I would avoid anything the Disney people say for pregnant moms to avoid. They have the warnings up for a reason. Just because she won't look pregnant (and thus won't get caught by a CM) doesn't mean it's okay for her to go on the ride. What if something causes a birth defect (the first trimester is when all the vital organs and body parts are developed!!!) or God forbid, a miscarriage???? How would this make you feel? Just because you/she wanted to sneak on a ride? WDW will be there forever, and you and she can ride the mountains and other thrill rides later. Even after the baby comes, you can always do the baby swap. For this trip, play it safe. Your baby and your wife's health is way more important than any ride at Disney. And as some others have said, expect her to be more tired than usual, and maybe nauseous. Take it easy, and play it by ear. Try not to plan too much, and remember that a priority seating is just a priority seating. No one will kill you if you cancel at the last minute or just don't show up cuz your wife needed to rest or felt quesy at the thought of eating. Other than that, have fun and enjoy your last trip "alone together!".