Pop Century vs. All Stars


WE are planning a family trip for next Christmas and my brother and I dont agree on which resort is closer to most of the whole Disney complex. I say that Pop Century is right behind CBR and he says that it is much farther away and the All Stars are closer to everything. I think that the All Stars is close to AK(which he has stayed at before) but I think we would do better at Pop Century as far as staying at a value resort and having 5 kids. Any opinions on which would be better? My vote is for Pop Century for numerous reasons.


Park nostalgist
Premium Member
Wow, those are great pictures! I felt like I was walking back to our room at the 50's "C" building. :sohappy:

Tyler - How full is Pop Century running right now? We were curious, because we thought that the Food Court was undersized for the number of rooms (2880), and are worried about staying there again, if we just ran into a good week capacity-wise.
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New Member
Originally posted by wdwforus
WE are planning a family trip for next Christmas and my brother and I dont agree on which resort is closer to most of the whole Disney complex. I say that Pop Century is right behind CBR and he says that it is much farther away and the All Stars are closer to everything. I think that the All Stars is close to AK(which he has stayed at before) but I think we would do better at Pop Century as far as staying at a value resort and having 5 kids. Any opinions on which would be better? My vote is for Pop Century for numerous reasons.

In all honesty, I stayed at Pop Century in january and loved it. The christmas decorations were up and it was incredible inside. The food court had white trees with silver and other colorful decorations. There were wreaths inside with all different color lights on them, but the blue really stood out the most. The resort lobby has a very cool upbeat feeling about it. You will definitely get a memory rush looking at all those things in the case. The buildings are really well designed and i liked the decor in the rooms better than that of the all star resorts. The lake is a cool addition too. My only complaints about the resort is that the parking is not too great and the food court is not as good as the one at all star movies. However, over all, the Pop century resort is really well worth it and I hope to stay there again someday. If you keep your eyes open, you can see them constructing the legendary years across the lake. Have a great trip.
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Well-Known Member
Originally posted by HauntedPirate
Wow, those are great pictures! I felt like I was walking back to our room at the 50's "C" building. :sohappy:

Tyler - How full is Pop Century running right now? We were curious, because we thought that the Food Court was undersized for the number of rooms (2880), and are worried about staying there again, if we just ran into a good week capacity-wise.

Since we opened, we've been averaging the high 80's to low 90s during midweek, and 90-100% on the weekend. However, the past week has been a bit slower, and given us a well needed break. :)
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New Member
Originally posted by Invero
Since we opened, we've been averaging the high 80's to low 90s during midweek, and 90-100% on the weekend. However, the past week has been a bit slower, and given us a well needed break. :)

Tomorrow's going to be a shock compared to the rest of the week.
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Well-Known Member
Oh wow! I can't wait! I started singing "Im walkin right down the middle of mainstreet usa...." etc my husband just looked at me like I had completely lost my mind!

so is 50's C bldg a good one to shoot for? 12 in our group, 6 children, one child and one senior on oxygen for health reasons. the child will be going to the room for breathing treatments during the day so something close by would be best. the cm said they would work with me on this, but as weve never stayed at pop didn't know what to ask for....not paying the extra $10 a night per room...3 rooms/10 nights would put a significant in the budget.
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New Member

I'm sufficiently jealous of you now! LOL We stay off season and manage to do just about everything in about 6, but 10 would be GREAT!

I see an extended vacation in 2005! :)
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Well-Known Member
Originally posted by wdwforus
I was wondering what building would be the best to stay in. We dont want to be too far from a bus stop or pools and food court but we dont want to be right on top of the food court either. I think my Mom wants a preffered room but a standard is good for us. .

Jut got back 2 weeks ago and loved PC. We stayed in Blg 6 (70's) facing the Lake. It's a couple of minutes to the pool, food and buses
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New Member
Originally posted by brisem
Jut got back 2 weeks ago and loved PC. We stayed in Blg 6 (70's) facing the Lake. It's a couple of minutes to the pool, food and buses

Are you speaking of the 70's building "A"? That is the 70's building facing Hourglass Lake.
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Well-Known Member
Originally posted by LadyDarling

I'm sufficiently jealous of you now! LOL We stay off season and manage to do just about everything in about 6, but 10 would be GREAT!

I see an extended vacation in 2005! :)

We have gone for 5/6 days before this is a special trip thats why we are staying so long. We figured we'd really need this much time to see the parks w/ our group.
This is our first trip as a Grand Gathering and some of us will have to take frequent trips back to the room for medical reasons. We are also planning on going to the beach one day and having some down time in between. Some in our group are not able to hit & tour hard. But we will have fun!
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Well-Known Member
I'm sure if you explicitly ask for the rooms in the standard rate building closest to the Hippy Dippy Theme Pool and Everything POP, they will be more than happy to do so. They know which building is the closest to them haha. You will either be in the 1950s or the 1970s. 1950s A and 1970s B are the two standard buildings that are closest to Classic Hall. Enjoy your Grand Gathering! I'm heading down in 3 days!:D :D :cool: :cool: :wave:
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New Member
You know. Some Things to consider about PC resort. WE DID NOT LIKE IT. We have stayed on disney properties for over 20 times (and NOT a vacation club member). Side note: Being a Disney Addict and living in Chicago suburbs is NOT a good idea.

Pop Century:

- Immensly more crowded than the other Allstars (Were at PC between 12/27/03 and 01/03/04).

- Rooms are MUCH more noisy (Thinner walls? Less Concerete?? LOL... although NOT kidding here.)

- Walkways and areas between the buildings are much smaller, the whole resort is much "tighter". More people+Smaller Footprint = Less feeling of being away from a park.

- Perhaps the smallest parking lots there are (People/rooms ratio). Parking near your room will be a challenge.

- Personally, I could care less about the decorations and theming... I get ALL of the Allstars (POP is an Allstar with a different name) confused due to the frequency we have been there.... Of course we only see the themes early in the AM, and LATE in the PM anyway... We are away having fun at the parks or other... We don't stay at a value to be at a "RESORT"... if you want to enjoy the resort try the Mids at the least... better yet AK Lodge or Wilderness.

- GOOD notes: Food court/Food was much nicer than the other Allstars... however due to the number of people, could become significantly more crowded.

- BAD notes: Disney FORGOT about this resort on 12/31/03. There simply was no way to drive back due to the changing of most streets to "ONE-WAY" for all the cars. Took us 2.5 hours to get back to our hotel from Epcot.

- The distance I feel is about the same. The distance to the enterance to EPCOT is further since you are on the back side! Also, the distance to MGM is about the same (Same Road, just a different side... left had turn instead of a right, etc.)! It is harder to get back to PC, because of the exits and its positional location. The exit to Coronado if you are coming from MK or EPCOT takes you immediately right back to the Allstars (Shame on anyone for taking the "official way", and not thinking creatively).

- The McDonalds (if you need it) is virtually right outside the allstars, there is nothing else like it closer to PC. Good luck driving to Downtown Disney and finding a parking place to get to the McDonalds there.

- Food for thought. Heading back to WDW 6/17 Through 6/22 for you reading the thread. Taking 9 people total (3 groups from within the families). Will NOT be staying at the Pop Century.

Have a Great trip regardless of where you stay... We will
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Original Poster
Well here is our Grand Gathering take on what we are trying to accomplish. There will be at least my 5 ( Wife, 10yr & 9yr girls, 2yr boy), my brother and his 3(Wife, 9yr & 5yr boys) my sis and her husband, my parents(who started this Disney love affair 27 years ago) and my brothers in-laws. Possibly my in-laws and sis-in-law w/husband and 1 son. I personally have been 6 times, wife a couple of times and my girls once last trip in 2002. I have stayed at the Contemp, FW campground, offsite, and CB last time. My parents have stayed at all the above and at GF for their 25th anniversary. My brother stayed at AS when he took his family in 2002 and liked it. Not all of us are on the same budjet. My sis might stay at a Mod or higher. MY in-laws if they come might go to Shades of Green as my bro-in-law is in the Air Force. My immediately family though will stay mostly together and we decided to try a new resort. The big push behind this is that my father has what is called calcification of the plural lining, sometimes reffered to asbetosis. It will eventually turn to mesotheloma(sp). My moms dad died of this back in 1985 and now her husband has it. It will kill him eventually, so, before he gets really sick we want to do this trip as a family. My parents are extremely involved with the grand kids. It is basically what they spend all their free time doing. They want to be able to see the grand kids enjoy what myself and my siblings enjoyed on trips with them over the last 37 years. As I think I have already posted we wont be using the "room" as much as the rest of the resort and the parks. Mostly naps for the lil one. We have decided to go at Christmas time because we have always gone in the spring during school vacations and thought it would be great to experience a different time frame. We are staying most likely 9/10 nights and plan on trying to do a more relaxed pace this time. When I went with my wife and kids 2 years ago we were only there for 5 nights and had a hectic pace. My wife is about a foot shorter than me( as is almost every one else in my family) and her stride is much shorter and she gets on me about walking too fast. So we want to try and plan this out to smallest detail so that we can enjoy our time as this will be the only time I get to do this with my parents. I havent been there with them since 1987. I have been reading just about any info I can find on Christmas at Disney, Pop Century, toddlers, grand gatherings, etc. Hopefully this all works out and we have a great time.
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New Member
Originally posted by VacationMan

Pop Century:

- Immensly more crowded than the other Allstars (Were at PC between 12/27/03 and 01/03/04).
:hammer: Have you ever been to WDW during peak holiday times? It's always crowded even at the AllStars.
. - Rooms are MUCH more noisy (Thinner walls? Less Concerete?? LOL... although NOT kidding here.)
You experience this at many locations in Orlando including the AllStars.
. - Perhaps the smallest parking lots there are (People/rooms ratio). Parking near your room will be a challenge.
They have added additional parking. If you read earlier posts you will find pictures of newly paved lots. Check this link for pictures of PC which include newly paved parking lots. http://www.fricknfrack.net/pop/pop1.html
. - Personally, I could care less about the decorations and theming... I get ALL of the Allstars (POP is an Allstar with a different name) confused due to the frequency we have been there.... Of course we only see the themes early in the AM, and LATE in the PM anyway... We are away having fun at the parks or other... We don't stay at a value to be at a "RESORT"... if you want to enjoy the resort try the Mids at the least... better yet AK Lodge or Wilderness.
:hammer: It was clearly noted as a "Value Resort". If you cared less about the decorations and theming then why did you stay at PC? I don't understand why you made this statement.
- BAD notes: Disney FORGOT about this resort on 12/31/03. There simply was no way to drive back due to the changing of most streets to "ONE-WAY" for all the cars. Took us 2.5 hours to get back to our hotel from Epcot.
You failed to understand the number of people in attendance for New Year's Eve at each of the parks at WDW. In order to get the flow of people out of the parks easily and quickly, they had to make the streets one way in order to accomplish their goal. Think about leaving a stadium after a football game or concert.
It takes forever to get that many people out.

I have stayed many times at the AllStars and my first trip to PC is in 3 weeks. :sohappy: I expect nothing more than what I am used to from the AllStars. I like the fact that we can stay on Disney property for such a value price and still receive the benefits of early park entrance, busses (if needed) and ENights.

I hope your next trip is more magical and less stressfull than your past.

Have a magical day!
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Pop Century has 2880 rooms. Each theme at the All-Stars have 1920. They added a floor to each building and 4 rooms per wing (12 per side vs. 10).
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New Member
Originally posted by humphrybear
:hammer: Have you ever been to WDW during peak holiday times? It's always crowded even at the AllStars.

Yes. On more than 10 occassions.... How many times have you been over the July 4th, or Xmas, or New Years? PC Was the worst yet experience over the holidays at a Disney Property.

You experience this at many locations in Orlando including the AllStars.

We are comparing All stars here to PC. Not to other resorts either on or off property. PC is Definately louder than ANY we have stayed at. Including being able to hear through the walls and Ceiling/Floor. We have never experienced such loud noises over HOLIDAYS at Allstars

They have added additional parking. If you read earlier posts you will find pictures of newly paved lots. Check this link for pictures of PC which include newly paved parking lots. http://www.fricknfrack.net/pop/pop1.html

Good for them. They need it. Someone really screwed up in the Parking Design. Sounds like someone listened to Feedback from Guests. I would guess from how things were laid out (Did not see the pictures Yet), that they are "outer-lots" even further away. The Buildings seem to be closer at the PC, meaning that parking will be futher no matter what they do.

:hammer: It was clearly noted as a "Value Resort". If you cared less about the decorations and theming then why did you stay at PC? I don't understand why you made this statement.

Because PC was new. It has just opened 14 days prior, and we wanted to try the "Latest" Disney offering.... Never again. When we want atmoshpere we go to at least some of the Mid-priced resorts (Like Carribean Beach)... or if we are lucky... Wilderness Lodge.

You failed to understand the number of people in attendance for New Year's Eve at each of the parks at WDW. In order to get the flow of people out of the parks easily and quickly, they had to make the streets one way in order to accomplish their goal. Think about leaving a stadium after a football game or concert.
It takes forever to get that many people out.

We have stayed at both Allstars and 2 Mid-priced resorts during holidays (Coronado two times, and I forget the other.... as it is easy to forget). Disney Simply FORGOT about people returning to PC as it was new (14 Days). It was riddiculous. We could see the resort, but had to creep by to a side road. They would not allow return traffic on a side road. At 2AM The Disney Security Guys (And the extra guys hired SPECIFICALLY FOR THE EVENING) simply packed up and left as mini-vans picked them and their cones up. The state troopers (about one per intersection) actually left sooner. I was able to make a U-Turn and get my family to the room.... AFTER over 2 Hours. Disney Simply did not care about this resort. It was missed.

I have stayed many times at the AllStars and my first trip to PC is in 3 weeks. :sohappy: I expect nothing more than what I am used to from the AllStars. I like the fact that we can stay on Disney property for such a value price and still receive the benefits of early park entrance, busses (if needed) and ENights.

If you expect the same experince as at the allstars, I sincerely wish you the best. We did not receive it. Even after staying at "Allstar Movies" just after it opened (3 weeks after that time) and had a wonderful time. Disney simply tried to make a copy of the Allstars, Reduce the expense, and Luckily attempt to improve the Dining Experience... I believe the re-did the Dining at the Allstar Sports 3 times to get it "mostly" correct.

I think people considering where to stay at Disney "Value" resorts, should look to some of the allstars first.

I hope your next trip is more magical and less stressfull than your past.

Me Too. We decided to stay off property this time, due to time and convience.... Can you say "Hotel Row" near Downtown Disney. We have been watching the mousesavers.com site for values, and ended up getting an excellent value at Expedia (For once... never had received a "lower quote" from there once.... except for now). We stay at the Allstars, Moderates, or Premium Resorts when we go down during off-seasons... when Disney gets serious About discounting..... Stopped for a while when the ended the "Early Openings" and the Package Delivery to the room. At least the returned with the "Early Openings" after soooooo many complaints. Its a shame we can't get our packages to the room. Waiting at Guest services to retrieve the packages was simply a mess, and long lines depending on the time you went. We started going in the evenings.... even though there is only usually 1-3 cast memebers staffing at that time.

Recently some off-site resorts that approach or are near the Allstar quality (Hmmmmm.) have been discounting Significantly below the allstars. Although... If we want the full Disney Effect, we usually get a Mid-price to Premium resort. We will be going to Universal to ride the "Mummy" ride this time. universal is offering 5 DAYS for under $90 at their site (per person park hopper) if you simply use a Mastercard.... 5 tickets for the price of 4, and price is about $92.00 per ticket.... So this time, it makes sense to stay off property.

Have a magical day!

You Too! Always glad to hear another Disney Fan's expierience.
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Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Woody13
Are you speaking of the 70's building "A"? That is the 70's building facing Hourglass Lake.

Yes. We stayed on the fourth floor. As for the noise, we didn't the people to either side of us. Parking wasn't a problem.

The view from there was the Lake and Legendy years and it looked like MGM's Tower of terror
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New Member
Originally posted by brisem
Yes. We stayed on the fourth floor. As for the noise, we didn't the people to either side of us. Parking wasn't a problem.

The view from there was the Lake and Legendy years and it looked like MGM's Tower of terror

Yep, same story here. We stayed in room 6338 (3rd floor) and thought it was just great! I think it's the best building of the group when you take parking, proximity to Classic Hall, noise and theme into account. The big Mickey phone is cool!

I too enjoy a "cold" room and we never had a problem with the A/C thermostat.:wave:
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