pennies we find over the past year.) Banks can't sell you a roll of brand-new pennies - I tried that already. Before we leave I'll get a roll of quarters, just to make sure we've always got the right change.

Happy collecting. :wave:


New Member
the only pressed penny book that we seen when we did this last trip was the one that we saw in the gift shops at the resorts and at some of the ride gift shops. As well as the bigger stores. I know splash mountain gift shop had them..actually they were everywhere. They have 36 spots for pennies and six spots for quarters. They are small little books nice and easy to carry around. I did look for somthing a little different that held more coins and I looked everywhere and these were all that I found. Maybe I was just unlucky in my findings but I never came accross no book that held 64 pennies. We will be returning in November my husband said he might do this again but I could do without it . The machines are everywhere and there is no end to it. I think its nice to get just a few of the ones you really really like. Thats what I did and it was much more fun then standing at every machine for about 5 minutes. Usually the machines hold 4 different images that you can press. By the time you dig out your change and press all them and stick them in your book at every machine you see it really does take up some time. But then again its a vacation and if that is a fun thing for a person to do and they enjoy it then thats what they should do. My husband was all excited about it and really enjoyed it but towards the end you could tell he had enough. He left his bag of pennies in the room towards the end of the trip, he didn't even look at the machines the last couple of days. Then again I kind of missed it cause I always had a nice little rest while waiting for him to press his coins. I read where they say older coins I think it was if they were dated before 1983 turned out better something to do with no zinc in the penny and they would not leave any silver streaks on the pressed coin were better, but I got to agree with the other post I liked the new shiney coins way better. Good Luck hope this helps.



Be sure to bring a bunch of shiny pennies for the machines - they look better. (We've been collecting all the shiny pennies we find over the past year.) Banks can't sell you a roll of brand-new pennies - I tried that already. Before we leave I'll get a roll of quarters, just to make sure we've always got the right change.

Happy collecting. :wave:

I'm a manager of a grocery store. We get brand new coins all the time. Just hit up your local store and "buy" some new pennies. We always get people trying to "buy" our money. Most of the time we don't but tell them why and they'll probably do it.

Sharon L

New Member
Do not use new, shiny pennies. Pennies that date before 1982 should be used, because they are actually made of copper and press much better than the newer, copper plated zinc pennies. This is according to serious collectors of pressed pennies.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Do not use new, shiny pennies. Pennies that date before 1982 should be used, because they are actually made of copper and press much better than the newer, copper plated zinc pennies. This is according to serious collectors of pressed pennies.
You can put the older pennies in vinegar overnight and they will shine up like new.


Active Member
Original Poster
That's what we did - or I should say my husband did. He went through all the change we had collected in our cars, dresser, etc. and singled out all pennies made prior to 1982. He then soaked the pennies in vinegar for a couple of days and now they look brand new. Like I said before we are limiting the amount we do each day, thus saving more machines for another trip in the future. :lol:


New Member
We spent a lot of time gathering these pennies and quarters all over WDW.
You can buy the books to hold them at just about any of the main stores at WDW. World of Disney certainly has them for sure!
Here's a good tip to carry all of those pennies and quarters...
We brought our pennies and quarters in the empty containers for M&M minis. My daughter had a good time eating the M&M minis to get the tube containers "for the trip!" I think we're done eating M&M's for a while now!
You can find a few of the lists online regarding machine locations, but most of the lists are old... half of the fun is finding the machines as well!
Have fun!


Well-Known Member
My daughters love the pressed pennies and I found the has a list of all the coins in all the parks/restaurants/hotels at WDW.

We use this to see what coins the girls want and where they are located.



Active Member
One of the guys I work with has a "Toy Story" freak daughter. She has all the crushed pennies except for Woodys horse. I think his name is Bullseye. Is there a "Bullseye" penny machine and where is it?

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