PotC - The Movie - So what do you think


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Original Poster
I missed the 'special' last night. But I went to pirates.movie.com and watched the Trailer. (Was this the same as was on TV?)

Anyway, what do you think about the movie? I think it looks great, at least from the trailer. Nice effects, seems like an interesting plot line, and all around a swashbuckling adventure.



Well-Known Member
I was originally skeptical of the idea of making the Pirates attraction into the movie, but after seeing the trailer I think it could be fantastic!!!

Everything about the trailer made it look like a great action film with some "horror", comedy, and a little romance. The skeletons and special effects look amazing! Top notch.

From the huge advertising campaign done last Sunday, I think Disney believes they've got a winner too and want to get people to know about it.

My question, who thinks this movie could be on the verge of a PG-13 rating? I'm sure they want PG and if there's not a lot of blood (and virtually no swear words) they probably will get it (after all, Star Wars gets PG). The movie is after all under the "Walt Disney Pictures" label, but it isn't as obvious as previous ventures, which are usually "Disney's......". This time around its just "Pirates of the Caribbean: The curse of the black pearl".

(By the way, I love the name. Leaves it open for sequels if it does well :) )


New Member
Pirates will get a PG-13 rating. No doubt about it. This is a Jerry Bruckheimer production, too much violence and "scary moments" for it to garner a PG.
Disney knows that if they want this to franchise they need a really all out action flick, I would bet a LOT of money it will get a PG-13.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Bryy2001
Pirates will get a PG-13 rating. No doubt about it. This is a Jerry Bruckheimer production, too much violence and "scary moments" for it to garner a PG.

That's what I thought too. However, if it does get a PG-13 rating, won't it be a first for the Walt Disney Pictures label? I guess there's always a first for everything.

Also, Jerry Bruckheimer produced Kangaroo Jack (which I'm pretty sure was PG), so not all his movies are PG-13. (However, KJ isn't even close to what Pirates looks like, so I guess they really can't be compared.)


New Member
I definitely think it's PG-13. Could it get a R rating? I know there is going to be some violence, but what else? Language? Adult Situations?

BTW, this should be in the Movies forum.


New Member
At this point gang, ANY movie based on an attraction in the parks has GOT to be better then Country Bears. I feel nausous just thinking about how bad that movie was!

All jokeing aside, it looks like it is going to be a heck of a lot of fun! And I've seen the teaser for The Haunted Mansion with Eddie Murphy, and anything thet ISN'T Pluto Nash has got to be good...right?!?!?!?!?!

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