polynesian dinner show?


Active Member
ok so me and my H got married at sunset point at the polynesion but never stayed there so for our annivesary were staying 2nights , trying to decide if the dinner show is worth it? its quite expensive and we love to eat at the protabello yacht club so dont know if we wnat to forfeit eating there for the dinner show unless its totally awesome!!! Thanks !


Well-Known Member
Well, this is just a personal opinion so, take it as such...

The dinner show is not spectacular in the least. The food is iffy and the show itself is okay. Would I do it again? No. Am I glad I did it once? Yes. Are there better ways to spend your time and money at WDW? Absolutely!!
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Well-Known Member
I've heard conflicting reports. I haven't been to the new one though.

If this is to be your one big fling then maybe you might want to stick to what you know. If you can afford another big dinner then give it a try and see for yourself.
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Lauriebar said:
Well, this is just a personal opinion so, take it as such...

The dinner show is not spectacular in the least. The food is iffy and the show itself is okay. Would I do it again? No. Am I glad I did it once? Yes. Are there better ways to spend your time and money at WDW? Absolutely!!

I would agree 100%. I love the Polynesian and enjoyed going back to the dinner show in Feb 2004 with my wife who had never seen it, but I would rather spend my money in the future at Ohana.
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parker kim

New Member
my husband and I and our 2 kids did the dinner show in summer 01. We though it was great. though we did make reservation 18months ahead and had front row middle seating.we thouhgt all the food was real good and the dancers were great. we did go to maui for our honnymoon. My husband isn't disney crazy like I am. He says this was his favorit thing we that week, go figure.
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Well-Known Member
parker kim said:
my husband and I and our 2 kids did the dinner show in summer 01. We though it was great. though we did make reservation 18months ahead and had front row middle seating.we thouhgt all the food was real good and the dancers were great. we did go to maui for our honnymoon. My husband isn't disney crazy like I am. He says this was his favorit thing we that week, go figure.

Did you see the kids show? We really liked that.

The show was completely overhauled and is totally different now. Check this out:

Click Here
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New Member
This is making me rethink my reservation. I have a reservation booked for our trip in October, bringing my 2 year old daughter. My wife and I are huge polynesian fans, and love everything hawaiian/etc. Is this worth my time. Especially w/ a two year old
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New Member
I did the Luau twice, once in 1995 and again in 1996. Both times were incredible experiences. Since there is a new show, I cant comment on it's quality. However, the old show was done so well, I took my parents to it for their anniversary - and my mother is an extremely picky eater and get's annoyed very easily when she isn't having a good time. SHE LOVED IT! The old show had it's cast trained at the Polynesian Cultural Center on Oahu, and is supposed to be a very authentic show. Plus we had opportunities to learn how to make grass skirts and lei's before we were seated. Everyone received a shell necklace/lei when you arrived. The food was plentiful, very tastey, and the service very warm and friendly. I would also recommend the later showing. Something about the flaming torches, the night sky, and being near the lake front just made it all the more magical. I hope that the new show hasn't become as bad as some say in other boards. Remember, most people tend to complain and let everyone know about it, though the ones who had a great time and enjoyed themselves rarely post things on boards like this. I work in a service industry, and you always hear complaints, rarely hear praise, and generally the complaints are greatly exaggerated or focus on one honest problem and blow the others out of proportion. Hope this helps.
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New Member
As a follow up suggestion to IwishIlivedinWDW, I'd say no - it's not something for small children. If I remember correctly, it's roughly a 90 min to 2hour experience, including the time before you are seated and when you finally leave. Even the most attentive and well behaved 2 yr olds would tire of sitting still and just watching something like that very quickly. I wouldn't recommend ANY dinner show except those that are aimed directly at kids or a wider audience age with characters for any kid that's not school age. Do they still offer the earlier show which is a different version with the characters? If so, that might be the one for you.
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New Member

My reasons for my boyfriend and I going are totally different because they are for sentimental reasons of days gone by. That is why we go when time allows but is not life or death.
The food is definitely nothing to rave about (except for the salad which I happen to like). The show is ok. I like the dancing and especially the fire dancer. What can get really annoying is the story line. Frankly it's corny with humor that might have been "cool" in the late 80s or early 90s, but not now in 2005. Maybe some kids might find it entertaining but many that I have seem would rather run around and play than sit there and watch it.
I think everything is worth a try once since these are only opinions and everyone sees the same show with different eyes :)
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Active Member
This dinner show was one of the wrost dinner show in my experience. First, it is REAL expensive. The seats are not very comfortable and the room is so small. The food is far away from good especially with such a high price. The show, was, well.....I would say not my type of thing casue I expected something better. Some parts of it were really boring if you ask me. With such a high price, I would never do it again. Especially, when you could chose Ohana, (one of the best restaurant of entire WDW and with far cheaper price) near by, I wouldn't recommand this.
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