Hi Guys!
Hope you are all well, and having magical days!
I'm totally new to this, have been surfing these boards for a few months now (ever since I got back from my first trip in April!), and have only posted a few times, but i LOVE reading everyone elses pre-trip reports, and am soooo excited about my upcoming Feb 10 trip that I just HAD to share my excitement with everryone (especially since all my friends, workmates, family and even my DBF are so sick of hearing my voice... lol).
So, I'm not really sure where to start.... hmmm....
The Characters:
Me (Dommie, F, 23)
my DBF (Chris, M, will turn 23 on Valentines day!)
what else do you need to know about us? DBF is a Disney Vrigin, and.... drumroll please....... it's his first time overseas since he was 2!!! We're from Melbourne Australia, so it's a LONNNNGGGGGG hike over there, but worth any second.
This will only be my second trip, my first was with A Disney obsessed girlfriend in April this year. She lives in Sydney Australia, but her Dad lives in Miami, so she's been going to Disney for years! And knowing how much I love all thngs Disney (and Pixar, yes, shoot me now if you want to) and since we live in different states we dont get to see a whole lot of each other, she brough me along with her for the Disney part. and Omg!!! it was the best week of my life! I had sooo much fun, and a magical time, and wow! And so when I got home I vowed to bring the DBF back with me (Im hoping he'll fall in love with the magic too, so we can start coming every second year, that would be AWSOME!).
Well, I was begging for an October 2010 trip, but then, in September, Chris just came out and said, "you know, I havent been overseas in forever, so let's go to America for my birthday, we can go to Disney like you want, them go to Vegas!" I was like " YESSSSSSS" and then the epic trip planning started again!!!
Thanks for reading, I'll post more again soon, promise, the washing machine just finished, and is beeping like crazy, and since DBF is still asleep (night shift, he works in hospital), I better go stop it beofre he wakes up)
Thanks again for reading this. You have no idea how excited I am just typing this, whooooooooo
Hope you are all well, and having magical days!
I'm totally new to this, have been surfing these boards for a few months now (ever since I got back from my first trip in April!), and have only posted a few times, but i LOVE reading everyone elses pre-trip reports, and am soooo excited about my upcoming Feb 10 trip that I just HAD to share my excitement with everryone (especially since all my friends, workmates, family and even my DBF are so sick of hearing my voice... lol).
So, I'm not really sure where to start.... hmmm....
The Characters:
Me (Dommie, F, 23)
my DBF (Chris, M, will turn 23 on Valentines day!)
what else do you need to know about us? DBF is a Disney Vrigin, and.... drumroll please....... it's his first time overseas since he was 2!!! We're from Melbourne Australia, so it's a LONNNNGGGGGG hike over there, but worth any second.
This will only be my second trip, my first was with A Disney obsessed girlfriend in April this year. She lives in Sydney Australia, but her Dad lives in Miami, so she's been going to Disney for years! And knowing how much I love all thngs Disney (and Pixar, yes, shoot me now if you want to) and since we live in different states we dont get to see a whole lot of each other, she brough me along with her for the Disney part. and Omg!!! it was the best week of my life! I had sooo much fun, and a magical time, and wow! And so when I got home I vowed to bring the DBF back with me (Im hoping he'll fall in love with the magic too, so we can start coming every second year, that would be AWSOME!).
Well, I was begging for an October 2010 trip, but then, in September, Chris just came out and said, "you know, I havent been overseas in forever, so let's go to America for my birthday, we can go to Disney like you want, them go to Vegas!" I was like " YESSSSSSS" and then the epic trip planning started again!!!
Thanks for reading, I'll post more again soon, promise, the washing machine just finished, and is beeping like crazy, and since DBF is still asleep (night shift, he works in hospital), I better go stop it beofre he wakes up)
Thanks again for reading this. You have no idea how excited I am just typing this, whooooooooo