Presidents Day Weekend...
I was at WDW during the week of Presidents Day this past year, 2011, and it wasn't that bad, no matter what they tell you. It is a three day weekend so the weekend and Monday are somewhat crowded. However, MK is open till 3 am which is great if you can make it that long. After Monday, the kids are back in school, the crowds settle down, and its a great time to be there. FYI...we went into MK on Sunday, got in at 8:30 left for a mid-day nap, went back in around 4 and we had plenty of time to do everything we wanted to do and then some. The rest of the week was gravy, lines were never longer than 20 minutes, with the exception of TSM and maybe some of the Mountains. Don't sweat it and have a great time. :wave: