pregnant wife


New Member
Does anyone have any suggestions on the best things to do if your wife is pregnant. I do not want to leave her alone while I am off having fun in the parks, so what can we do together at the parks and still have a great time.

What are your thoughts??????:animwink:


New Member
I guess I'm just lucky! When/if I ever get pregnant, DH and I decided we'd tough it out together (like neither of us would drink alcohol any more, and he wouldn't do fun things I couldn't do with me in tow, etc). There are plenty of things you can do together at the parks! Least of all - shop for baby things! :) Other things include shows, parades, people watching, eating, and there are several rides. Why not send her out on a shopping errand if you MUST ride something she can't.

Also, have her talk to her OBGYN before leaving. Depending on how far along she is and other risk factors, she may be able to do some of the rides with the pregnancy warnings.
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New Member
I personally don't think that a pregnant women would have much fun. But then again I am neither or women nor am I pregnant. A lot of people I talk to say they would rather wait until there children get older before they go to disney. I know that is not exactly the same thing as going with someone who is pregnant. Bottom line is there will be several things that they will suggest someone who is pregant not ride.
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It depends on how far along she is.

I went to Disney when I was 14 weeks pregnant and did almost every ride (yeah I know, I'm bad). The only ones I avoided were the jerky ones with the lapbars, like Thunder Mt. and Space Mt.

If she's really far along she can still ride almost everything that a child could ride.

One recommendation though - if she's in her 2nd-3rd trimester, PLEASE allow for sufficient time to rest each day. I can't begin to tell you how exhausting it is to walk long distances when you're really pregnant.
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Naturally Grumpy
No Problem

If small children, seniors, people with handicaps and everyone else you see there every day can enjoy themselves, so can you. The "E" rides have appropriate warnings and there is so much else. In some ways, you may enjoy yourself more as taking things slower, you can see more.

There are plenty of seats around for frequent breaks, and yes, keep the water going. I would suggest building up your walking before you go (as anyone would benefit from that).

I would also check at the spa's (like Grand Floridian) to see if they have a special pregnancy massage. May be a nice treat.

I think that Epcot would be best as the way it is layed out, you can move a little then rest, move a little, then get in the AC. AK will probably be most difficult and you may want to put that off for another time.

I personally think the hardest visit is with 1-3 year olds...but that's just me.
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Disney Hog

New Member
I think it depends on how far along she is and if it is her idea to go to the park in the first place. You better double-check that last one. If she isn't totally onboard and up for the trip, it might not be too fun. I know my wife loves Disney, but I don't know if she loves it that much.

We've done Disney with little kids and have loved it. Of course, you can pass a child back and forth. It's kind of hard to do that when she's pregnant.
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Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Brandon
Does anyone have any suggestions on the best things to do if your wife is pregnant. I do not want to leave her alone while I am off having fun in the parks, so what can we do together at the parks and still have a great time.

What are your thoughts??????:animwink:

Just got back and my wife was 4 months. She shopped while I took the kids on the thrill rides. She went on some of the calmer rides.
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Well-Known Member
There is a lot to do at Disney, and being pregnant only stops you from doing about 1 10th of it, (If that, the average of 3 rides or atractions per park.) As I said in other threads (listed by tigsmom). I have been twice pregnant and once to Vero Beach just recently at 27 weeks (now at almost 29 weeks.)

If you are Disney people and just enjoy being there, then you will have a great time. I didn't mind missing rides at all because I had been in the past, and I knew I can again in the future.

Don't worry she will not be the only pregnant women there, and it is a fun way to enjoy being together before your life changes.

I didn't mind hubby doing rides with out me, but he only did a few, only then if the lines weren't long. I did some shopping or rested while he was on them. Bring walkie talkies if you plan to split up. Most spas do have people who have speicalization for pregnany message. I got one a Vero Beach and it was very nice.

Enjoy some nice restrants and maybe a show that won't be able to see affter the baby is born. (like LaNuba or a dinner show.) Beware that PI can be rather smokey and loud, not the best for a pregnant women, but AC and the comady club are good and smoke free.

Have a great trip. Take it easy and lift all her luggage for her.
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I was 4 1/2 months pregnant during one of our trips. My doctor said to use my own judgement as far as rides went. The only rides I did not go on were TOT,RNRC, and SM. I went on Test Track, Big Thunder and the raft rides at Typhoon Lagoon. It was June when we went so I drank water constantly. Have fun and be careful.
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New Member
My wife and I went 3 times while she was pregnant. We even stayed a week in her 6th-7th month. As eryone says REST,take it slow and MOST IMPORTANT be careful and cautious with the TEMPERTURE, its super hot in summertime down here and cool is better for you.:D
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