Pre trip report 9/18-9/27

Pre trip report:
Ok I might not to get a chance in the next 15 days to do this but here we go.
We leave for the Auto train Thursday night. We will get a hotel not far from auto train so we can be there eon time Friday and not have to be up at 5 to do so. When we wake up Friday we will get the kids up and feed and then hopefully take them outside to run and get a lot of energy burned off. This way they won’t be so crazy on the train we have two roomette will be sharing with my little girl and hubby will share with my son. My son is less maintenance so it will be easier to split them when its bed time.
We should arrive in Fl around 9/930 on sat the 18th. We will drive to our home at SSR and meet up with the in laws who are flying in the day before. I will do on line check in but when we get there will check in again. And then off to the pool I promised the kids they could go on the water slides. It’s a good day to chill in any case. Hopefully the THV will be ready shortly after we get to hotel that would be cool. We will also probably shoot out to grocery store.
On Sunday I have a meal planned at Trex for 3pm we have not yet eaten here. I was suppose to twice but had to cancel. I told everyone in my party I am not canceling this time. I have the rainforest club card so it also gives me a discount with priority seating. Then just walking around DTD and then again at the pool it is a vacation.
Monday 9/20 everyone up early and out for Breakfast at BOMA. 8 am breakfast. Then off to which ever park has EMH if any do this day, still have to look that up. More details will be in actual report.
9/21 we have MNSSHP tickets for tonight….
So far this is our trip as plans go. I know there are lots of rides I have to hit buzz, toy story, and Jocelyn wants to see princesses lots to do in a week yet not as much as there would be if we didn’t come in May of this year.

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