Trip Report Post-trip quick hits

Hi all... I'm not going to do a full day-by-day trip report, but I thought I'd check in and share my thoughts on a 99% perfect Riverside / Saratoga / French Quarter split stay.

DME: Perfect, efficient service inbound and outbound.

Riverside: I had never stayed at this resort and was very pleasantly surprised. The check-in and main building areas were gorgeous, and I absolutely loved the royal room. No complaints whatsoever. It stunk that our DME bags weren't delivered before the baby's bedtime, but we knew to expect that going in.

Saratoga: We loved the resort itself and the one bedroom villa exceed our expectations. The furniture struck us as very high-quality and we were very happy with the bed. We loved that the resort had three pools that could count as "feature" and we visited and enjoyed all of them. The kitchen was a bit disappointing. We noticed this the last time we stayed in a pre-refurb Fort Wilderness cabin, but the white kitchen appliances stain yellow over time and the paint on the corners tends to chip and crack. It's unfortunate that they're not maintained better, as we used the kitchen every morning for breakfast.

French Quarter: We were in a standard room and were satisfied with the room itself as well as most of the resort's common areas. However, the elevator in our building was "bad show." It felt sketchy, with scratches in the door and writing on the control panel in sharpie (unclear if graffiti or deliberate, but bad show nonetheless). It felt like we had accidentally wandered backstage and into a service elevator, but the signs clearly indicated that this was an elevator intended for guests.

Food: Our daughter is at the age where table service meals are more trouble than they're worth so we stuck to quick service this time around. Highlights included Flame Tree (as always) and the Harambe Market at Animal Kingdom. We were disappointed with the offerings at the Flower and Garden kiosks, so we stayed away from them this year. We were also disappointed that the flatbreads sold at SSR were not the same quality as the ones from The Mara or Village Haus. They weren't good. Overall, most meals were in the "pretty good" range. RIP Gaston's pork shank. I absolutely love the Starbucks in each park. I never drink Starbucks in the "real world" but enjoyed an iced coffee every morning at WDW.

Buses: Absolutely flawless for every trip except for one problematic scooter load that delayed us getting to Magic Kingdom one morning.

Attractions. Just about everything was great. Splash looked awesome. Small World looked better than I've seen it in years, except for an overhead mobile that was switched off and that pesky "lazy eye" hippo (maybe he's winking?). We had to be evacuated from Pooh, but they handled it quickly and efficiently so it didn't detract much from our day. We had a great Jungle Cruise skipper and the animals on Kilimanjaro were the most active I think I've ever seen them.

Cast Members: Generally fantastic. The one exception was the hostess at the Kylo Ren meet and greet. We couldn't tell if it was some kind of "First Order" shtick or if she was just rude. It was nice to see that the metal detectors are now staffed by Cast Members as opposed to the yellow-shirt security people.

My dear, fellow guests: It's extremely disheartening to see entire families with their faces buried in their phones when they're on vacation at Walt Disney World of all places. Kids playing Candy Crush in line, PSP / GameBoys on the bus, entire families scrolling through Facebook while seated together at a meal. It breaks my heart. Separately, every single complaint people have about the ECVs is true and then some. I don't blame the people who legitimately need them, but Disney needs to figure out a more efficient way of handling them, especially on buses at resorts with multiple stops.

Overflowing trash can count: One

Burnt light bulb count: One

Epcot drunk count: Zero

TL;DR... Awesome trip. Refurb the kitchens. Turn off your devices and live in the moment.


Well-Known Member
Great quick trip report! We love POR, unfortunately on our upcoming trip this summer we opted to get two rooms at a value due to extra guests coming with us. Glad to hear about Harambe, nothing sounded that great to me but I wanted to give it a try.

Also nice to hear your counts on trash and light bulbs. I swear I have doubts every now and then after reading some of the things on here.o_O


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the report! I'm headed to French Quarter next week and I'm happy to hear things are running smoothly around the parks! Well, other than your elevator! :) Hoping to have a positive report when I return as well. Thank you so much for your statement about phones and families. I don't think it's said out loud enough!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Thank you so much for your statement about phones and families. I don't think it's said out loud enough!
I saw one kid on the bus... his iPad battery died. So his mom offers him his PSP. The kid says no. So she offers him his GameBoy. The kid says no. So she offers him his DS. The kid says no. Finally the kid demands his mom's iPhone and buries his face in that the rest of the ride. Five different devices to make it from the Magic Kingdom to Saratoga on a 15 minute bus ride. Meanwhile, the dad is sitting there playing games on his iPad and doesn't say one word to his wife or son the entire ride.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Great quick trip report! We love POR, unfortunately on our upcoming trip this summer we opted to get two rooms at a value due to extra guests coming with us.
Yeah, sometimes you just have to go with more space. We've bounced through villas, FW cabins, and AoA family suites in addition to all manner of "regular" resorts depending on the party configuration and budget for the particular trip.

Glad to hear about Harambe, nothing sounded that great to me but I wanted to give it a try.
The one complaint I had is that the line moved VERY slowly. It was worth it, but man did it take a long time.

Also nice to hear your counts on trash and light bulbs. I swear I have doubts every now and then after reading some of the things on here.o_O
It's hard to go through sometimes without looking for some of the negativity you read on here, but we were really very satisfied with the condition of everything (except for those items mentioned).


Well-Known Member
My DH and I are planning on staying at POR next May so I'm glad to see some good feedback. It's just the two of us so I'm having to do a hard sell for the Royal Room ;).

Great trip summary and glad you guys had a great time!


Beta Return
This is my kind of trip report! Very succinct, but informative.

We love Riverside. If we didn't own DVC, we'd stay at Riverside every time.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Just curious, but why did you do a split resort stay? Wouldn't that be a bit cumbersome, having to pack, move resorts, then unpack? And how was the cost factor (you don't have to give specifics if you don't want)?


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Just curious, but why did you do a split resort stay? Wouldn't that be a bit cumbersome, having to pack, move resorts, then unpack? And how was the cost factor (you don't have to give specifics if you don't want)?
Happy to share.

The "main" part of our trip was Saratoga Springs for seven nights from Saturday to Saturday. We booked that week using a family member's timeshare points and trading through RCI. So those seven nights were locked in. When we looked at flights, it was cheaper to fly out on Friday and come back on Sunday than it would have been to fly Saturday to Saturday. So the cheaper flights partially offset the cost of adding Riverside on the first Friday and French Quarter on the last Saturday.

I had never done a split stay before, but it went remarkably well. We got in somewhat late on Friday night so we had them hold our DME bags at bell services and used our overnight gear that we packed in our airplane backpacks. We didn't even need to open our suitcases and just had the bags sent over to Saratoga. Then, we did the same thing in reverse when it was time to pack up at the end of the trip. We packed everything except for overnight bags and didn't have to dig back into the suitcases on our one night at French Quarter.

In the future, I'd be happy to do a split stay again for one night at the beginning or end of the trip. I think it would be much more of a hassle in the middle of a trip when the unpacking and repacking process would be more involved.

We love Riverside. If we didn't own DVC, we'd stay at Riverside every time.
This is the dilemma my wife and I are having right now. The DVC resale prices are extremely attractive and make perfect sense when compared to cash rates for deluxe rooms and villas. However, the math is less favorable when comparing to Riverside, which we'd be very happy staying in most trip.s


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the report! Glad you had a great time and I enjoyed reading about some positives. We stayed at POR back in 2007 and loved it and I enjoyed the grounds.

As far as the elevators - we experienced the same thing at the Poly a couple years ago. The elevators in my son's dorm are in better shape.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Thanks for the report! Glad you had a great time and I enjoyed reading about some positives. We stayed at POR back in 2007 and loved it and I enjoyed the grounds.

As far as the elevators - we experienced the same thing at the Poly a couple years ago. The elevators in my son's dorm are in better shape.
Wow, even in the Poly!? The elevators at Saratoga and Animal Kingdom Lodge were fantastic, so that really surprises me.

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