Pre-Trip Pre Trip to the "Beach Club"

So Here I sit on a lazy Saturday morning and I stumble onto the WDWMagic boards and sign up. Looking for some specific information and found it, what a great site! The trip reports rekindled a effort I did last year when I went to the OBX region for a few weeks with my family. I enjoyed the trip report and made some cool new online friends. So, with that I am doing it again all be it for our upcoming Aug 1st thru 9th Disney trip.

It is sure to be in interesting trip. My wife and I are headed down on the First, just the two of us for a few days before we have our two daughters join us. Celebrating 20 years of love, fun, friendship, struggle, loss, gain, being broke then having it all come together to make a awesome marriage. Of all things that go into being married we have found our annual treks to Disney give us a time to just "be" in the moment and have always carved out time for "us". This time we made three days of "us time". Magical...

So it is, the two of us alone at Disney for Friday, Sat and Sunday before the kids arrive. Staying at the Beach Club, a property we have not yet been to in all our travels, were looking forward to being so close to the international gateway area and getting in/out of EPCOT fast and as needed with no transportation worries. My plan? Pre dinner drinks in Italy. Canada for Dinner on Friday night for a nice quiet dinner. After dinner wine in France and some people watching as we stroll. Thats the plan as of now. Could the airlines, transportation or weather wreck it? Hope not! So looking forward to this time with my Wife before the kids get in.

Saturday and the rest of the week are already loosely planned out. Normaly the A type personality pours out of me but Disney is the one place I just kinda roll with the Wife's plan and intentions. No worries man! None...

Look forward to a pre trip and trip report peppered with lots of photos. I am limiting my shooting this time at Disney (Nikon shooter) as I am taking limited gear and really trying to enjoy the family time. Our oldest is headed back to college when we return and we are all anxiously waiting on if she's accepted into the Disney internship program for 2nd semester.

For now, have a great day. Me? I am headed to pick up my camera from the shop after a good sensor cleaning and figuring out what suitcase i am using! 6 days and counting!


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Pre Trip musings?

How is it that me (a 44 year old dude) can throw 4 pairs of shorts, a few t's and 2 baseball hats into a bag and get to the airport 40 minutes before boarding and "go" to disney for a week. Okay, a new toothbrush and razor are being bought at Target today. (We do laundry while there, lame but I travel lite).

Counter this with my wife, who is at the salon today getting cut, color and then back later this week for mani pedi and whatever else goes on there. My daughters, 19 and 12 are now explaining how they too need to go get princess-fied on Tuesday (appointments made) to be ready to go to Disney? Add to this insanity which is my life? The dog needs to go to the groomers to be cleaned up to go to my Wife's aunts home for her "vacation". The dog is going to the "salon". My 12 year old asked if we can get the dogs nails painted in honor of us going to Disney? Really- I don't make this stuff up!

Do I complain about this no, I have learned to embrace their "pre trip" rituals of going to Disney. It just means were under a week and this is their Pre game warm up.

Me? Oh yeah, I have to find someone to cut the grass while I am gone... See ya!


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Pre Trip musings?

Counter this with my wife, who is at the salon today getting cut, color and then back later this week for mani pedi and whatever else goes on there. My daughters, 19 and 12 are now explaining how they too need to go get princess-fied on Tuesday (appointments made) to be ready to go to Disney? Add to this insanity which is my life? The dog needs to go to the groomers to be cleaned up to go to my Wife's aunts home for her "vacation". The dog is going to the "salon". My 12 year old asked if we can get the dogs nails painted in honor of us going to Disney? Really- I don't make this stuff up!
Having 2 daughters of my own, although they are only 14 and 5.....I feel your pain!!! We just returned from a week long trip at the beginning of July and I ironically did the same that you are going to be doing....cut back on the photo/video so that we could all just enjoy time together. It was great and my wife and I probably have more memories locked inside our heads to reminisce in the future because of it! Have a great trip!!!


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United Parcel Service? Or now as I call them Unbelievable Package Service!!!!! So since we booked out trip to the Beach Club a few months ago we have had massive changes in our life. We had been in the process of selling our home that was a never ending "event". Eight months and it finally sold, then moved into a new one in the past 60 days. When we moved in and I was moving stuff around the patio area I came across this stone covered up by mulch and dirt. A sign? We're Disney people and we found this, yeah it's here for a reason! We decided to incorporate this into the fireplace we are having built from stone in our outdoor living space later this summer. Disney has a way I have learned to be involved in all facets of your life it you let it.

Anyhow, back to UPS and why I now call them unbelievable package service...When I made the final payment to Disney's RSVP folk, we "updated" the address of the new home and last week we got our Magic Bands in the mail via UPS. You'd have thought these bands were in fact magic the way the ladies of the house carried on? (sigh-being the only guy in a house of women is sometimes odd to put it kindly). Then yesterday UPS had another package with bag tags and some other things from Disney sent to our old house. The driver who we saw regularly for 14 years knew where I worked but not the new house's address. Shoe took it upon herself to take my package to my place of employment and left if with the front desk security folks and wait till they called me and tell me my package was there so I'd get my stuff and she'd not have to return to sender.. Service! I am so impressed with UPS and specifically this awesome driver. I always knew she was awesome but it's service like that (much like Disney) that keeps me going back
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Sunday wishing we were already on vacation? However this'll do. Leave Friday!

Sitting in my office pecking away at keys on my Mac while organizing photo gear for the trip. I know this is pre trip musings and it's got me thinking. I was up late last night talking to my youngest, Sarah. We had a animated conversation of our best vacation ever. I'll not lie, for me it's always Hawaii. Someday we'll incorporate Disney and Hawaii into one trip. For Sarah, she told me it was the time we spent at Wilderness Lodge. It was really the first time we stayed anywhere but Port Orleans (which is my favorite). We ended up staying on the club level and Sarah was like 8 or 9 and we were across from the "club" area where Sarah had the entire staff wrapped around her fingers. Disney staff there ruined me after that trip :) It was the best customer service I have ever had and while we have stayed at Contemporary, AKL, Grand Floridian, and now Beach Club nothing has ever compared to the Lodge? I hope this trip breaks these feelings. I will say, we did stay at Art of Animation (Cars) as it opened to the public, we took a last minute trip to join another family and had reservations at Port Orleans. The other Dad and I were checking in while the wives and kids shopped and did that first day at Disney bounce around the hotel. The manager was at the desk, smiled at us and said "would you gentlemen be interested in changing properties and doing something new?" They ended up giving us rooms at Art of Animation and it was a whole new experience- the cost of it was a wash but going from the cramped room to having a suite style room was novel... Pretty cool property and again, Disney staff making a ordinary check in turn into something extraordinary.


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So a few weeks ago, my "princess" asked the question about getting a tattoo. She's of age, she has money and she has always said she'd do it. (Sigh) For 4 years now, she has wanted this tattoo. Who am I to judge, I have a "few".

My wife and her best friend ended taking her to get this tiny little one on her foot. Between this and her tiara she is ready for Disney now. Where did my little girl go? ANyone seen her? She was just standing on main street with me, holding balloons in one hand and mine in the other. Damn!


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cut back on the photo/video so that we could all just enjoy time together. It was great and my wife and I probably have more memories locked inside our heads to reminisce in the future because of it! Have a great trip!!!

I do alot of photography work and travel extensively for my job- Yeah, I am glad I don't do "video". Just still work. However, I have picked up a GoPro in the past year which is a amazing little piece of gear. I think I could almost shoot an entire vacation on it. Not going to, I'l be carrying a D800 and a 24/70 f2.8 in a think tank bag. Toss in a SB 900 flash unit and I am good to go. I am going out one night myself to Magic Kingdom to shoot firework and other night stuff.


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Have finally spent some time to look at the places were eating this coming trip and installed the app on my phone. Pretty nice interface and having things planned out is something I can't stand but take with acceptance at Disney.

Le Cellier
Liberty Tree Tavern
Rose and Crown
Tutto Italia
Cinderella's Royal Table (AM)
Tony's Town Square
Crystal Palace


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Cars- reserved a car service today for my daughters since they are flying in without parental supervision. 19 and 12? How much trouble can they get in. One is like Cinderella. Polite, responsible, beautiful, kind and compassionate with a very serious way about her. My youngest, is mine, all mine and fun, unpredictable, a spur of the moment comedian living to cause mischief. Stitch would be her twin in another life.

Oldest daughter was trying to tell me she needed a mercedes 7 series to pick her up while the youngest was in the hunt for a super stretch H2 Limo. Both are telling me they need to stop and shop on the way to the hotel?

Compromise and bargaining are not my style. They are lucky that they are getting a car at all. (Secretly I would have done a limo for them but was voted down my my wife…)


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DH and I just returned from a romantic couples-only stay at Beach Club, so if you have any resort questions feel free to ask.

IMHO, Yachtsman Steakhouse is hands-down superior to Le Cellier. We had a wonderful dining experience there last Saturday night, from the warm onion rolls to the Black Angus steaks to dessert which included in-house made salted caramel gelato. The service was superb as well. We had a 6:30 p.m. ADR and were still able to watch Illuminations. Also, you could still enjoy your after-dinner wine in France, since Epcot has EMH on Friday night. Just worth your consideration...


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You are going to love Beach Club. They have the best pool on property and you can't beat the short walk to World Showcase at EPCOT. The walk along the beach is pleasant and the view is breathtaking in the morning when it is misty. The breakfast buffet in Cape May is a family favorite. So many choices! The Yachtsman at the Yacht Club is fantastic. Great service and the food beats Le Cellier. Plus you can get gussied up since you room is near by and take dessert to enjoy on the beach later.


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Thanks so much Tuvala and Acrab3T. Much appreciate the feed back and guidance. "couples only" stay- Nice to be at the stage in life to be able to do these things- just a few days before the kids arrive but enough to appreciate us time! Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Looks like you have some great restaurants booked! We have yet to do Le Cellier, Tutto Italia, or Tony's. Another reason to go back though, right? Looking forward to hearing your opinion on your experiences there.

I often fantasize about a Disney trip with just me and the DH, but our kids are still so young (10 and 7) that I find it a little hard to justify. Plus, I think my DH would rather we go someplace like Hawaii sans the children ... maybe someday!

Enjoy your trip!


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Aghhhhh, suitcases came out this morning and my wife is packing things in her ever orderly fashion on what is to be a fast week. Me, I am again laughing at them all. shorts, t's a few hats and camera gear. Ready, whats taking them so long?
For anyone into photography, this shot of bands is at 4000 ISO- Nikon D800. Noise? What noise… I met with my Nikon rep on Saturday night and there is a D810 launch this week to be announced. If your looking for a full frame awesome body- this is one to investigate.

Here is whats taking so long, Princess one is working on her Tiara collection. Which one to take? Can I pack all of them (she has a few). Sigh- love this shot form our last trip down to Animal Kingdom Lodge…


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I am looking forward to doing limited photography while on vacation. It's what i do. Trying to balance out the time with family, being in "THE" moment while trying to take away breathtaking pictures. It's a tightrope act.

My last trip down to WDW was a nightmare. On the first night there we were leaving dinner at Planet Hollywood at DTD (the acronyms kill me on this site) and as I was at the top of the landing ready to descended the steps, AND in the act of putting my camera strap over my shoulder a errant child slammed into me knocking said camera bouncing down the 15 or so steps to the horror of everyone around me. Having a small fortune in my gear, I can say this particular camera careening off stairs cost more than the entire 8 days at AKL club level. The kids Dad made eye contact with me and they scooted away before I could assess the damage. I'm insured and it was dumb luck with a silly kid but the horror of that trip remains with me to this day. I have invested in a Black Rapid strap system for ALL my gear- if your carrying a decent camera, spend the $100 bucks on a GOOD- serious strap. Ready to go shoot now!

consider this a public service announcement


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Arrangements. Spoke with concierge today and they are so good. They got me in touch with the Disney Floral folks and since they are so helpful , well hell- I have gone nuts with flowers and other stuff for our arrival sans kids this weekend. I have specifically requested a room with balcony at the beach club (club level std view). Anyone know if this is a problem? I like sitting outside at night and have a beer or two to unwind form the days events and my wife will usually join me for a glass of wine. Any tips, must or should do's to ensure I get a balcony?


Premium Member
Any tips, must or should do's to ensure I get a balcony?
Make sure your request is noted on your reservation if you haven't already done so. The room assigners do their best to accommodate requests. But since the club level rooms are on the 5th floor you should be good to go!


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Wish I could help, but I have not had the pleasure of staying at Club level anywhere. I live vicariously through everyone else on here who has! ;)


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Displash its no more lavash than the floor below it-
The amenities are nice with a slight personal touch.
IT USED to be much better but it's getting to the point of not being worth the extra cost. For me that benefit of club is the light breakfast fare, beer and wines at night and some better service at check in. Rooms have been similar in all amenities as elsewhere in the hotel. Honestly, I believe this is the last time we'll do it. AKL last time we were on a sep floor and about as far away as you could get from the club level. BEST club level= hands DOWN, Wilderness Lodge. That and still is the best Disney resort I have ever stayed at…

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