Possible Project: Gemini Details Emerge


Original Poster
Check out Mousplanet.com for the whole article, but basically a WDW exec was in DCA checking out speifically 4 attractions. All of these are being considered for Epcot (supposedly)

1. the obvious, Soarin Over California, but not for the World Showcase as you may have thought, for the Land Pavillion Instead. There would be a redesign of the Pavillion.

2. Hyperion Theater, for the World Showcase, would be an indoor replacement for the America Gardens Theater or whatever that theater is called.

3. Flik's Fun Fair for a poosible addition to the Imagination Pavillion to fit into HISTA's shrunken theme.

4. The most surprising, California Screamin', which nobody really knows too much about. Hopefully it would have plenty of theming.

The first two sound great, but Fliks Fun Fair and Cali Screamin really don't sound too good. Ohh well, what do you guys think?

General Grizz

New Member
Let's think about this one:

1. the obvious, Soarin Over California, but not for the World Showcase as you may have thought, for the Land Pavillion Instead. There would be a redesign of the Pavillion.

That will cost...a...lot...of...money!! Where would it fit? Between pavilions? I heard the Harvest Theater....whoa, there! :eek:

2. Hyperion Theater, for the World Showcase, would be an indoor replacement for the America Gardens Theater or whatever that theater is called.

Indoor it? Do they know how MAGICAL it is during the Candelight Processional to look around you with all of the trees? This will really ruin the atmosphere!

3. Flik's Fun Fair for a poosible addition to the Imagination Pavillion to fit into HISTA's shrunken theme.

Okay...this one does it! Why not update the version at MGM Studios to Flik? If Imagination Needs anything, it's development for a brand new ride and a brand new image works to exceed the original...this really does NOT need to happen...they're just focusing on the wrong things! :brick: Save it for MGM until Imagination can get better with what it :has:

4. The most surprising, California Screamin', which nobody really knows too much about. Hopefully it would have plenty of theming.

Seeing this ride on the Internet...uuughhh...First of all, where would it fit? World Showcase? Adding the CA to the American Adventure? Oh, my gosh, the pants are full! :brick: :brick: :brick: :hurl: :hurl: :fork:

Is Pressler behind all of this?? :mad:


If these are DCAs stable rides and the park's not doing well what makes them think this will help EPCOT?? Fliks Fun Fair is very well themed but the rides are horrible, why even consider putting it in EPCOT if they havn't even seen if it'll be succesful is DCA.


New Member
I have ridden all the rides and been in the theatre listed as possible new rides to EPCOT and the only one that I see as being any use to EPCOT is Soarin'. The others were fine in DCA but I can't see them being used at EPCOT. I understand the need for an indoor theatre at EPCOT because of canceled shows for weather. I don't see where a roller coaster would fit in the plans at least not one the size of Screamin'. Please don't get me wrong the rides were great in DCA but I just don't see them as a lift for EPCOT. You could add the Soarin' ride and help some but the others I just don't see it. Well there is my two pennies worth.

General Grizz

New Member
Here are some resoultions:

*Open up an Indoor theatre in International Gateway area.
*Put Flik's Fun Fair as a replacement of the HISTK in MGM.
*Put a Matterhorn Mountain in the Germany area? instaed of CA Screamin'

For Imagination, gut the ride when the company is better, and make it even more imaginative than the original; move the ImageWorks upstairs and keep away from simple computers.

Also, updates to Wonders of Life, Body Wars, the Living Seas, and El Rio Del Tiempo would also work well. :)


Well-Known Member
Once I think about it, Screamin' can fit, but not how it is as a "Califonia Boardwalk Coaster". The launch and other elemnts are probably being looked at. You need to know that Epcot dosn't have a coaster, but all the other parks have one (no matter how crappy they are.) Also, just to quaral this comment, RnR was created by Vacoma, Screamin' by Intimen.

Also, the Soarin' in the Land isn't a new rumor at all.


Well-Known Member
Having just visited Disneyland and DCA this past June, and going on both California Screamin & Soarin Over Ca multiple times, to me they would BOTH make excellent additions to the park.

First, Soarin is a fantastic ride that people of all interests can enjoy and the sensation is unlike anything I have been on at an amusement/theme parks (and I've been to ALOT of them). Also, I'm sure they would implement a few positive changes to it.

2nd, California Screamin is an incredibley fun and "re-rideable" coaster. Even though it features a OTSR, there is no head banging and the designer of this ride (Intamin AG) is easily one of the favorite designers today, due to other great coasters they have worked on (almost all the Superman rides at any Six Flag park). They implement exciting elements into their rides which creates a healthy does of airtime (insane amounts on some rides). ALSO, the carnival music that plays during CA SCreamin perfectly matches the course and pace of the ride. Coasters are designed based on what land is available, so don't expect a exact replica.


Well-Known Member
I did fail to mention that the music in, on , and before Soarin is wonderful . Very peaceful and really sets the mood well :)

And RnR was done with WDI and VEKOMA (out of business or on the verge) and CA Screamin is INTAMIN AG, or just Intamin(if you use industry lingo)


Well-Known Member
Not to keep naswering myself here :)

But how in the world can anyone trust Mouseplanet? That site is the biggest bunch of negative Disney bashing I've ever seen. not to mention that they basically told everyone that Splash Mountian was going to be totally designed, the mountain ripped down and closed for the whole year.

Don't even get me started on Al Putz. That's one angry guy who still lives in his Mom's basement and complains about everything from DCA not having caramel popcorn, to too much smoke in a fireworks show


Well-Known Member
as for the cost comment, keep in mind that the rumor is that money slated to go to the fifth park is going to Epcot. That is a lot of money...


Trophy Husband
If this is even partly true, it's very troubling to me. I understand the cost savings of using existing rides, but the stated plan really makes a mess of things in my opinion.

Epcot is very unique right now. There's nothing quite like it anywhere in the world. I've never felt it quite lived up to its potential. Test Track (ignoring for the moment ride system problems) and Mission Space are two excellent examples of how fun, education and sponsorship can all come together.

The thing I liked about the idea of splitting the parks is that Future World could focus on being a Science/Nature/Technology theme park while World Showcase could become a Travel Theme park. I would love to see several variations of "Soaring Over California" for different countries in World Showcase, but how does it relate to Future World? (Unless it is going to be a completely new theme and show)

The Hyperion Theater idea sounds good, but Flik certainly belongs in MGM or MK (I would be a little afraid the space for HISTK would be a bit limited to do it right). I personally would like to keep California Screamin' out of Florida in any form.

The thing I liked about the proposed split would be increased differentiation, but I'm beginning to fear we should expect the opposite. I would hate to see all the parks becoming more and more similar to the point it's like one big park split into five locations.

I'm going to be watching this rumor and hoping it doesn't go this way.:(


Well-Known Member
I don't have a problem with the Theater. I think it would be a good fit, they could even use it to replace Odyssey.

Soaring? I wouldn't mind it, you could theme it to anything and make it work. But I have just never seen the appeal to this ride.

Bugs Land? NO! I don't see how they think it will work there. Why not just build a Honey I shrunk.... play area there and retheme the one in MGM?

Lastly... Rollercoaster... I rode it and it wasn't bad... but I don't think the ride could fit very well (space, theme) anywhere in EPCOT.

General Grizz

New Member
Does CA Screaming even have a story?? No Disney thrill ride shouldn't be without a story...or else why is Disney's name on it?

As for the theater...hmmm. Weather does keep guests out of the UNCOVERED area of the American Gardens, but the whole theming is so...wonderful - especially at the Candelight. It's like...Parades.

If it's going to be raining, why not cover up the sky for there to be parades?

I figure, build a new theater for indoor production. But when the conductor of the Candelight conducts US as we look around...breathing the cool, December air...it's so magical! Enclosing it will be keep the magic...trapped?


Originally posted by Rider
I don't have a problem with the Theater. I think it would be a good fit, they could even use it to replace Odyssey.

Soaring? I wouldn't mind it, you could theme it to anything and make it work. But I have just never seen the appeal to this ride.

Bugs Land? NO! I don't see how they think it will work there. Why not just build a Honey I shrunk.... play area there and retheme the one in MGM?

Lastly... Rollercoaster... I rode it and it wasn't bad... but I don't think the ride could fit very well (space, theme) anywhere in EPCOT.

I'm all for anything that would get rid of Odyssey. :lol:
Honestly, thses ideas sound interesting. Soaring is one of those things that just has to happen. I d2on't see why it wouldn't. As for a kids area... perhaps the second floor of Imagination would be a good place for that. Theme it after HISTA and put it on the second floor. It would be a HUGE hit. the kids would love it. And adding that with the kids play area that is going to be in MS, and the park has more areas for little kids to play.
As for places for big kids to play... :lookaroun
Look, I'm not saying California Screamin' should be brought here. Because it obviously shouldn't. What should happen is the development of an indoor coaster to be put into World Showcase. The area clearly needs something, but nothing that would be too ostentatious or would take away from the current icon of the park, SE. Maybe something in Japan? The theming possibilities should make any Immagineer worth his or her salt drool.
As for the theater... well... I don't think they should get rid of the America Gardens Theater, so I don't think it should be built. There are a lot of things Epcot needs. A new theater is not one of them.


Well-Known Member
A lot of Al Lutz's speculation is wrong (as usual), but he did get the crux of the story, which is that Project Gemini will be done as cheaply as it possibly can be done.

>>>as for the cost comment, keep in mind that the rumor is that money slated to go to the fifth park is going to Epcot. That is a lot of money...<<<

Not when there was next to nothing budgeted for it.


Active Member
I'll admit that I would prefer to see an updated Matterhorn in WS. California Screaming does look like fun but it would be hard to fit in. It is a launched coaster so I don't see why they couldn't just have a extended double launch. First launch out of the station could just be long and flat and get you to the second lauch, with the second launch actually giving you the energy to make it thru the course of the ride. Doing that would allow them to push the coaster far enough back to where it wouldn't be all that prominent over anything else in the park. Anyone else think this could work?


Account Suspended
Imoortant thing to remember about the world showcase...

Remeber how Test track goes out of the park itself into the backlot and then come back around the front? You can that same distance if not farther back around the entire world showcase. It was designed that way.


General Grizz

New Member
KidArea? Who want's a KidArea? What we need is some FamilyArea! Open up a brand new ImageWorks upstairs...that's what we need - none of this computer business (that crashes! :animwink: )


Well-Known Member
Ok, were now stooping very low. WE STILL DON'T WANT EPCOT TO BREAK UP! Here we are with "pheonix" telling us that they will spend all the money on the turnstiles, Lutz saying that we will get everything imaginable, and us believing it! Don't take offence pheonix, but how do we know your in the know? He could just hang off other released info. Do you see him posting new info. Nope.

I'm standing with Fievel here. I'll believe it when I see it.

BTW, Screamin' is a great coaster, and if it was themed and it had a story and brought to WS, it would bring in tons of guests.

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