POFQ refurbishments for some rooms starting soon:


read today on another website that the pool closed again for refurbishment. guests can take a shuttle or walk to RS to use the pool over there.

It's not closed for refurbishment. The pool is closed because a water pipe burst. It will reopen once it has been repaired.


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know with the recent rains if the boats to DS have started running again? I’m not sure if the heavy rains made it that far north.


Well-Known Member
Dont want to ruin anyones trip buuuuut I hope there are enough rainy days to keep those water ways filled enough to keep those boats operating.


Well-Known Member
Why do you say that? Meaning, they are probably going to stop running within the next few weeks?
Can you predict when rain is going to hit and how much will fall? Neither can I. Can you predict how fast the water that has arrived recently will dry up? Neither can I. The waterways have been low for quite some time now with boat service halted. I want enough rain to keep the boats running, but if it rains it will affect someone’s trip negatively.


New Member
Trying to get information also from anyone staying currently or upcoming what they see about refurbishments. Wondering if it’s rooms or just exterior work? Thank you most kindly.

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