Pop Warner Madness


New Member
All right, how bad is it?

I've read a few negative posts about the Pop Warner PeeWees and Cheerlittles taking over the parks the first week of December. How bad could it be?

I'm hoping for limited lines, since that is supposed to be the season formerly known as "slow." But now I'm concerned about pint-sized punks throwing elbows to cut in line at the Haunted Mansion, and the spirit squeek sqauds gulping down all the hot chocolate. I don't mind kids ... but a whole mess of kids with limited supervision gives me the willies.

I'm thinking it won't be that bad, since the kids are supposed to be focused on their competitions ... but what have ya'll seen?

Anyone stayed the week of Pop Warner before?


Well-Known Member
All right, how bad is it?

I've read a few negative posts about the Pop Warner PeeWees and Cheerlittles taking over the parks the first week of December. How bad could it be?

I'm hoping for limited lines, since that is supposed to be the season formerly known as "slow." But now I'm concerned about pint-sized punks throwing elbows to cut in line at the Haunted Mansion, and the spirit squeek sqauds gulping down all the hot chocolate. I don't mind kids ... but a whole mess of kids with limited supervision gives me the willies.

I'm thinking it won't be that bad, since the kids are supposed to be focused on their competitions ... but what have ya'll seen?

Anyone stayed the week of Pop Warner before?
we were there last year during Pop Warner week and never felt any impact from it. The only "problem" we had was that we couldn't get a value room, so we stayed at CBR instead. We would occasionally see a small group of PW's in the parks, but nothing concentrated at all, especially outside of MK.
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Well-Known Member
I was there the first week of December during Pop Warner in '01 for a cross country meet, and the parks weren't bad at all, the two first weeks of december are relatively not crowded.
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Active Member
I too am a little nervous about being there that week. My sister and I talked about it and figured that they would be busy with games and cheering most of the time (hopefully). She read somewhere online about how last year some of the girls weren't supervised and ran around their resort all night. I think I would be complaining to the manager at that point. That's not called for.

I guess we'll all find out how it is in a few weeks!
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Well-Known Member
I have to admit, I'm a little nervous about being there the 1st week of December. A friend of mine tried to book her trip the same time I'm going to be there. The rooms available were limited. I hope the crowds at the parks are bearable.

I too am a little nervous about being there that week. My sister and I talked about it and figured that they would be busy with games and cheering most of the time (hopefully). She read somewhere online about how last year some of the girls weren't supervised and ran around their resort all night. I think I would be complaining to the manager at that point. That's not called for.

I guess we'll all find out how it is in a few weeks!
Again, based on last year, we felt no impact whatsoever in the parks.
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Well-Known Member
I will say in 04 they drove us nuts in the parks (mainly MK). I remember standing in the Space Mountain queue and have the cheerleaders cheering, jumping and going absoltely crazy. It was driving me out of my mind. They were screaming and cheering at the top of their lungs in that tunnel. That was not the only time. It was like that throughout the parks. We were bumped into and pushed with no regard. Profane language being yelled back and forth. Now I use my fair share of bad words, but not screamed out at WDW.

I just made my mind not to go back for that week ever again. So my family and I have done our part to reduce the amount of guests that week.
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We make our annual pilgrimage to WDW the week of Pop Warner and the kids have never been a problem. Indeed, the only time we've even been aware of their presence was in 2004 when we made the "mistake" of being at Disney-MGM Studios on Friday afternoon--the lines for TOT and RRNC seemed interminable.
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Active Member
we were there last year during Pop Warner week and never felt any impact from it. The only "problem" we had was that we couldn't get a value room, so we stayed at CBR instead. We would occasionally see a small group of PW's in the parks, but nothing concentrated at all, especially outside of MK.

Agreed... we even stayed at Pop Century and didn't see them or get bothered by them. During the day most of them are playing football.
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tink rules

New Member
I was there last year for it....

I stayed the first couple of days at ASMusic (where alot of them were staying...) They also took over All star sports and parts of POR...

Now... If you are staying at the value resorts - you will probably see them. They travel in groups... supposedly supervised, but I noticed alot of them wandering around alone or with only one or two adults (for like 30 kids...between the ages of 12 & 15) Watch out for them in the parking lots... it seems that not many of them learned how to look before crossing.... They travel in groups - and you will see them in the parks. They do play - but not as much as you might think. They are there for a week and they play their scheduled games and then play in the parks for the rest of the time. I hope you like cheerleading... They will practice outside your windows and run around and use the pool until late. The lines at the value resorts in the food courts are also long because of them. They have their own busses to get to the games, but not the parks. Check in at the values was a zoo last year. (lines out the door...) What kept me up last year was the sounds of the cheerleaders nextdoor from California who arrived late and then proceeded to practice their bulimia all night.... not good.

At the other resorts... you won't really notice them at all.

The EMH's at the MK on either one of the Saturday nights were a ZOO!!! First they are doing the Disney Xmas parade filming the first weekend and add the Pop warner kids, etc...

If you want to see Wishes or anything those nights... catch it from the beach at the poly. and head to another park or plan something else - especially the first weekend when they do the parade.
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forbidden donut

Well-Known Member
You should expect to hear their routines while standing in any line.

The only time I wittnessed them really interfering was in the AK when the Karuka acrobats were about to perform and some den-mother insisted that her little darlings be allowed to peform their routine first :mad:
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New Member
They do not effect the parks as they are at the sports arena. But BEWARE they run wild and there is NO supervision for the cheerleaders! Stay away from the value resorts... It will be worth the extra money not to have the headaches.
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We stayed at POR last year during that time. We didn't actually have a problem with them, BUT they are girls in thier early teens. Our buses were loaded with them, one was always crying, one was always sulking, one was always loud and bossy, etc...We were surrounded!:hammer: At the resort food court, it is not like being in line with a bunch of families....they all pay individually, so the lines move alot slower. We were in bayou bldg #17 with them...when we returned from MVMCP really late last year, the "Mouse Patrol" was walking all around our bldg to tell them to settle down. We were so tired we went right to sleep, I couldn't tell you if they were making noise!

Anyway, we didn't have an actual problem with them, BUT we are going the 10 - 18th this year. It was too many hormones for us!
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We overlapped a little last year, and thought the parks were a little more crowded than usual, but not overly so. From what I have heard though it is very crowded and loud at where they are staying which as someone said usually is the All Stars and POR.
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Well-Known Member
I don't know about Pop Warner, but I've been when they are doing music festivals at Disney, and the value resorts are a MADHOUSE. Especially the All-Stars. If you have to go value, try Pop instead, it seems to be less corwded, as they try to lump all the kids at the All-Stars when I've seen it done. But a Moderate or deluxe resort is definately the way to go for those times.
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Well-Known Member
They don't affect the parks that much, unless you are unlucky enough to get in line around a bunch of screaming and/or cheering juveniles. Many behave properly, but the few that run around yelling and chanting and running over people give them all a bad name.

We stayed at the All Stars one year at the same time... never again. While the parks are not that bad, the All Star resorts are horrid. We stayed at Pop Century one year at the end of their week and didn't notice them as bad. Maybe they keep them confined to the All Stars. :lol:

Overall, parks are not a big deal, but the All Stars can be very trying... especially trying to sleep at night or manuever through the food courts. Oh, the "chaperones" were almost as bad as some of the kids. :rolleyes:
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Active Member
We stayed at POR the 1st week of Dec. 2004. They took over everything!! I did complain once about the noise and was told by the front desk, "They have a right to enjoy the resort as much as you do". There was no use complaining to the manager on duty because he was falling all over them to make sure that all their needs were met.
The busses were packed, they would literally push you out of line to get on in front of you. I had my parents with me and they were pushed several times. The food court was packed. We were happy when we saw the busses there in the morning to take them to their competition. On the days there was not a competition, the impact was felt in the parks, especially MK.
I will never go the first week of December again!
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